by Scott Yanow
This is one of Jimmy Heath's more unusual and versatile records, and fortunately it has been reissued on CD. Heath switches between tenor, soprano and flute on a diverse program (five originals plus Duke Ellington's "In a Sentimental Mood") that ranges from hard bop to light funk and R&Bish jazz. Heath's sidemen (trombonist Curtis Fuller, cellist Bernard Fennell, keyboardist Stanley Cowell, electric bassist Bob Cranshaw and drummer Billy Higgins) sound quite inspired by the material and Heath plays at his most inventive throughout the underrated set.
por Scott Yanow
Este es uno de los discos más inusuales y versátiles de Jimmy Heath, y afortunadamente ha sido reeditado en CD. Heath cambia entre tenor, soprano y flauta en un programa diverso (cinco originales más "In a Sentimental Mood" de Duke Ellington) que va desde el hard bop al funk ligero y el jazz R&Bish. Los músicos de acompañamiento de Heath (el trombonista Curtis Fuller, el violonchelista Bernard Fennell, el teclista Stanley Cowell, el bajista eléctrico Bob Cranshaw y el batería Billy Higgins) suenan bastante inspirados con el material y Heath toca en su momento más inventivo a lo largo de este infravalorado conjunto.
1 - One For Juan
Written-By – Jimmy Heath
2 - In A Sentimental Mood
Written-By – Ellington, Mills
3 - Hands Up! Feet Down!
Written-By – Jimmy Heath
4 - Far Away Lands
Written-By – Jimmy Heath
5 - Smilin' Billy
Written-By – Jimmy Heath
6 - Gemini
Written-By – Jimmy Heath
Cello – Bernard Fennell
Drums, Tambourine – Billy Higgins
Electric Bass – Bob Cranshaw
Liner Notes – Gary Giddins
Piano, Electric Piano – Stanley Cowell
Producer, Design, Cover, Photography By – Don Schlitten
Recorded By – Paul Goodman
Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Flute – Jimmy Heath
Trombone – Curtis Fuller
Recorded on June 11, 1973.
Label: Muse Records – MR 5028
Country: US
Released: 1973
Genre: Jazz
Style: Hard Bop, Soul-Jazz
Thanks for this scarce record for preview!!!