egroj world: The Mangione Brothers • Sextet & Quintet Complete Recordings

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Mangione Brothers • Sextet & Quintet Complete Recordings


The Jazz Brothers was an amazing band considering it was formed by a group of youngsters that Cannonball Adderley introduced on Riverside Records in 1960.

Just how amazing can be gauged from the fact that several subsequently became major figures in their own right. The bands youthful brashness was combined with considerable sensitivity in its search for a group sound, reminiscent in some ways of the Jazz Messengers or the Horace Silver quintet. The group used a powerful approach and sustained it remarkably well, with clean, crisp ensembles, vigorous and brightly voiced.

Trumpeter Chuck Mangione, at only 19, already possessed a lovely tone and an innate, relaxed sense of phrasing. Sal Nistico, 20, already a very forceful musician, contributes consistenly interesting solos. Brother Gap Mangione, 22, is a strong, prodding accompanist and arranger. Altoist Larry Coombs, 20, is only heard in the first album, The Mangione Brothers Sextet, on which he solos with guts and fits very well in the front line with Chuck and Sal. Throughout, bassists and drummers on each date were well integrated and driving, and Roy McCurdy was already developing into a dynamic drum soloist.

In 1961 two more albums by The Jazz Brothers followed. Hey Baby!, and Spring Fever, were both quintet sessions, and the last before the group disbanded. They left a legacy of a fine group whose skills and authority belied its astonishingly youthful personnel.


Los Jazz Brothers era una banda increíble, ya que estaba formada por un grupo de jóvenes que Cannonball Adderley introdujo en Riverside Records en 1960.

Cuán asombroso puede ser medido por el hecho de que varios se convirtieron posteriormente en figuras importantes por derecho propio. El descaro juvenil de la banda se combinó con una considerable sensibilidad en su búsqueda de un sonido grupal, que recuerda en cierto modo a los Mensajeros del Jazz o al quinteto de Horace Silver. El grupo usó un enfoque poderoso y lo sostuvo notablemente bien, con conjuntos limpios y nítidos, vigorosos y de voz brillante.

El trompetista Chuck Mangione, con sólo 19 años, ya poseía un tono encantador y un sentido innato y relajado del fraseo. Sal Nistico, de 20 años, ya es un músico muy fuerte, contribuye con solos consistentemente interesantes. El hermano Gap Mangione, de 22 años, es un acompañante y arreglista muy fuerte. El altoista Larry Coombs, de 20 años, sólo se escucha en el primer álbum, The Mangione Brothers Sextet, en el que hace solos con agallas y encaja muy bien en la primera línea con Chuck y Sal. En cada cita, los bajistas y bateristas estaban bien integrados y en movimiento, y Roy McCurdy ya se estaba desarrollando como un dinámico solista de batería.

En 1961 siguieron dos álbumes más de The Jazz Brothers. Hey Baby!, y Spring Fever, fueron ambos sesiones de quinteto, y el último antes de que el grupo se disolviera. Dejaron el legado de un buen grupo cuyas habilidades y autoridad desmintieron a su asombroso personal joven.

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1 - Something Different
2 - Secret Love
3 - Alice
4 - Struttin' with Sandra
5 - Nemesis
6 - The Gap
7 - Girl of My Dreams
8 - Hey Baby
9 - Bag's Groove
10 - The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
11 - Givin' the Business
12 - What's Happ'nin'
13 - Just You, Just Me
14 - Old Folks
15 - The Bassett Sound
16 - First Waltz Riv
17 - What's New?
18 - Spring Fever
19 - Brook's Brothers
20 - Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise
21 - Not Too Serious

Chuck Mangione (tp), Larry Coombs (as), Sal Nistico (ts), Gap Mangione (p), Bill Saunders, Steve Davis, Frank Pullara (b), Roy McCurdy, Vinnie Ruggiero (d)

Album details
Original sources:
CD 1, tracks #1-7 from the album "The Jazz Brothers" (Riverside RLP-9335)
CD 1, tracks #8-11 & CD 2, tracks #1-4 from the album "Hey Baby!" (RLP-9371)
CD 2, tracks #5-10 from the album "Spring Fever" (Riverside RLP-9405)

Personnel on 'The Jazz Brothers':
Chuck Mangione, trumpet; Larry Coombs, alto sax; Sal Nistico, tenor sax; Gap Mangione, piano; Bill Saunders, bass; Roy McCurdy, drums.
Recorded at Bell Sound Studios, in New York City, on August 8 & 29, 1960

Personnel on 'Hey Baby!':
Chuck Mangione, trumpet; Sal Nistico, tenor sax; Gap Mangione, piano; Steve Davis, bass; Roy McCurdy, drums.
Plaza Sound Studios, New York City, March 8, 1961

Personnel on 'Spring Fever':
Chuck Mangione, trumpet; Sal Nistico, tenor sax; Gap Mangione, piano; Frank Pullara, bass; Vinnie Ruggiero, drums.
Recorded at Plaza Sound Studios, New York City; on November 28, 1961

Original recordings produced by Cannonball Adderley (CD-1, #1-7) and Orrin Keepnews
Cover art by Lawrence Shustack & Ken Deardoff



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