egroj world: Freddie Bell & The Bellboys • Rockin' Is Our Business

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Freddie Bell & The Bellboys • Rockin' Is Our Business


Review by Greg Adams
Freddie Bell & the Bellboys never had a hit in America but made history nonetheless by inspiring Elvis Presley to record "Hound Dog." Presley saw the Bellboys perform the song as part of their Vegas act, and his version is much closer to theirs than to Big Mama Thornton's original. Rockin' Is Our Business collects the recordings Bell and company made for the Teen, Mercury, and Wing labels from 1955-1957, including two versions of "Hound Dog." "Giddy Up a Ding Dong," the group's second most famous cut, seems to have made more of an impression in England and Australia than America, and is also presented in two versions. Most of the Bellboys' music is old-fashioned rock & roll that resembles a brassy, Las Vegas version of Bill Haley, but the group occasionally moves in other directions as well. "Old Town Hall," for example, sounds like something out of an Italian wedding reception, and it's easy to imagine Louis Prima singing "Take the First Train Out of Town." Rockin' Is Our Business has quite a bit of mediocre rock & roll, but it is worth checking out for those with a serious interest in Elvis Presley or rock history in general.


Reseña de Greg Adams
Freddie Bell & the Bellboys nunca tuvieron un éxito en Estados Unidos pero, sin embargo, hicieron historia al inspirar a Elvis Presley a grabar "Hound Dog". Presley vio a los Bellboys interpretar la canción como parte de su actuación en Las Vegas, y su versión es mucho más parecida a la de ellos que a la original de Big Mama Thornton. Rockin' Is Our Business recoge las grabaciones que Bell y compañía hicieron para los sellos Teen, Mercury y Wing entre 1955 y 1957, incluyendo dos versiones de "Hound Dog". "Giddy Up a Ding Dong", el segundo corte más famoso del grupo, parece haber causado más impresión en Inglaterra y Australia que en América, y también se presenta en dos versiones. La mayor parte de la música de los Bellboys es un rock & roll a la antigua usanza que se asemeja a una versión descarada y de Las Vegas de Bill Haley, pero el grupo también se mueve ocasionalmente en otras direcciones. "Old Town Hall", por ejemplo, suena como algo salido de un banquete de bodas italiano, y es fácil imaginar a Louis Prima cantando "Take the First Train Out of Town". Rockin' Is Our Business tiene un poco de rock & roll mediocre, pero vale la pena que los interesados en Elvis Presley o en la historia del rock en general le echen un vistazo.

1 - Hound Dog -
2 - Move Me Baby -
3 - Five-Ten-Fifteen Hours -
4 - Old Town Hall -
5 - Big Bad Wolf -
6 - I Said It And I'm Glad -
7 - Rockin' The Polonaise -
8 - Giddy Up A Ding Dong (Overdub) -
9 - Hound Dog -
10 - All Right, Okay, You Win -
11 - The Hucklebuck -
12 - Rompin' And Stompin' -
13 - Stay Loose, Mother Goose (Overdub) -
14 - Hey There You -
15 - Take The First Train Out Of Town (Overdub) -
16 - Voo Doo -
17 - Teach You To Rock -
18 - I'm Advertisin' (With Added Handclaps) -
19 - You're Gonna Be Sorry -
20 - Variety -
21 - Rockin' Is My Business -
22 - Rockin' The Polonaise -
23 - Giddy Up A Ding Dong -
24 - Hound Dog (W/O Overdub) -
25 - Stay Loose, Mother Goose (Different Lyrics) -
26 - You're Gonna Be Sorry -
27 - Rockin' Is My Business -

Label: Bear Family Records ‎– BCD 15901, Bear Family Records ‎– BCD 15901 AH
Released: 1996
Genre: Rock
Style: Rock & Roll

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