egroj world: Clora Bryant • Gal With a Horn
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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Clora Bryant • Gal With a Horn

Nacida en Tejas, se inició en la música como cantante en la iglesia bautista, posteriormente empezó a tocar la trompeta que su hermano dejó al ser llamado a servir en la guerra en 1941, y no paró nunca de tocar hasta 1996 que por razones de salud debió declinar de seguir tocando, si embargo ha seguido cantando esporádicamente y brindando entrevistas.
Estudió en forma autodidacta oyendo a sus ídolos de la trompeta, grabándose a sí misma en una grabadora de cinta y escuchando el resultado para ir mejorando su técnica.
Dizzy y Satchmo, con quienes ha tocado, sintieron admiración por esta dama y junto a Charlie Parker tuvo una jam en un café de California, convirtiéndose en la única mujer que haya tocado con el gran "Bird".
Se tomo un tiempo para criar a sus hijos, volviendo en los '60 con gran suceso en el show de Ed Sullivan y participando en proyectos con otros músicos, en 1989 fue la primer dama del jazz en tocar, en la por aquel entonces Unión Soviética, a pedido del mismísimo Mikhail Gorbachov.
Bryant murió en el Centro Médico Cedars-Sinai de Los Ángeles el 25 de agosto de 2019, después de sufrir un ataque al corazón en su casa. En el momento de su muerte, tenía nueve nietos y cinco bisnietos

Clora Bryant (born May 30, 1927, in Denison, Texas) is an American jazz trumpeter and as a young girl she fell in love with music and classic southern fish fries. Music came easy for Bryant and as a child she sang in her church’s choir, played piano, and of course the trumpet. Although her mother passed when she was three her father raised her and supported her music career from the very beginning. Her father would take her to Jazz concerts growing up, and during college her father moved her to Los Angeles to pursue her music career and get discovered.
As a teen Bryant traveled around the nation making a name for herself playing the trumpet with all female bands. During that time the trumpet was viewed as a male dominated instrument, but she persevered. During jam sessions in L.A., she liked the song that was being performed she would walk on stage and begin playing, or she would take the trumpet away from another artist like Dizzy Gillespie and play his trumpet. Although Bryant was a skilled trumpeter she was very naïve growing up; she has mentioned times as a young woman in her late teens and early twenties in which she was very confused because she did not know about different sexualities or drugs which became available after she moved to Los Angeles. Clora Bryant is a decorated musician who broke down a lot walls for female musicians, and helped spread jazz across the nation.
Bryant died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on August 25, 2019, after suffering a heart attack at home. At the time of her death, she had nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
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1. Gypsy In My Soul 02:48
2. Makin' Woopee 03:34
3. Man With The Horn 03:58
4. Sweet Georgia Brown 04:36
5. Tea For Two 03:47
6. This Can't Be Love 04:36
7. Little Girl Blue 03:10
8. S'posin' 02:05

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