egroj world: Bennie Green • The 45 Session

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Bennie Green • The 45 Session


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine  
Trombonist Bennie Green cut four sessions for Blue Note Records, three of which were released as full-length LPs. At the remaining session, the group cut a series of eight songs that were intended for release as singles -- as reissue producer Michael Cuscuna points out, several songs fade out at the end on the master tapes, cutting off solos just as they're beginning to take off. The Japanese issue The 45 Session collects all nine masters, including one alternate take of Babs Gonzales' vocal tribute to Bennie, "Encore." Considering the strength of Green's combo -- it boasted pianist Sonny Clark, bassist Paul Chambers, tenor saxophonist Eddy Williams, and drummer Jerry Segal -- it's a bit frustrating to hear the songs in truncated form, but since that's the only way they exist, fans should cherish what we do have. And this is music to cherish. Green's Blue Note recordings are consistently fun, and this is no exception. Each song swings with energy, offering each instrumentalist a chance to shine -- the piano-handclap breakdown on "Minor Revelation" is as infectious as the blowing "It's Groovy" or the swinging interpretation of "Why Do I Love You." This is cheery, bluesy, good-natured music, and even if Gonzales' hipster salute to Green has dated a bit, the rest of the music is as appealing today as when it was recorded.


por Stephen Thomas Erlewine  
El trombonista Bennie Green grabó cuatro sesiones para Blue Note Records, tres de las cuales se publicaron como LPs completos. En la sesión restante, el grupo grabó una serie de ocho canciones que estaban destinadas a ser publicadas como singles - como señala el productor de la reedición, Michael Cuscuna, varias canciones se desvanecen al final en las cintas maestras, cortando los solos justo cuando empiezan a despegar. La edición japonesa The 45 Session recoge los nueve masters, incluyendo una toma alternativa del homenaje vocal de Babs Gonzales a Bennie, "Encore". Teniendo en cuenta la fuerza del combo de Green -que contaba con el pianista Sonny Clark, el bajista Paul Chambers, el saxofonista tenor Eddy Williams y el baterista Jerry Segal- es un poco frustrante escuchar las canciones en forma truncada, pero ya que esa es la única forma en que existen, los fans deben apreciar lo que tenemos. Y esto es música para apreciar. Las grabaciones de Green en Blue Note son siempre divertidas, y ésta no es una excepción. Cada canción se balancea con energía, ofreciendo a cada instrumentista la oportunidad de brillar - el desglose de palmas de piano en "Minor Revelation" es tan contagioso como el soplido de "It's Groovy" o la interpretación de swing de "Why Do I Love You". Se trata de música alegre, bluesera y de buen humor, y aunque el saludo hipster de Gonzales a Green ha quedado un poco anticuado, el resto de la música es tan atractiva hoy como cuando se grabó.

1 - It's Groovy - 3:43
2 - On The Street Where You Live - 5:52
3 - Can't We Be Friends - 5:33
4 - Ain't Nothin' But The Blues - 5:15
5 - Encore - 4:31
6 - Bye Bye Blackbird - 5:26
7 - Minor Revelation - 5:18
8 - Why Do I Love You - 6:00
9 - Encore (Alternate Master) - 4:16

    Bass – Paul Chambers
    Drums – Jerry Segal
    Piano – Sonny Clark
    Tenor Saxophone – Eddy Williams
    Trombone – Bennie Green
    Vocals – Babs Gonzales (tracks: 5, 9)

Recorded at the Van Gelder Studio, New Jersey on November 23, 1958.
Recorded At – Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, New Jersey
Engineer [Recording] – Rudy Van Gelder

MORE Bennie Green ...

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