egroj world: Juan Amalbert's Latin Jazz Quintet • The Chant

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Juan Amalbert's Latin Jazz Quintet • The Chant

Abdul-Rahim, Emmanuel (Juan Amalbert) (b. 1934)
Maestro percusionista e ingeniero de grabación; Hijo de Annie Swinton Johnson y Juan Amalbert, su madre era parte del monte. Agradable (SC), al este de las familias del río Cooper de Swintons y Ascues - su padre era puertorriqueño; Nacido Emmanuel Amalbert, Abdul-Rahim más tarde comenzó a grabar bajo el nombre de su padre, Juan Amalbert, en reverencia a él; Creció y vivió en Nueva York y Copenhague, y recientemente se ha vuelto a conectar con su casa "ancestral" (Charleston);
Tocó con la Duke Ellington Orchestra y grabó "Jaywalker" con el grupo destacando su exquisito juego africano rítmico en los tambores de conga; También interpretó a Sarah Vaughan (su modelo a seguir), Josephine Baker, Aretha Franklin, Ahmad Jamal, Nancy Wilson, Art Blakey y los Jazz Messengers, la Orquesta Thad Jones y bandas dirigidas por James Moody y John Coltrane; Percusionista para Katherine Dunham; Ha producido o dirigido grabaciones para James Moody, Clark Terry, Eric Dolphy y Jimmy Cliff; Abandonó los Estados Unidos en 1956 y recorrió Europa, África y Asia; Su quinteto de jazz latino basado en Copenhague oscila con los ritmos clave Yambu y Yoruba.


Abdul-Rahim, Emmanuel (John Amalbert) (b. 1934)
Master percussionist and recording engineer; son of Annie Swinton Johnson and Juan Amalbert, his mother was part of the mountain. Agradable (SC), east of the Cooper River families of Swintons and Ascues - his father was Puerto Rican; Born Emmanuel Amalbert, Abdul-Rahim later began recording under the name of his father, Juan Amalbert, in reverence to him; He grew up and lived in New York and Copenhagen, and has recently reconnected with his "ancestral" home (Charleston);
He played with the Duke Ellington Orchestra and recorded "Jaywalker" with the group highlighting their exquisite African rhythmic play on conga drums; he also played Sarah Vaughan (his role model), Josephine Baker, Aretha Franklin, Ahmad Jamal, Nancy Wilson, Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, the Thad Jones Orchestra and bands led by James Moody and John Coltrane; Percussionist for Katherine Dunham; Produced or directed recordings for James Moody, Clark Terry, Eric Dolphy and Jimmy Cliff; left the United States in 1956 and toured Europe, Africa and Asia; His Latin jazz quintet based in Copenhagen oscillates with the key rhythms Yambu and Yoruba.

01 - G.T.'s Theme
02 - There's No You
03 - The Chant
04 - Invitation
05 - Jackie's Mambo
06 - Dorian
07 - Yesterday's Child
08 - Star Eyes

Juan Amalbert-Drums y conga
Bobby Capers-Saxos alto y tenor
Manny Ramos-Drums y timbales
Bill Ellington-Bass
Willy Gardner-Piano
Willie Rivens-Vibes
Victor Allende-Flute

Label: Tru-Sound ‎– 15012
Released: 1962
Genre: Jazz
Style: Latin Jazz  


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