egroj world: The New Dimensions • The Best Of

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The New Dimensions • The Best Of

Review by Richie Unterberger
This best-of includes 22 tracks (four of them previously unissued) recorded in 1963 and 1964 by the New Dimensions. It's fair to say that it might have never been compiled had collector interest in the band not been spiked by the presence of a very young Michael Lloyd (who looks about 12 on the cover photo) and future Three Dog Night keyboardist Jimmy Greenspoon (who doesn't look much older). It almost sounds more like a compilation album than a single-artist collection, so inadvertently accurately does it capture several sub-styles of early-'60s Californian instrumental surf music at its peak. There are moody, electric keyboard-decorated rumbles in the spirit of the Chantays' classic hit "Pipeline"; roaring Dick Dale-like workouts, including a version of one of Dale's signature tunes, "Miserlou"; and more elementary R&B-influenced grinders with saxophone. It's all very competently played, especially considering their youth. What it lacks, however, is a song, or songs, with that classic quality of something like "Pipeline" or "Miserlou," though the haunting aura of "Pipeline" in particular is something to which they often aspire. The history of this obscure group is certainly well documented in the liner notes, however, with the help of many recollections from Lloyd.


Reseña de Richie Unterberger
Este best-of incluye 22 pistas (cuatro de ellas inéditas) grabadas en 1963 y 1964 por New Dimensions. Es justo decir que tal vez nunca se hubiera compilado si el interés de los coleccionistas en la banda no se hubiera visto aumentado por la presencia de un muy joven Michael Lloyd (que parece tener 12 años en la foto de portada) y el futuro teclista de Three Dog Night Jimmy Greenspoon (que no lo hace). parece mucho mayor). Casi suena más a un álbum recopilatorio que a una colección de un solo artista, por lo que, sin darse cuenta, captura con precisión varios subestilos de la música instrumental de surf californiana de principios de los 60 en su apogeo. Hay rumores de mal humor decorados con teclados eléctricos en el espíritu del clásico éxito de Chantays "Pipeline"; rugientes entrenamientos al estilo de Dick Dale, incluida una versión de una de las melodías características de Dale, "Miserlou"; y molinillos de saxofón con influencias de R&B más elementales. Todo se juega de manera muy competente, especialmente considerando su juventud. Lo que le falta, sin embargo, es una canción, o canciones, con esa calidad clásica de algo como "Pipeline" o "Miserlou", aunque el aura inquietante de "Pipeline" en particular es algo a lo que a menudo aspiran. Sin embargo, la historia de este oscuro grupo está bien documentada en las notas del transatlántico, con la ayuda de muchos recuerdos de Lloyd.


1 Soul Breakout     2:03
2 Failsafe     1:59
3 Soul Surf     2:03
4 Deuces And Eights     2:04
5 Chicky Run     1:54
6 Cat On A Hot Foam Board     1:40
7 Bongo Surf     2:09
8 Big Soul Beat     1:44
9 Blacktop     1:47
10 Bongo Shutdown     1:58
11 National Breakout     1:34
12 Wild Wave     1:56
13 Soul Side     1:57
14 The Taming Of The Tube     2:47
15 Surfin' Brown Jug     1:55
16 Miserlou     2:35
17 Junker     2:40
18 Totaled     2:07
19 Psyche-Out     1:48
20 Rumblebee     1:59
21 Souling USA     2:27
22 Avalanche     2:23

    Bass – Dave Dowd
    Drums – Art Guy
    Lead Guitar, Liner Notes – Michael Lloyd
    Piano – Jimmy Greenspoon
    Rhythm Guitar – Craig Nuttycombe
    Saxophone – Danny Belsky

All tracks recorded 1963-1964.
Tracks 14, 15, 16, 19 previously unissued.
Tracks 1, 3, 8, 13 are from the album 'Soul'.
Tracks 2, 6, 7, 11, 12 are from the album 'Surfin' Bongos'.
Tracks 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20 are from the album 'Deuces & Eights'.
Tracks 21, 22 recorded live from the Santa Monica Surf Fair.



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