egroj world: Suggested video: Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis - The Jazz Singers [with Al Jarreau & Kurt Elling. Season One, 2006 ep. 02]

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Suggested video: Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis - The Jazz Singers [with Al Jarreau & Kurt Elling. Season One, 2006 ep. 02]



The second episode features singers Kurt Elling and Al Jarreau in another casual affair that brings you into their world as a member of the jazz family. Both musicians tell how they got started, and both sing something memorable. Jarreau sings "Cold Duck" with all the fire and enthusiasm that Eddie Harris originally rained on us, and Elling sings a meandering "She's Funny That Way" in his unique style.
They also sing a duet on "Take Five" with and without words. Both singers emphasize through their interviews and through their performances that a vocal performance merits substantial value, whether it's done with words or not. Jarreau and Elling are accompanied tastefully by pianist Laurence Hobgood, bassist Rob Amster and drummer/percussionist Ernie Adams.

Cold Duck
She's Funny That Way
Take Five

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