egroj world: Benny Green & Russell Malone • Bluebird

Monday, September 2, 2024

Benny Green & Russell Malone • Bluebird


Review by Ken Dryden
Benny Green and Russell Malone pick up where they left off on their first duo recording for Telarc, only this time the locale is in the studio. The pianist and the guitarist are equally at home with classic jazz compositions, standards, pop songs, and originals. They devour Milt Jackson's "Reunion Blues," a driving hard bop performance with spine-tingling solos. Equally thrilling are their jaunty takes of Charlie Parker's rarely heard blues "Bluebird," and the saxophonist's intricate "Passport," the latter with Malone providing a percussion by tapping on his guitar for a chorus. Their playfulness is evident in the fast-paced interpretation of "It's Alright With Me," though they finally cool down with a light but funky take of "You Are the Sunshine of My Life." Even though the R&B hit "Feel Like Makin' Love" seems like an unlikely jazz vehicle, the duo's soulful but understated rendition makes it viable. Malone's "Flowers for Emmett Till" is an elegant ballad played on his unaccompanied guitar. The CD closes subtly with Oscar Peterson's gorgeous "Wheatland," a nice salute to a master who has not only influenced Benny Green, but who has lauded his abilities as a pianist. Highly recommended.


Reseña de Ken Dryden
Benny Green y Russell Malone continúan donde lo dejaron en su primera grabación a dúo para Telarc, sólo que esta vez el escenario es el estudio. El pianista y el guitarrista se sienten igual de cómodos con composiciones clásicas de jazz, standards, canciones pop y originales. Devoran «Reunion Blues» de Milt Jackson, una interpretación de hard bop con solos estremecedores. Igualmente emocionantes son sus alegres tomas del blues de Charlie Parker «Bluebird», raramente escuchado, y el intrincado «Passport» del saxofonista, este último con Malone proporcionando una percusión golpeando su guitarra para un estribillo. Su jocosidad es evidente en la acelerada interpretación de «It's Alright With Me», aunque finalmente se calman con una ligera pero funky toma de «You Are the Sunshine of My Life». Aunque el éxito de R&B «Feel Like Makin' Love» parece un improbable vehículo para el jazz, la conmovedora pero discreta interpretación del dúo lo hace viable. Flowers for Emmett Till» de Malone es una elegante balada interpretada con su guitarra sin acompañamiento. El CD se cierra sutilmente con la preciosa «Wheatland» de Oscar Peterson, un bonito homenaje a un maestro que no sólo ha influido en Benny Green, sino que ha alabado sus habilidades como pianista. Muy recomendable.

Colaborador / Contributor:  KETMOKIN

01. Reunion Blues
02. It's Alright With Me
03. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
04. Who Can I Turn To?
05. Love For Sale
06. Flowers For Emmett Till
07. Bluebird
08. Feel Like Makin' Love
09. Passport
10. Moonglow
11. Where Is The Love?
12. Wheatland

Benny Green (Piano); Russell Malone (Guitar).




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