egroj world: Enrico Pieranunzi - Blues & Bach • The Music Of John Lewis

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Enrico Pieranunzi - Blues & Bach • The Music Of John Lewis


About the album
Classical/pop, rock/classical, classical/jazz, fusion: the list of possible crossovers can get very long. What all these couplings have in common is the desire to blend two or more different languages. It is a bit like triggering a chemical reaction, the outcome of which no longer has anything to do with the original components of the reaction itself. In the more specific field of jazz/classical music crossover, the 1920s were crucial. In fact, they gave us one of the first, absolutely extraordinary, works of the genre: the famous “Rhapsody in Blue.” In this masterpiece, Gershwin achieved exceptional results thanks to his merging of elements from American popular music, particularly the blues, with others typical of the European classic tradition.

John Lewis moved in the same direction as Gershwin, but from a very different vision and experience. Indeed, Lewis was an excellent jazz pianist (it’s enough to think of his collaborations with Charlie Parker and Miles Davis) where Gershwin, who was also a phenomenal pianist and very well-versed in the jazz of his time, was strictly speaking never a full-time jazz pianist. But above all Lewis, besides being a great jazz player, was deeply in love with the music of Bach and from the earliest years of his career onward made the blues/Bach pair the banner of his artistic life. The Modern Jazz Quartet, which he founded in 1952 – for nearly half a century one of the most celebrated groups on the international jazz scene was the unmistakable vehicle of his musical conception and the real workshop of his highly original crossover.

It is to this musical conception and to the compositional art of John Lewis that, a little more than two decades after his passing, “Blues and Bach” wishes to pay tribute. His tunes have been reworked and orchestrated for the occasion with an ensemble that, in some ways, is itself a crossover within a crossover (jazz trio plus string quintet and woodwind quintet).

As a final thought, we would like to add that “Blues and Bach” is a kind of documentation in music of our two musical biographies. Indeed, encountering blues and Bach were fundamental experiences for both of us, and it is precisely thanks to John Lewis’ dream of blending two musical worlds so far apart that these experiences have been happily brought together here.


Enrico Pieranunzi es uno de los mejores pianistas italianos de jazz que se ha embarca en los más diversos proyectos que van desde sus propios trabajos como líder hasta discos donde se rinde homenaje a algún jazzman de renombre, caso del dedicado al contrabajista Charlie Haden.

‘Blues & Bach – The Music of John Lewis’ entra de llena en esta última categoría, ya que es un disco dedicado al más clásico de los miembros del Modern Jazz Quartet (MJA), el pianista John Lewis, un hombre que a lo largo de su carrera demostró su amor por los compositores clásicos, sobremanera Juan Sebastian Bach, y de ahí el título de este disco.

De hecho, la ambición de John Lewis era realizar lograr una síntesis del blues con Bach. Ahí está para demostrarlo ‘Blues On Bach’ (1974) del MJQ.

Pero vayamos con Enrico Pieranunzi que para llevar a buen puerto este álbum se ha rodeado, además de por su trío habitual con el contrabajista Luca Bulgarelli y el baterísta Mauro Beggio, por la Orquesta Filarmónica Italiana que ofrece ese necesario contrapunto clásico.

Excepto ‘Autumn In New York’ de Vernon Duke, que apareció en el disco de debut del MJQ, el resto de los temas –siete en total-, fueron escritas por John Lewis para el cuarteto del cual formó parte.

Entre las composiciones elegidas hay clásicos del jazz como ‘Skating In Central Park’, ‘Django’ y ‘Concorde’, pero también se presenta alguna pieza más desconocida de Lewis como ‘Jasmine Tree’.

Aunque ha tardado varios años en llegar a su conclusión este proyecto, desde que se puso en marcha en el año 2018, lo cierto es que el resultado final está a la altura de los participantes.

Si te gustan el jazz y la música clásica, dos géneros que siempre han congeniado muy bien, entonces este ‘Blues & Bach – The Music of John Lewis’ de Enrico Pieranunzi debiera estar entre tus objetivos. ...


1 - Skating in Central Park
2 - Spanish Steps
3 - Vendome
4 - Autumn in New York
5 - Django
6 - Concorde
7 - Milano
8 - Jasmine Tree

Enrico Pieranunzi: piano; Luca Bulgarelli: bass; Mauro Beggio: drums.
Additional Instrumentation:
Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana: Cesare Carretta: first violin; Silvia Maffeis: second violin; Erica Mason: viola; Nicolo Nigrelli: cello; Andrea Sala: double bass; Serena Bonazzi: flute; Carlo Ambrosoli: oboe; Damiano Bertasa: clarinet; Luca Reverberi: bassoon; Angelo Borroni: French horn; Michele Corcella: arranger, conductor.

Label: Challenge Records
Release Date: 2023


MORE Enrico Pieranunzi ...

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1 comment:

  1. Looks a really interesting Pieranunzi, one of my fave pianists - thanks for the preview!!!
