egroj world: George Coleman • At Yoshi's




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Thursday, July 11, 2024

George Coleman • At Yoshi's


Review by Michael G. Nastos:
When any recording made by George Coleman is issued, it's an instant event. Though Coleman has always been busy performing, writing, and especially teaching, scant few LPs or CDs have come listeners' way. It is especially thrilling to hear him live in concert performance at the initial site of the then newly minted Yoshi's in Oakland, CA, as his extended techniques and heightened sense of tonal ideas come fully to the fore. Coleman and pianist Harold Mabern, both originally from the fertile jazz scene in Memphis, make the perfect tandem, ably supported by super pros in expatriate drummer Alvin Queen and veteran New York bassist Ray Drummond, both of whom Coleman played with when he was in Europe. There are many solemn, laid-back, and reflective moments from Coleman, as both of the opening tracks, "They Say It's Wonderful" and "Good Morning Heartache," warm slowly and simmer at their easily swinging maximum, with the tenor man progressively squeezing out more and more notes in refined fashion. Never far from the soul of his homeland, "Laig Gobblin' Blues" is a refreshing modal original by the leader, a 5/4 beat in a 12-bar idea, with 7/4 tossed in cleverly. The dignity and class of Coleman cannot be overemphasized, as he further displays on his neat and clean composition "Father." A lovely and loping "Soul Eyes" is a perfect closer over its nearly 17 minutes, giving pause to the thought that it was in fact Coleman who influenced John Coltrane. The quick, constantly forward-moving Freddie Hubbard standard waltz "Up Jumped Spring" further shows a relationship between the tenor titans, with the band quoting Trane's "Olé." The talent of Mabern is formidable, tasteful, and exciting, as showcased during his rumbling chords during "Io," a killer modal track written by Paul Arslanian, as Coleman inserts a memorable singsong line and Queen injects some calypso. This one is as definitive a track as Coleman has in his repertoire. Frankly, the whole CD from top to bottom has Coleman and his band inspired to the hilt and playing their best, and At Yoshi's is a highly recommended effort that deserves a space on each and every jazz lover's shelf.


Reseña de Michael G. Nastos:
Cuando se emite cualquier grabación hecha por George Coleman, es un evento instantáneo. Aunque Coleman siempre ha estado ocupado actuando, escribiendo y especialmente enseñando, pocos LP o CD han llegado a los oyentes. Es especialmente emocionante escucharlo en vivo en concierto en el sitio inicial de Yoshi's en Oakland, CA, ya que sus técnicas extendidas y su mayor sentido de las ideas tonales pasan a primer plano. Coleman y el pianista Harold Mabern, ambos originarios de la fértil escena del jazz en Memphis, forman el tándem perfecto, hábilmente apoyados por súper profesionales en el baterista expatriado Alvin Queen y el veterano bajista de Nueva York Ray Drummond, con quienes Coleman tocó cuando estaba en Europa. Hay muchos momentos solemnes, relajados y reflexivos de Coleman, ya que las dos pistas iniciales, "They Say It's Wonderful" y "Good Morning Heartache", se calientan lentamente y hierven a fuego lento en su máximo de balanceo, con el tenor exprimiendo progresivamente más y más notas de manera refinada. Nunca lejos del alma de su tierra natal, "Laig Gobblin' Blues " es un refrescante modal original del líder, un ritmo de 5/4 en una idea de 12 compases, con 7/4 lanzados hábilmente. La dignidad y la clase de Coleman no se pueden enfatizar lo suficiente, ya que muestra aún más en su composición ordenada y limpia "Padre."Un encantador y entrecortado" Soul Eyes " es un cierre perfecto durante sus casi 17 minutos, dando pausa a la idea de que, de hecho, fue Coleman quien influyó en John Coltrane. El vals estándar rápido y en constante movimiento hacia adelante de Freddie Hubbard "Up Jumped Spring" muestra aún más una relación entre los titanes tenores, con la banda citando "Olé" de Trane."El talento de Mabern es formidable, de buen gusto y emocionante, como se muestra durante sus acordes retumbantes durante "Io", una pista modal asesina escrita por Paul Arslanian, mientras Coleman inserta una línea de canto memorable y Queen inyecta algo de calipso. Este es un tema tan definitivo como el que Coleman tiene en su repertorio. Francamente, todo el CD de arriba a abajo tiene a Coleman y su banda inspirados hasta la empuñadura y tocando lo mejor posible, y At Yoshi's es un esfuerzo muy recomendable que merece un espacio en el estante de todos y cada uno de los amantes del jazz.

01 - They Say It's Wonderful
02 - Good Morning Heartache
03 - Laig Gobblin' Blues
04 - Io
05 - Up Jumped Spring
06 - Father
07 - Soul Eyes

George Coleman (ts),
Harold Mabern (p),
Ray Drummond (b),
Alvin Queen (d).

Tracks 1, 2, 5 & 6 recorded live at Yoshi's in Oakland, California, August 1987
Tracks 3, 4 & 7 recorded at Different Fur Recording Studios, San Francisco, August 1987

Theresa Records TRCD 126 [1989]

MORE George Coleman ...

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