egroj world: Memphis Slim ‎• Born With The Blues

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Memphis Slim ‎• Born With The Blues

Review by Nathan Bush
By the time this album was issued on the Paula/Flyright imprint, pianist Memphis Slim had been residing in Paris for nearly a decade, having left the U.S. in the early '60s. From his new home base, Slim continued to record and tour, releasing a number of studio and live sets. On Born With the Blues, the pianist is joined by a pair of musical legends: multi-instrumentalist Carey Bell (lending bass and harp to the date) and guitarist Lowell Fulson. Completing the lineup is drummer S.P. Leary, whose resumé includes sessions with Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, and John Lee Hooker. Small combo engagements like this one seem perfectly suited to Slim's many skills. He's particularly dazzling in the upper regions of his instrument, stating his case with driving, staccato chords and effortless, lyrical flourishes. Fulson proves a particularly appropriate choice for the role of Slim's primary musical sparring partner, being equally engaging in both rhythm and lead roles. Unfortunately, Bell's harp is given little airing (a sweltering solo on the instrumental "Get Ready" being a notable exception). The veteran bluesman is reduced to the bass role, in which he sketches the musical framework with his crisp lines. While the group never digs too deeply into the date's collection of relaxed, strolling blues and mid-tempo 12-bar workouts, the soloists remain engaged throughout, making this an enjoyable early-'70s set.


Reseña por Nathan Bush
Para cuando este álbum fue publicado en la imprenta de Paula / Flyright, el pianista Memphis Slim había estado residiendo en París por casi una década, después de haber salido de los Estados Unidos a principios de los '60. Desde su nuevo hogar, Slim continuó grabando y girando, lanzando varios sets de estudio y en vivo. En Born With the Blues, el pianista se une a un par de leyendas musicales: el multiinstrumentista Carey Bell (que presta el bajo y el arpa a la fecha) y el guitarrista Lowell Fulson. Completando la alineación está el baterista S.P. Leary, cuyo currículum incluye sesiones con Howlin 'Wolf, Muddy Waters y John Lee Hooker. Los combates pequeños como este parecen perfectamente adecuados para las muchas habilidades de Slim. Es particularmente deslumbrante en las regiones superiores de su instrumento, indicando su caso con conducción, acordes staccato y floreos líricos sin esfuerzo. Fulson demuestra ser una elección particularmente apropiada para el papel del compañero de entrenamiento musical principal de Slim, siendo igualmente participativo tanto en el ritmo como en los papeles principales. Desafortunadamente, el arpa de Bell tiene poco aire (un sofocante solo en el instrumental "Get Ready" es una notable excepción). El veterano bluesman se reduce al papel de bajo, en el que dibuja el marco musical con sus líneas nítidas. Mientras que el grupo nunca profundiza demasiado en la colección de relajantes blues, blues y mid-tempo de 12 bandas, los solistas siguen participando, haciendo de este un divertido set de principios de los '70.

A1 - Born With The Blues - 3:27
A2 - Get Ready - 3:00
A3 - I Wanna Dance - 3:17
A4 - Chicago Bounce No. 2 - 4:21
A5 - Misery - 2:25
A6 - Memphis Slim USA - 2:37
B1 - My Baby Left Me - 3:05
B2 - Rocking The House - 2:50
B3 - Letter Home - 3:50
B4 - Bye, Bye! Will Be On My Way - 4:30
B5 - Grinder Man Blues - 4:50

    Drums – S.P. Leary
    Guitar – Lowell Fulsom
    Harmonica, Bass – Carey Bell
    Vocals, Piano – Memphis Slim

Notes: Words and Music written by Memphis Slim

Label: Jewel Records ‎– LPS 5004
Released: 1971
Genre: Blues
Style: Harmonica Blues, Louisiana Blues

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