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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tomasz Stańko • Bosonossa


Review by Thom Jurek
Polish trumpeter, bandleader, and composer Tomasz Stanko has created a ballads album worthy of the hearty approval of his former employer, Kryzsztof Pendereki. With the aid of pianist Bobo Stenson, bassist Anders Jormin, and drummer Tony Oxley, Stanko has composed and recorded a series of vanguard ballads that make full use of his tonal palette and chromatic invention. Stanko composes a great deal for film and here it shows with the lush textures, rich timbres, and angular sonances. The set opens with the glorious "Sunia," which features Stenson in an unusually aggressive mode, attacking the upper middle register with 16-note runs and turnarounds in the key signature before Stanko brings it back to earth, very slowly with a mournful wail with a hearty echo put on his trumpet. On "Morning Heavy Song," it feels like all the funerals in the world have been times to begin at once. With the difficult, angular trumpet lines criss-crossing the middle registers of Stenson's piano with large, dense chords, it could have been entitled "Morning Suicide Song." The title track is a sweet relief in the contrapuntal lyricism between Stanko and Stenson and the point-on-point drumming of Oxley, who shifts his allegiances from tune to soloist with amazing alacrity. In all, pretty much a stunner from Stanko, and every bit the equal, if not the superior, of any of his ECM titles.


Reseña de Thom Jurek
El trompetista, director de orquesta y compositor polaco Tomasz Stanko ha creado un álbum de baladas digno de la sincera aprobación de su antiguo patrón, Kryzsztof Pendereki. Con la ayuda del pianista Bobo Stenson, el bajista Anders Jormin y el batería Tony Oxley, Stanko ha compuesto y grabado una serie de baladas de vanguardia que hacen pleno uso de su paleta tonal y su inventiva cromática. Stanko compone mucho para el cine y aquí se nota con las exuberantes texturas, los ricos timbres y las sonoridades angulares. El conjunto se abre con la gloriosa «Sunia», que presenta a Stenson en un modo inusualmente agresivo, atacando el registro medio superior con carreras de 16 notas y giros en la armadura antes de que Stanko lo devuelva a la tierra, muy lentamente con un lúgubre lamento con un cordial eco puesto en su trompeta. En «Morning Heavy Song», parece como si todos los funerales del mundo hubieran empezado a la vez. Con las difíciles y angulosas líneas de trompeta entrecruzando los registros medios del piano de Stenson con grandes y densos acordes, podría haberse titulado «Morning Suicide Song». El tema que da título al disco es un dulce alivio en el lirismo contrapuntístico entre Stanko y Stenson y la batería de Oxley, que cambia de melodía a solista con una presteza asombrosa. En resumen, una maravilla de Stanko, a la altura, si no por encima, de cualquiera de sus títulos para ECM.

1 - Sunia - 13:14
2 - White Ballad - 9:52
3 - Maldoror's War Song - 9:06
4 - Morning Heavy Song - 8:16
5 - Bosonossa - 8:19
6 - Die Weisheit Von Isidore Ducasse - 9:39

    Bass – Anders Jormin
    Composed By, Producer – Tomasz Stańko
    Coordinator [Recording] – Jarosław Orłowski
    Design [Cover], Photography By – Artur Tajber
    Drums – Tony Oxley
    Engineer [Recording] – Rafał Paczkowski
    Executive-Producer – Marek Winiarski, Zdzisław Gogulski
    Painting [Cover] – Joanna Stańko
    Piano – Bobo Stenson
    Trumpet – Tomasz Stańko

Recorded at S4 Studio, Warszawa, March 29, 30 & April 1, 1993

Label:    GOWI Records – CDG 08
Country:    Poland
Released:    1993
Genre:    Jazz
Style:    Contemporary Jazz

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