egroj world: Mike Stern • Trip

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mike Stern • Trip


Having established himself as an imaginative technical wizard in the forefront of the fusion movement during the 1980's, guitarist Mike Stern has left an indelible mark on the way the instrument is utilized in the jazz idiom - But there would be an unforeseen event that would test his physical and emotional will to overcome adversity - In July of 2016 Stern suffered a serious accident when he tripped over construction debris leaving his apartment in New York City - This led to severe fractures in both arms, and critical nerve damage extending to fingers in his right hand - After several operations and intense therapy, he was back on the guitar, and Trip proves he has not lost any of his amazing musical prowess.

Assembling an all-star cast of accompanists, Stern went back into the studio to record his 17th release as leader, and re-affirm his place as a force to be reckoned with - The title track opens with Stern's signature blazing riffs bouncing off the bedrock foundation consisting of Victor Wooten on bass and Dennis Chambers on drums - The perennial Miles Davis influence is revived on "Blueprint," which features Randy Brecker on trumpet, and Jim Beard on organ and keys - Beard plays keyboards throughout, and also produced the project, as he has so many of Stern's previous endeavors - "Hope For That," has long-time friend and drummer, Dave Weckl sitting in, who possibly knows Stern's music better than anyone, and can accent the changes with a refined brilliance

The music takes a traditional swing orientation on "Half Crazy," that brings in Lenny White on drums, bassist Teymur Phell, and Bill Evans on tenor - White and Phell are part of his working band, and the musical interconnection is evident - This same lineup and feeling returns on "Scotch Tape and Glue," named after the process Stern created to be able to hold the pick with his right hand after the accident.

Trumpeter Wallace Roney performs on "Screws," a funk-fusion excursion sans bass, opting for an electronic pulse on the lower end - This is pure Stern territory as he takes his Strat into the outer limits, Roney augmenting the amplified tension in the higher registers - They continue with this instrumental arrangement on "B Train," which is a groove injected, spaced-out version of "Take The A Train," Roney again demonstrating why he is one of the premier horn men on the scene - Beard also shows formidable piano chops on this venture, as the song goes through some adventurous straight ahead sections.

Stern exposes his sensitive side with the acoustical, "Gone," presenting his dexterity on the nylon six string - His wife Leni Stern, plays the African three stringed ngoni on "Amelia," which has vocalist Gio Moratti joining Stern in singing, in what might sound like an unusual format for Stern, as he is identified with his powerful electric persona - Leni reappears on "I Believe You," that has drummer Will Calhoun and bassist Edmond Gilmore adding their talents to this uplifting ballad.

Though Trip stands on its own merits as a quality Stern recording, with the back story concerning the accident, it represents an artist with an unwavering sense of purpose - Stern accepted the arduous medical situation he was confronting, and was steadfast in his belief that he would endure and overcome, with his guitar abilities intact - This is a testament to that -
By James Nadal
August 1, 2017


Habiéndose establecido como un mago técnico imaginativo a la vanguardia del movimiento de fusión durante la década de 1980, el guitarrista Mike Stern ha dejado una marca indeleble en la forma en que se utiliza el instrumento en el idioma del jazz - Pero habría un imprevisto que pondría a prueba su voluntad física y emocional para superar la adversidad - En julio de 2016, Stern sufrió un grave accidente cuando tropezó con escombros de construcción al salir de su apartamento en la ciudad de Nueva York - Esto provocó fracturas graves en ambos brazos y daño nervioso crítico que se extendió a los dedos de su mano derecha - Después de varias operaciones y una intensa terapia, volvió a tocar la guitarra, y Trip demuestra que no ha perdido nada de su increíble destreza musical.

Reuniendo un elenco estelar de acompañantes, Stern regresó al estudio para grabar su lanzamiento número 17 como líder y reafirmar su lugar como una fuerza a tener en cuenta - La canción principal comienza con los riffs ardientes característicos de Stern rebotando en la base sólida que consiste en Victor Wooten al bajo y Dennis Chambers a la batería - La perenne influencia de Miles Davis se revive en "Blueprint", que presenta a Randy Brecker a la trompeta y Jim Beard al órgano y las teclas - Beard toca los teclados en todo momento y también produjo el proyecto, ya que tiene muchos de los esfuerzos anteriores de Stern - "Hope For That", tiene sentado a Dave Weckl, amigo y baterista desde hace mucho tiempo, quien posiblemente conoce la música de Stern mejor que nadie y puede acentuar los cambios con una brillantez refinada

La música toma una orientación tradicional de swing en "Half Crazy", que trae a Lenny White a la batería, al bajista Teymur Phell y a Bill Evans al tenor - White y Phell son parte de su banda de trabajo, y la interconexión musical es evidente - Esta misma alineación y sensación regresa en "Cinta Adhesiva y pegamento", llamada así por el proceso que Stern creó para poder sostener la púa con la mano derecha después del accidente.

El trompetista Wallace Roney interpreta "Screws", una excursión de fusión funk sin bajo, optando por un pulso electrónico en el extremo inferior - Este es un territorio severo puro, ya que lleva su Strat a los límites exteriores, Roney aumentando la tensión amplificada en los registros superiores - Continúan con este arreglo instrumental en "B Train", que es una versión espaciada e inyectada en groove de "Take The A Train", Roney demostrando nuevamente por qué es uno de los mejores trompetistas de la escena - Beard también muestra formidables habilidades para el piano en esta aventura, ya que la canción atraviesa algunas secciones aventureras en línea recta.

Stern expone su lado sensible con la acústica, "Gone", presentando su destreza en la cuerda de nylon seis - Su esposa Leni Stern interpreta al ngoni africano de tres cuerdas en "Amelia", en la que el vocalista Gio Moratti se une a Stern para cantar, en lo que podría sonar como un formato inusual para Stern, ya que se lo identifica con su poderosa personalidad eléctrica - Leni reaparece en "I Believe You", que tiene al baterista Will Calhoun y al bajista Edmond Gilmore agregando sus talentos a esta balada edificante.

Aunque Trip se destaca por sus propios méritos como una grabación severa de calidad, con la historia de fondo sobre el accidente, representa a un artista con un inquebrantable sentido de propósito - Stern aceptó la ardua situación médica a la que se enfrentaba y se mantuvo firme en su creencia de que aguantaría y superaría, con sus habilidades con la guitarra intactas - Este es un testimonio de eso -
Por James Nadal
1 de agosto de 2017


01 - Trip
02 - Blueprint
03 - Half Crazy
04 - Screws
05 - Gone
06 - Whatchacallit
07 - Emilia
08 - Hope For That
09 - I Believe You
10 - Scotch Tape and Glue
11 - B Train

    Bass – Edmond Gilmore (tracks: 5,9), Teymur Phell (tracks: 3,4,7,8,10,11), Tom Kennedy (2) (tracks: 2,6), Victor Wooten (tracks: 1)
    Drums – Dave Weckl (tracks: 8), Dennis Chambers (tracks: 1,2,6), Lenny White (tracks: 3,4,10,11), Will Calhoun (tracks: 5,9)
    Guitar – Mike Stern
    Ngoni – Leni Stern (tracks: 7,9)
    Percussion – Elhadji Alioune Faye* (tracks: 10), Arto Tuncboyaciyan (tracks: 1,2,4,7,8)
    Piano, Keyboards – Jim Beard
    Tenor Saxophone – Bill Evans (3) (tracks: 3,10), Bob Franceschini (tracks: 1,6)
    Trumpet – Randy Brecker (tracks: 2), Wallace Rooney III (tracks: 4,11)
    Vocals – Giovanni Moretti (tracks: 7)

Label:    Heads Up International – HUI00010
CD, Album
Country:    US
Released:    8 de sept de 2017
Genre:    Jazz
Style:    Fusion, Contemporary Jazz, Jazz-Rock


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