egroj world: Herb Ellis • Softly... But With That Feeling

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Herb Ellis • Softly... But With That Feeling




by Scott Yanow
An excellent bop-based guitarist with a slight country twang to his sound, Herb Ellis became famous playing with the Oscar Peterson Trio during 1953-1958. Prior to that, he had attended North Texas State University and played with the Casa Loma Orchestra, Jimmy Dorsey (1945-1947), and the sadly under-recorded trio Soft Winds. While with Peterson, Ellis was on some Jazz at the Philharmonic tours and had a few opportunities to lead his own dates for Verve, including his personal favorite, Nothing But the Blues (1957). After leaving Peterson, Ellis toured a bit with Ella Fitzgerald; became a studio musician on the West Coast; made sessions with the Dukes of Dixieland, Stuff Smith, and Charlie Byrd; and in the 1970s became much more active in the jazz world. He can be heard on the first three releases issued by the Concord label, interacting with Joe Pass on the initial two, and he toured with the Great Guitars (along with Byrd and Barney Kessel) through much of the 1970s into the '80s. After a long series of Concord albums, Ellis cut a couple of excellent sessions in the 1990s for Justice, as well as 1999's Burnin' on Acoustic Music. After battling Alzheimer's disease, Herb Ellis died at the age of 88 at his home in Los Angeles on March 28, 2010.


por Scott Yanow
Herb Ellis, un excelente guitarrista basado en el bop con un ligero toque country en su sonido, se hizo famoso tocando con el Oscar Peterson Trio durante 1953-1958. Antes de eso, había asistido a la Universidad Estatal del Norte de Texas y tocado con la Orquesta Casa Loma, Jimmy Dorsey (1945-1947) y el trío Soft Winds, tristemente infrautilizado. Mientras estuvo con Peterson, Ellis participó en algunas giras de Jazz at the Philharmonic y tuvo algunas oportunidades de dirigir sus propias fechas para Verve, incluyendo su favorito personal, Nothing But the Blues (1957). Tras dejar a Peterson, Ellis realizó algunas giras con Ella Fitzgerald; se convirtió en músico de estudio en la Costa Oeste; realizó sesiones con los Dukes of Dixieland, Stuff Smith y Charlie Byrd; y en los años 70 se volvió mucho más activo en el mundo del jazz. Se le puede escuchar en los tres primeros lanzamientos publicados por el sello Concord, interactuando con Joe Pass en los dos primeros, y estuvo de gira con los Great Guitars (junto con Byrd y Barney Kessel) durante gran parte de los años 70 y los 80. Tras una larga serie de álbumes de Concord, Ellis grabó un par de excelentes sesiones en la década de 1990 para Justice, así como Burnin' on Acoustic Music de 1999. Tras luchar contra la enfermedad de Alzheimer, Herb Ellis murió a los 88 años en su casa de Los Ángeles el 28 de marzo de 2010.

1 - One Note Samba
2 - Toni
3 - Like Someone In Love
4 - Jim's Blues
5 - John Brown's Body
6 - Detour Ahead
7 - You Better Be Ready
8 - Gravy Waltz

    Bass – Leroy Vinnegar
    Drums – Ronnie Zito
    Engineer – Val Valentin
    Guitar – Herb Ellis
    Producer – Jim Davis
    Vibraphone – Victor Feldman

Recorded in Hollywood, October 1961.

Label:    Verve Records – V6-8448
Released:    1961
Genre:    Jazz



MORE Herb Ellis ...


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