Ron Carter's recordings as a leader have varied in shape and style, from
his contemporary commercial CTI recordings, his Milestone LP's
emphasizing the piccolo bass, more symphonic efforts, and straight-ahead
efforts such as this one. With the extraordinary Kenny Barron at the
piano and drummer Lewis Nash, Carter plays standards and four of his
originals that all fall snugly into the modern mainstream of jazz. It's a
relatively laid-back affair, as Barron's potential energy is for the
most part subdued, while Nash and Carter lock in on a cooperative
mindset. In lieu of balance, the pianist tenderly wafts through a ballad
version of "My Foolish Heart," leads out quaintly on "You'd Be So Nice
to Come Home To," and springs along happily during the Randy Weston
evergreen "Hi-Fly." There's more of a challenge to Carter's original
material, as the cute tune "It's About Time" offers up tricky tandem
playing from the bassist and Barron, "The Third Plane" is polite bop as
the pianist slightly extrapolates, surrounding Carter's talk-back type
melodic inserts, and while the emotional content of the trio darkens on
the pensive, anticipatory "Three More Days." There's a thin veil of
swing and blues similar to the standard "Too Close for Comfort" on
"Eddie's Theme," while the opener "So What," a song Carter played with
Miles Davis and on his own a thousand times, sports his lead bass melody
line with a freshness that is reinvented. Truly a team effort, this
consistently well-played set should remind us all how brilliant these
players are, especially with the cool Count Basie concept of "less is
more" in mind.
Traducción Automática:
Revisión por Michael G. Nastos
Las grabaciones de Ron Carter como líder han variado en forma y estilo,
desde sus grabaciones comerciales contemporáneas de CTI, sus LP de
Milestone que enfatizan el bajo piccolo, los esfuerzos más sinfónicos y
los esfuerzos directos como este. Con el extraordinario Kenny Barron en
el piano y el baterista Lewis Nash, Carter toca los estándares y cuatro
de sus originales que encajan perfectamente en la corriente principal
moderna del jazz. Es un asunto relativamente relajado, ya que la energía
potencial de Barron es en su mayor parte moderada, mientras que Nash y
Carter se enfocan en una mentalidad cooperativa. En lugar de mantener el
equilibrio, el pianista sopla con ternura una versión balada de "My
Foolish Heart", comenta de manera extraña en "You Be So Nice To Come To
To To To To You", y brota alegremente durante el Evergreen de Randy
Weston "Hi-Fly . " El material original de Carter presenta un desafío
mayor, ya que la linda melodía "It's About Time" ofrece una complicada
interpretación en tándem por parte del bajista y Barron, "The Third
Plane" es cortés, ya que el pianista extrapola un poco, rodeando el tipo
de comentarios de Carter. inserciones melódicas, y mientras el
contenido emocional del trío se oscurece en el pensativo, anticipativo
"Tres días más". Hay un delgado velo de swing y blues similar al
estándar "Too Close for Comfort" en "Eddie's Theme", mientras que el
abridor "So What", una canción que Carter tocó con Miles Davis y él solo
mil veces, mantiene su ventaja. Línea de bajo melodía con una frescura
que se reinventa. Verdaderamente un esfuerzo de equipo, este conjunto
bien jugado debería recordarnos a todos lo brillantes que son estos
jugadores, especialmente con el genial concepto Count Basie de "menos es
más" en mente. ...
1. SO WHAT (M.Davis) 6:47
3. IT’S ABOUT TIME (R.Carter) 5:14
4. MY FOOLISH HEART (Young-Washington) 8:15
5. HI-FLY (R.Weston) 6:02
6. THREE MORE DAYS (R.Carter) 7:35
7. EDDIE’S THEME (R.Carter) 3:54
8. THE THIRD PLANE (R.Carter) 4:55
3. IT’S ABOUT TIME (R.Carter) 5:14
4. MY FOOLISH HEART (Young-Washington) 8:15
5. HI-FLY (R.Weston) 6:02
6. THREE MORE DAYS (R.Carter) 7:35
7. EDDIE’S THEME (R.Carter) 3:54
8. THE THIRD PLANE (R.Carter) 4:55
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