egroj world: Beatles Vs. Stones

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Beatles Vs. Stones


In the 1960s an epic battle was waged between the two biggest bands in the world -- the clean-cut, mop-topped Beatles and the bad boy Rolling Stones. Both groups liked to maintain that they weren't really "rivals" -- that was just a media myth, they politely said. Yet they plainly competed for commercial success and aesthetic credibility. On both sides of the Atlantic, fans often aligned themselves with one group or the other. In "Beatles vs. Stones," John McMillian gets to the truth behind the ultimate rock and roll debate.




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  1. Good book, thank you. The Beatles were better than the Stones. Nobody was even in the same league as the Beatles at that time.

    1. Yes Bob, although I don't think they ever competed, their musical directions (in the '60s) are completely different.

  2. Thank you egroj. The Beatles were more varied musically & for me will always be the greatest band ever. The Stones had some great songs & four classic albums (imo) - Beggars to Exile. If the Stones had broke up after Exile or at least after Some Girls I think they would be held in higher esteem (still not on the level of The Beatles). About their competing images in the sixties, I liked the line in the book that The Beatles were thugs who were put across as nice blokes and The Stones were gentlemen who were made into thugs by their manager.

    1. Well, you may or may not like The Beatles, but you can't deny that they generated not only a musical revolution, but even more a cultural revolution.
