egroj world: Monty Alexander-Ray Brown-Herb Ellis • Trio

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Monty Alexander-Ray Brown-Herb Ellis • Trio


“It would be an over-simplification to characterize the group you are about to hear (or are perhaps now hearing) simply as the old Oscar Peterson Trio with Monty Alexander replacing the leader,” writes Leonard Feather in his liner notes to this album, after acknowledging that both bassist Ray Brown and guitarist Herb Ellis used to be part of the Peterson group. He’s right, of course, but it also would be incorrect to say there isn’t at least a feel of that earlier drum-less ensemble in this one. The chief difference, of course, is that the Jamaica-born Alexander is not Peterson; although less of his rhythmic flair is on display here than on other dates, he has his own personality, and it is far showier than Peterson‘s. A second major difference is that Peterson was the leader of his trio and, as Feather also points out, “this is essentially a three-way partnership” in which each member gets to contribute more or less equally. The selections are a mixture of standards, most of them typical jazz springboards (though the 1940s pop hit “To Each His Own” seems to be new to the medium) with a Brown original and showcase, “Blues for Junior,” and another original, “Captain Bill,” that contains associations with Count Basie. Whether playing fast or slow, the three musicians interact well together, the younger Alexander holding his own with his veteran partners.


"Sería una simplificación excesiva caracterizar al grupo que está a punto de escuchar (o quizás está escuchando ahora) simplemente como el antiguo Oscar Peterson Trio con Monty Alexander sustituyendo al líder", escribe Leonard Feather en las notas de este álbum, después de reconocer que tanto el bajista Ray Brown como el guitarrista Herb Ellis formaban parte del grupo de Peterson. Tiene razón, por supuesto, pero también sería incorrecto decir que no hay al menos una sensación de aquel anterior conjunto sin batería en éste. La principal diferencia, por supuesto, es que el jamaicano Alexander no es Peterson; aunque aquí se muestra menos de su estilo rítmico que en otras fechas, tiene su propia personalidad, y es mucho más llamativa que la de Peterson. Una segunda diferencia importante es que Peterson era el líder de su trío y, como Feather también señala, "esto es esencialmente una asociación a tres bandas" en la que cada miembro contribuye más o menos por igual. Las selecciones son una mezcla de estándares, la mayoría de ellos típicos trampolines de jazz (aunque el éxito pop de los años 40 "To Each His Own" parece nuevo en el medio) con un original de Brown y escaparate, "Blues for Junior", y otro original, "Captain Bill", que contiene asociaciones con Count Basie. Tanto si tocan rápido como despacio, los tres músicos interactúan bien juntos, el joven Alexander aguantando el tipo con sus veteranos compañeros.

1 - I´m Afraid The Masquerade Is Over
Written-By – Allie Wrubel, Herbert Magidson
2 - You Call It Madness, I Call It Love
Written-By – Con Conrad, Gladys DuBois, Paul Gregory (3), Russ Columbo
3 - Blues For Junior
Written-By – Ray Brown
4 - Sweet Georgia Brown
Written-By – Ben Bernie, Kenneth Casey, Maceo Pinkard
5 - I Want To Be Happy
Written-By – Irving Caesar, Vincent Youmans6 - Put Your Little Foot Right Out
Written-By – Public Domain*
7 - Captain Bill
Written-By – Herb Ellis, Monty Alexander, Ray Brown
8 - To Each His Own
Written-By – Raymond B. Evans - Jay Livingston*
9 - Sister Sadie
Written-By – Horace Silver

Art Direction – Dick Hendler
Bass – Ray Brown
Engineer [Recording And Remix] – Phil Edwards
Guitar – Herb Ellis
Liner Notes – Leonard Feather
Mastered By – George Horn
Photography By [Cover Photo, Photo Of Ray Brown] – Bruce Burr
Photography By [Photo Of Herb Ellis] – Ellen C. Findlay
Photography By [Photo Of Monty Alexander] – Kenn Duncan
Piano – Monty Alexander
Producer – Carl E. Jefferson

Label:    Concord Jazz – CJ-136
Country:    US
Released:    1981
Genre:    Jazz
Style:    Swing, Instrumental

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  1. ¡Gracias por tu tiempo y dedicación Egroj! 🤗

  2. Love this band, thanks for the preview!!!
