egroj world: Benny Golson • The New York Recordings




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Saturday, November 18, 2023

Benny Golson • The New York Recordings


Multitalented and internationally famous jazz legend, - a composer, arranger, lyricist, producer - and tenor saxophonist of world note, Benny Golson was born in Philadelphia, PA on January 25, 1929.

Raised with an impeccable musical pedigree, Golson has played in the bands of world famous Benny Goodman, Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Earl Bostic and Art Blakey.

Few jazz musicians can claim to be true innovators and even fewer can boast of a performing and recording career that literally redefines the term "jazz". Benny Golson has made major contributions to the world of jazz with such jazz standards as: Killer Joe, I Remember Clifford, Along Came Betty, Stablemates, Whisper Not, Blues March, Five Spot After Dark, Are you Real?

Benny Golson is the only living jazz artist to have written 8 standards for jazz repertoire. These jazz standards have found their way into countless recordings internationally over the years and are still being recorded.

He has recorded over 30 albums for many recording companies in the United States and Europe under his own name and innumerable ones with other major artists. A prodigious writer, Golson has written well over 300 compositions.

For more than 50 years, Golson has enjoyed an illustrious, musical career in which he has not only made scores of recordings but has also composed and arranged music for:

Count Basie, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Sammy Davis Jr., Mama Cass Elliott, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Shirley Horn, David Jones and the Monkees, Quincy Jones, Peggy Lee, Carmen McRae, Anita O'Day, Itzhak Perlman, Oscar Peterson, Lou Rawls, Mickey Rooney, Diana Ross, The Animals (Eric Burden), Mel Torme, George Shearing, Dusty Springfield

His prolific writing includes scores for hit TV series and films:

M*A*S*H, Mannix, Mission Impossible, Mod Squad, Room 222, Run for Your Life, The Partridge Family, The Academy Awards, The Karen Valentine Show, Television specials for ABC, CBS and NBC Television specials for BBC in London and Copenhagen, Denmark Theme for Bill Cosby's last TV show, A french film 'Des Femmes Disparaissent" (Paris)

He has written music for national radio and television spots for some of the major advertising agencies in the country. Some of these commercials were for:

Borateem, Canada Dry, Carnation, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Clorox, Dodge, General Telephone, Gillette, Heinz Foods, Jack in The Box, Liquid Plum'r, MacDonald's, Mattel Toys, Monsanto, Nissan, Ohrbachs, Ore-Ida Frozen Potatoes, Parliament Cigarettes, Pepsi Cola, Texaco

Benny Golson has absolute mastery of the jazz medium. He has not only blazed a trail in the world of jazz but is passionate abuot teaching jazz to young and old alike. He has lectured at the Lincoln Center through a special series by Wynton Marsalis. He has lectured to doctoral candidates at New York University and to the faculty at National University at San Diego.

Honored with doctorates from William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ and Berklee School of Music, Boston, MA, Dr. Golson has also conducted workshops and clinics at at various universities throughout the United States.

Golson's musical odyssey has taken him around the world. In 1987 he was sent by the US State Department on a cultural tour of Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Singapore. Later, Philip Morris International sent him on an assignment to Bangkok, Thailand to write music for the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra.

A live performer who consistently knocks audiences off their feet, Benny Golson has given hundreds of performances in USA, Europe, South America, Far East and Japan for decades.


Leyenda del jazz multitalentosa y de fama internacional, compositor, arreglista, letrista, productor y saxofonista tenor de renombre mundial, Benny Golson nació en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, el 25 de enero de 1929.

Criado con un pedigrí musical impecable, Golson ha tocado en las bandas del mundialmente famoso Benny Goodman, Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Earl Bostic y Art Blakey.

Pocos músicos de jazz pueden afirmar ser verdaderos innovadores y aún menos pueden presumir de una carrera interpretativa y discográfica que literalmente redefine el término "jazz". Benny Golson ha hecho importantes contribuciones al mundo del jazz con estándares de jazz como: Killer Joe, I Remember Clifford, Along Came Betty, Stablemates, Whisper Not, Blues March, Five Spot After Dark, Are you Real?

Benny Golson es el único artista de jazz vivo que ha escrito 8 estándares para repertorio de jazz. Estos estándares de jazz se han abierto camino en innumerables grabaciones a nivel internacional a lo largo de los años y aún se están grabando.

Ha grabado más de 30 álbumes para muchas compañías discográficas en los Estados Unidos y Europa bajo su propio nombre e innumerables con otros artistas importantes. Un escritor prodigioso, Golson ha escrito más de 300 composiciones.

Durante más de 50 años, Golson ha disfrutado de una ilustre carrera musical en la que no solo ha realizado decenas de grabaciones, sino que también ha compuesto y arreglado música para:

Count Basie, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Sammy Davis Jr., Mama Cass Elliott, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Shirley Horn, David Jones y los Monkees, Quincy Jones, Peggy Lee, Carmen McRae, Anita O'Day, Itzhak Perlman, Oscar Peterson, Lou Rawls, Mickey Rooney, Diana Ross, Los Animales (Eric Burden), Mel Torme, George Shearing, Dusty Springfield

Su prolífica escritura incluye partituras para exitosas series de televisión y películas:

M * A * S*H, Mannix, Misión Imposible, Mod Squad, Room 222, Run for Your Life, The Partridge Family, Los Premios de la Academia, The Karen Valentine Show, Especiales de televisión para ABC, CBS y NBC Especiales de televisión para BBC en Londres y Copenhague, Dinamarca Tema del último programa de televisión de Bill Cosby, Una película francesa 'Des Femmes Disparaissent" (París)

Ha escrito música para anuncios de radio y televisión nacionales para algunas de las principales agencias de publicidad del país. Algunos de estos comerciales fueron para:

Borateem, Canadá Seco, Clavel, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Clorox, Dodge, Teléfono General, Gillette, Heinz Foods, Jack in The Box, Ciruela Líquida, MacDonald's, Juguetes Mattel, Monsanto, Nissan, Ohrbachs, Papas Congeladas Ore-Ida, Cigarrillos Parliament, Pepsi Cola, Texaco

Benny Golson tiene un dominio absoluto del medio jazz. No solo ha abierto un camino en el mundo del jazz, sino que le apasiona enseñar jazz a jóvenes y mayores por igual. Ha dado conferencias en el Lincoln Center a través de una serie especial de Wynton Marsalis. Ha dado conferencias a candidatos a doctorado en la Universidad de Nueva York y en la facultad de la Universidad Nacional de San Diego.

Honrado con doctorados de William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ y Berklee School of Music, Boston, MA, el Dr. Golson también ha realizado talleres y clínicas en varias universidades de los Estados Unidos.

La odisea musical de Golson lo ha llevado por todo el mundo. En 1987 fue enviado por el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos a una gira cultural por el sudeste Asiático, Nueva Zelanda, Indonesia, Malasia, Birmania y Singapur. Más tarde, Philip Morris International lo envió a Bangkok, Tailandia, para escribir música para la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bangkok.

Benny Golson, un intérprete en vivo que constantemente sorprende al público, ha ofrecido cientos de presentaciones en Estados Unidos, Europa, Sudamérica, Lejano Oriente y Japón durante décadas. ...

1 - Moten's Swing
2 - Out of the Past
3 - Something in B Flat
4 - Out of Nowhere
5 - Reunion
6 - Whisper Not
7 - Groovin' High
8 - Step Lightly
9 - Venetian Breeze
10 - Autumn Leaves
11 - Hymn to the Orient
12 - Just by Myself
13 - Blues It
14 - Donna Lee
15 - Namely You
16 - Blues on Down
17 - Quicksilver
18 - You're Mine You
19 - Capri
20 - Stella by Starlight
21 - B.G.'s Holiday
22 - Ornithology
23 - If I Should Lose You
24 - Walkin'

Alto Saxophone – Gigi Gryce
Baritone Saxophone – Sahib Shihab
Bass – Paul Chambers
Drums – Charles Persip
French Horn – Julius Watkins
Piano – Wynton Kelly   
Tenor Saxophone – Benny Golson
Trombone – James Cleveland
Trumpet – Art Farmer


MORE Benny Golson ...

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