egroj world: February 2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Avenue Blue Featuring Jeff Golub • Naked City


Review by Daevid Jehnzen
Avenue Blue's Naked City is a laid-back, mellow jazz and soul fusion, highlighted by blues flourishes. The main distinguishing feature of the group is guitarist Jeff Golub, whose fluid playing dominates the record, even when he is accompanying such guest stars as Phoebe Snow and Bob James.


Reseña de Daevid Jehnzen
Naked City, de Avenue Blue, es una fusión de jazz y soul relajada y suave, con toques de blues. El principal rasgo distintivo del grupo es el guitarrista Jeff Golub, cuya fluida interpretación domina el disco, incluso cuando acompaña a estrellas invitadas como Phoebe Snow y Bob James. ...

Thursday, February 25, 2021

VA • Lost Legends Of The Surf Guitar - Vol.2

Quincy Jones His Life in Music


Quincy Jones (b. 1933) is one of the most prolific composers, arrangers, bandleaders, producers, and humanitarians in American music history and the recording and film industries. Among pop music fans he is perhaps most famous for producing Michael Jackson's album, Thriller. Clarence Bernard Henry focuses on the life, music, career, and legacy of Jones within the social, cultural, historical, and artistic context of American, African American, popular, and world music traditions.

Jones's career has spanned over sixty years, generating a substantial body of work with over five hundred compositions and arrangements. The author focuses on this material as well as many of Jones's accomplishments: performing as a young trumpeter in the bands of Lionel Hampton and Dizzy Gillespie, becoming the first African American to hold an executive position in the competitive white-owned recording industry, breaking racial barriers as a composer in the Hollywood film and television industries, producing the best-selling album of all time, and receiving numerous Grammy Awards.

The author also discusses many of Jones's compositions, arrangements, and recordings and his compositional study in France with legendary teacher Nadia Boulanger. In addition, details are provided about Jones's distinct ability as one of the most innovative composers and arrangers who incorporates many different styles of music, techniques, and creative ideas in his compositions, arrangements, and film scores. He collaborated with an array of musicians and groups such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Frank Sinatra, Clifford Brown, Ray Charles, Michael Jackson, USA for Africa, and many others. Clarence Bernard Henry shows how Jones has, throughout his career, wholeheartedly embraced philosophies of globalization and cultural diversity in his body of work, collaborations, humanitarian projects, and musical creativity. ...


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

VA • Lost Legends Of The Surf Guitar - Vol.1

John Williams's Film Music


John Williams is one of the most renowned film composers in history. He has penned unforgettable scores for Star Wars, the Indiana Jones series, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jaws, Superman, and countless other films. Fans flock to his many concerts, and with forty-nine Academy Award nominations as of 2014, he is the second-most Oscar-nominated person after Walt Disney. Yet despite such critical acclaim and prestige, this is the first book in English on Williams’s work and career.
            Combining accessible writing with thorough scholarship, and rigorous historical accounts with insightful readings, John Williams’s Film Music explores why Williams is so important to the history of film music. Beginning with an overview of music from Hollywood’s Golden Age (1933–58), Emilio Audissino traces the turning points of Williams’s career and articulates how he revived the classical Hollywood musical style. This book charts each landmark of this musical restoration, with special attention to the scores for Jaws and Star Wars, Williams’s work as conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra, and a full film/music analysis of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The result is a precise, enlightening definition of Williams’s “neoclassicism” and a grounded demonstration of his lasting importance, for both his compositions and his historical role in restoring part of the Hollywood tradition. ...


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Ernest Ranglin • Guitar In Ernest

Artist Biography
Ernest Ranglin was born June 19, 1932 and grew up in the small town of Robin's Hall in the Parish of Manchester, a rural community In the middle of Jamaica. Music has always claimed a special place In the Island's culture, and Ranglin's destiny was set from an early age when two of his uncles showed him the rudiments of playing the guitar. When they discovered just how good the young boy was, they bought him a ukulele. Ranglin learned how to play by imitating his uncles, but he was soon to be influenced by the recordings of the great American jazz guitarist Charlie Christian. Living in rural Jamaica, however, inhibited the boy's ambitions, which, even at the age of fourteen, were focused on music. He then moved to Kingston - the country's capital - ostensibly to finish his studies at Bodmin College. Very high on Ranglin's agenda was to seriously study the guitar; something not on the school's priorities.

His lessons came from guitar books and late-night sessions watching the Jamaican dance bands of the time: he was particularly influenced by Cecil Houdini, an unrecorded local musician. By the time he was sixteen years old, Ranglin was acknowledged as the rising young talent in the city. In 1948 he joined his first group, the Val Bennett Orchestra, playing in the local hotels. Such was Ranglin's burgeoning reputation that he soon came to the attention of rival dance bands and, by the early-Fifties, he was a member of Jamaica's best-known group, the Eric Deans Orchestra, touring around the Caribbean and as far north as the Bahamas.

The big bands gave Ranglin the hugely beneficial experience of learning how to orchestrate and arrange. The typical repertoire of the day Included tunes by Les Brown, Benny Goodman, Stan Kenton and Duke Ellington, together with Cuban music and the hot Broadway show songs. The constant tours also gave Ranglin a wider vision, meeting musicians from other traditions. Once, for instance, when he was working In Nassau his performance was heard by Les Paul, who gave Ranglin a guitar In admiration of his talents.

It was, however, back In Jamaica that his career was to be transformed by a chance meeting. In 1958 Ranglin was leading his own quintet, playing the leading hotels In Kingston and the resorts on the north of the Island. One engagement was at the Half Moon Hotel in Montego Bay, a show caught by a young would-be record producer called Chris Blackwell.

Immediately Impressed by Ranglin's extraordinary talents, Blackwell offered him the chance to make a record. The album featured a pianist called Lance Heywood on one side with Ernest Ranglin on the other: It was the very first release by Island Records and the start of a long association between Ranglin and Blackwell.

By the following year, 1959, Ranglin had joined the bassist Cluett Johnson in a studio group called Clue J and His Blues Blasters. This was a very different kind of style to the big bands. Jamaican music was in a state of flux, the traditional mento superseded by a tough urban stance influenced by the pervading sounds of American R&B. Johnson and Ranglin recorded several instrumentals for producer Clement 'Coxsone' Dodd at Federal - the only real studio facility on the island. The first of these tunes, Shuffling Bug, is widely regarded as the first example of ska, the shuffle rhythm which exaggerated the 'jump beat' heard on New Orleans' R&B records of the Fifties. Ska became the bedrock of Jamaican popular music, leading to rock steady, reggae, ragga and all the innovations the island has brought into the global mainstream.

Ranglin's fluent and versatile guitar style, coupled with his arrangement skills, meant he was in constant demand right through the ska era. In addition to his work with Prince Buster and Baba Brooks, Ranglin was also remembered by Chris Blackwell who, in 1962, had launched Island Records in Britain. Blackwell had a song he thought could be a pop smash. He also had a young Jamaican singer called Millie, who'd previously recorded some sides for Coxsone Dodd. In 1964 Blackwell brought both Millie and Ranglin to London; they recorded My Boy Lollipop which, in the spring of that year, reached number two in the UK chart. It went on to become a worldwide hit, the first time ska had infiltrated into the vocabulary of pop music.

In recent years, Ernest Ranglin has gone back to his roots and has made various cross cultural collaborations and concept albums. On Below the Bassline he covers some of the greatest songs of the rock and roll era. Memories of Barber Mack is Ernest Ranglin's tribute to the late Jamaican saxophonist Barber Mack. The Search of the Lost Riddim album took Ernest Ranglin to Senegal for his first visit since the mid 1970's when he toured as part of the Jimmy Cliff band. These recording sessions represent the accomplishment of a dream he had cherished for over 20 years: returning to Africa to record with African musicians. Modern Answers to Old Problems is an adventuresome mix of jazz sophistication and Afro-pop syncopation, and finaly his last album Gotcha! shows what a perfect instrumentalist Ernest realy is.


Biografía del artista

Ernest Ranglin nació el 19 de junio de 1932 y creció en el pequeño pueblo de Robin's Hall en la Parroquia de Manchester, una comunidad rural en el centro de Jamaica. La música siempre ha ocupado un lugar especial en la cultura de la isla, y el destino de Ranglin se fijó desde muy joven cuando dos de sus tíos le enseñaron los rudimentos de tocar la guitarra. Cuando descubrieron lo bueno que era el joven, le compraron un ukelele. Ranglin aprendió a tocar imitando a sus tíos, pero pronto se vio influenciado por las grabaciones del gran guitarrista de jazz estadounidense Charlie Christian. Sin embargo, vivir en la Jamaica rural inhibió las ambiciones del niño, que, incluso a la edad de catorce años, se centraban en la música. Luego se trasladó a Kingston, la capital del país, aparentemente para terminar sus estudios en el Bodmin College. Lo más importante en la agenda de Ranglin era estudiar seriamente la guitarra, algo que no estaba entre las prioridades de la escuela.

Sus lecciones provenían de libros de guitarra y sesiones nocturnas para ver las bandas de baile jamaicanas de la época: estaba particularmente influenciado por Cecil Houdini, un músico local no registrado. Para cuando tenía dieciséis años, Ranglin era reconocido como el joven talento en ascenso en la ciudad. En 1948 se unió a su primer grupo, la Val Bennett Orchestra, tocando en los hoteles locales. Tal era la creciente reputación de Ranglin que pronto llamó la atención de las bandas de baile rivales y, a principios de los años cincuenta, era miembro del grupo más conocido de Jamaica, la Eric Deans Orchestra, que viajaba por el Caribe y por el norte hasta las Bahamas.

Las grandes bandas le dieron a Ranglin la experiencia enormemente beneficiosa de aprender a orquestar y arreglar. El repertorio típico del día incluía temas de Les Brown, Benny Goodman, Stan Kenton y Duke Ellington, junto con música cubana y las canciones calientes del show de Broadway. Las constantes giras también le dieron a Ranglin una visión más amplia, conociendo a músicos de otras tradiciones. Una vez, por ejemplo, cuando trabajaba en Nassau, su actuación fue escuchada por Les Paul, que le regaló a Ranglin una guitarra en admiración por su talento.

Sin embargo, fue en Jamaica donde su carrera fue transformada por un encuentro casual. En 1958 Ranglin lideraba su propio quinteto, tocando en los principales hoteles de Kingston y en los resorts del norte de la isla. Un compromiso fue en el Half Moon Hotel en Montego Bay, un espectáculo capturado por un joven aspirante a productor de discos llamado Chris Blackwell.

Inmediatamente impresionado por el extraordinario talento de Ranglin, Blackwell le ofreció la oportunidad de hacer un récord. El álbum presentaba a un pianista llamado Lance Heywood de un lado y Ernest Ranglin del otro: Fue el primer lanzamiento de Island Records y el comienzo de una larga asociación entre Ranglin y Blackwell.

Al año siguiente, 1959, Ranglin se había unido al bajista Cluett Johnson en un grupo de estudio llamado Clue J y His Blues Blasters. Este era un estilo muy diferente al de las grandes bandas. La música jamaicana estaba en un estado de cambio, el mento tradicional reemplazado por una dura postura urbana influenciada por los sonidos omnipresentes del R&B americano. Johnson y Ranglin grabaron varios instrumentos para el productor Clement 'Coxsone' Dodd en Federal - el único estudio real en la isla. La primera de estas canciones, Shuffling Bug, es ampliamente considerada como el primer ejemplo de ska, el ritmo de shuffle que exageraba el'jump beat' que se escuchaba en los discos de R&B de Nueva Orleans de los años cincuenta. Ska se convirtió en la base de la música popular jamaicana, llevando al rock steady, reggae, ragga y todas las innovaciones que la isla ha traído a la corriente dominante global.

El estilo fluido y versátil de la guitarra de Ranglin, junto con sus habilidades de arreglo, significaba que estaba en constante demanda a lo largo de la era del ska. Además de su trabajo con Prince Buster y Baba Brooks, Ranglin también fue recordado por Chris Blackwell quien, en 1962, había lanzado Island Records en Gran Bretaña. Blackwell tenía una canción que pensó que podría ser un éxito. También tenía una joven cantante jamaicana llamada Millie, que previamente había grabado algunos lados para Coxsone Dodd. En 1964 Blackwell trajo a Millie y Ranglin a Londres; grabaron My Boy Lollipop que, en la primavera de ese año, alcanzó el número dos en la lista de éxitos del Reino Unido. Se convirtió en un éxito mundial, la primera vez que el ska se había infiltrado en el vocabulario de la música pop.

En los últimos años, Ernest Ranglin ha vuelto a sus raíces y ha realizado varias colaboraciones interculturales y álbumes conceptuales. En Below the Bassline interpreta algunas de las mejores canciones de la era del rock and roll. Memories of Barber Mack es el tributo de Ernest Ranglin al difunto saxofonista jamaiquino Barber Mack. El álbum The Search of the Lost Riddim llevó a Ernest Ranglin a Senegal para su primera visita desde mediados de la década de 1970, cuando realizó una gira como parte de la banda de Jimmy Cliff. Estas sesiones de grabación representan la realización de un sueño que había albergado durante más de 20 años: volver a África para grabar con músicos africanos. Modern Answers to Old Problems es una mezcla aventurera de sofisticación de jazz y sincopa afro-pop, y finalmente su último álbum Gotcha! muestra lo que es un perfecto instrumentista Ernest realmente.


Cajun Breakdown: The Emergence of an American-Made Music


In 1946, Harry Choates, a Cajun fiddle virtuoso, changed the course of American musical history when his recording of the so-called Cajun national anthem "Jole Blon" reached number four on the national Billboard charts. Cajun music became part of the American consciousness for the first time thanks to the unprecedented success of this issue, as the French tune crossed cultural, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic boundaries. Country music stars Moon Mullican, Roy Acuff, Bob Wills, and Hank Snow rushed into the studio to record their own interpretations of the waltz-followed years later by Waylon Jennings and Bruce Springsteen. The cross-cultural musical legacy of this plaintive waltz also paved the way for Hank Williams Sr.'s Cajun-influenced hit "Jamabalaya."

Choates' "Jole Blon" represents the culmination of a centuries-old dialogue between the Cajun community and the rest of America. Joining into this dialogue is the most thoroughly researched and broadly conceived history of Cajun music yet published, Cajun Breakdown. Furthermore, the book examines the social and cultural roots of Cajun music's development through 1950 by raising broad questions about the ethnic experience in America and nature of indigenous American music. Since its inception, the Cajun community constantly refashioned influences from the American musical landscape despite the pressures of marginalization, denigration, and poverty. European and North American French songs, minstrel tunes, blues, jazz, hillbilly, Tin Pan Alley melodies, and western swing all became part of the Cajun musical equation. The idiom's synthetic nature suggests an extensive and intensive dialogue with popular culture, extinguishing the myth that Cajuns were an isolated folk group astray in the American South. Ryan Andre Brasseaux's work constitutes a bold and innovative exploration of a forgotten chapter in America's musical odyssey. ...


Monday, February 22, 2021

Hipbone Slim & The Kneetremblers • The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of

Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers


Since its emergence from the ghettoes of West Kingston, Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafarian Movement has been transformed from an obscure group of outcasts to a vibrant movement that has not only become firmly entrenched in Jamaican society, but has successfully expanded beyond the Caribbean to North America, the British Isles, and Africa. Ennis Barrington Edmonds provides a compelling portrait of the Rastafarian phenomenon and chronicles how a once-obscure group, much maligned and persecuted, became a dominant cultural force in the world today.
Edmonds charts the evolution of the relationship between Rastafari and the wider Jamaican society. In the early years of the movement, there was outright confrontation and repression, as Rastas were seen as a threat to Jamaican society. This evolved into a grudging tolerance and eventually an aggressive appropriation of Rastafarian symbols in the 1970s and 1980s--as evidenced by the veritable coronation of reggae artist Bob Marley--resulting in the "culture tourism" of the late twentieth century. Edmonds focuses in particular on the internal development of Rastafarianism as a social movement, with its network of "houses" (small, informal groups that form around leading Rastas) and "mansions" (larger, more communal associations), to track the process of this strikingly successful integration. He further demonstrates how Rastafarian artistic creativity, especially in fashioning the music and message of reggae, was a significant factor in the transition of Rastas from the status of outcasts to the position of culture bearers.
Rastafari presents an intimate account of a unique movement, which over the course of several decades had entrenched itself in Jamaican society and has become the international cultural and political force it is today. ...


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ramsey Lewis • Them Changes

Pianist and composer Ramsey Lewis has been a major figure in contemporary jazz since the late '50s, playing music with a warm, open personality that's allowed him to cross over to the pop and R&B charts. Lewis was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 27, 1935, and was introduced to music by his father, who directed the choir at a local church and enjoyed the music of Duke Ellington and Art Tatum. Lewis began studying the piano when he was four years old, and was soon accompanying the choir at Sunday services. At the age of 15, he joined a jazz combo called the Cleffs, who played at parties and dances. Lewis was interested in a leaner, more bebop-oriented sound, and when the group splintered after several members joined the military, he formed the Ramsey Lewis Trio with two other former Cleffs, bassist Eldee Young and percussionist Redd Holt. The trio became a fixture on the Chicago jazz scene, and they were signed to a deal with Chess Records, releasing their first album, Ramsey Lewis & His Gentlemen of Jazz, in 1956.
Lewis and his trio continued to record and tour steadily over the years, building a sizable audience among jazz fans, but their career received a serious boost in 1965, when they recorded a swinging version of Dobie Gray's hit "The In Crowd" at a gig in Washington, D.C. Chess released the track as a single, and it became a sizable pop hit, earning Lewis his first gold record, as well as a Grammy Award for Best Jazz Performance. As Lewis' star rose, he returned to the pop charts in 1966 with versions of "Hang on Sloopy" and "Wade in the Water." Meanwhile, Young and Holt left Lewis' trio to form their own group, Young-Holt Unlimited, and the pianist hired a new rhythm section, Cleveland Eaton on bass and Maurice White on drums.
In 1970, White resigned to form his own group, and Morris Jennings signed on as the trio's new percussionist. Lewis continued to record for Chess until 1972, when he moved to Columbia Records, and as his music developed a more contemporary groove, White's group, Earth, Wind & Fire (also on Columbia), was beginning to enjoy considerable success on the R&B charts. White produced Lewis' 1974 album, Sun Goddess, in which he experimented with electronic keyboards for the first time, and several members of EWF played on the sessions; it became a major crossover hit and took Lewis to the upper ranks of the smooth jazz/fusion scene. Lewis would record R&B-influenced material through the '70s, but continued to explore his roots in more traditional jazz sounds as well as Latin rhythms. In 1983, he went into the studio with Eldee Young and Redd Holt for the album Reunion; in 1984, he collaborated with Nancy Wilson on The Two of Us; in 1988, he recorded with London's Philharmonia Orchestra for the album A Classic Encounter, and in 1989, Lewis and Dr. Billy Taylor cut a set of piano duets, We Meet Again.
In 1992, Lewis signed with the successful jazz label GRP Records, and in 1995, he launched the side project Urban Knights, in which he collaborated with a handful of successful crossover jazz stars, including Grover Washington, Jr., Earl Klugh, and Dave Koz. In 1997, Lewis added disc jockey to his résumé, hosting a popular show on Chicago's WNUA-FM that ran until 2009; the show went into syndication in 2006 under the name Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis, and is still on the air. In 2005, Lewis looked back on his roots in gospel music with the album With One Voice, which earned him the Stellar Gospel Music Award for Best Gospel Instrumental Album. In 2007, he was commissioned to write a jazz ballet for the Joffrey Ballet Company, and "To Know Her..." debuted at Highland Park, Illinois' Ravina Music Festival, where Lewis is artistic director of the festival's jazz series, and helped found their Jazz Mentor Program.
Lewis has also written several pieces for string ensemble and orchestra that have premiered at Ravina; highlights were featured on the 2009 album Songs from the Heart: Ramsey Plays Ramsey, his first release from Concord Records. In addition to his work as a performer, composer, educator, and disc jockey, Lewis has received five honorary doctorate degrees, won the National Endowment for the Arts' Jazz Master Award in 2007, and is one of the few noted jazz artists to carry the Olympic Torch, having briefly escorted the flame as it passed through Chicago en route to the 2002 Winter Games. In 2011, he delivered Taking Another Look, a reworking of his classic 1974 electric jazz-funk album Sun Goddess. The album was reissued in a deluxe package with bonus tracks in 2015. Two years later, Lewis was a featured guest on pianist Alan Storeygard's trio album New Directions.


Pianist and composer Ramsey Lewis ha sido la mayor figura en el jazz contemporáneo de los 50 ', la música de la música con el calentamiento, la posibilidad de abrir la puerta a través de que el punto de intersección hacia el pop y los R & B. , Que se estrenó en Chicago, Illinois el 27 de mayo de 1935, y fue introducida a la música por su padre, quien dirigió el choir a la iglesia local y disfrutó de la música de Duke Ellington y Tatu. Lewis inició el piano cuando era cuatro años, y estaba pronto acompañando el choir at Sunday services. En la edad de 15, he unido el jazz combo llamado los Cleffs, que jugó en partidos y danzas. Y en el caso de que el grupo se filtró después de varios miembros se unió al ejército, se formó el Ramsey Lewis Trio con otros dos viejos Cleffs, bassist Eldee Young y percussionist Redd Holt. En el año 1956, Ramsey Lewis y su grupo de jazz, en 1956, se convirtieron en el primer álbum, Ramsey Lewis y su Gentlemen de Jazz.
En el año 1965, cuando se registró la swinging version de Dobie Gray, el éxito "The In Crowd" en el gigantes de la banda, en Washington, DC Chess liberado el track a a single, y se convirtió en el pop pop pop, earning Lewis su primer oro de registro, así como el Premio Grammy para el mejor Jazz Performance. En el año 1966 con las versiones de "Hang on Sloopy" y "Wade in the Water." , Y el pianist hired a new rhythm section, Cleveland Eaton on bass y Maurice White on drums.
En 1970, White resigned a formar su propio grupo, y Morris Jennings firmado en el trio's new percussionist. En el caso de que se trate de una película de la saga de la saga de la saga de la saga de la saga, . "White Chain Lewis '1974 álbum, Sun Goddess, in que he experimentado con las teclas electrónicas para el primer equipo, y varios miembros de EWF jugado en las sesiones; que se convirtió en el mayor crossover hit y tomó Lewis a las ranas ranas del jazz / fusión de la música. En el caso de que se produzca un error en el registro de R & B-sustan material a través de los 70, pero continúe explorando su raíz en más tradicional jazz de los sonidos así como Latin rhythms. En 1983, he estado en el estudio con Eldee Young y Redd Holt para el álbum Reunion; en 1984, había colaborado con Nancy Wilson en los dos de nosotros; y en el año 1989, Lewis y el Dr. Billy Taylor cortaron el set del piano duets, We Meet Again.
En 1992, Lewis firmó con el éxito de la película de jazz Recordset, y en 1995, he lanzado el lado del proyecto Urban Knights, en el que he colaborado con el handful de exitoso crossover jazz estrellas, incluyendo Grover Washington, Jr., Earl Klugh, y Dave Koz. En 1997, Lewis agregó disc jockey a su résumé, hospedaje el popular show en Chicago's WNUA-FM que ran hasta 2009; , que se estrenará en el mes de septiembre. En el año 2005, Lewis miró sobre su raíz en la música de la música con el álbum con una voz, que fue el himno de la música de la música de la música. En el año 2007, se le pidió a escribir el jazz ballet para la Joffrey Ballet Company, y "To Know Her ..." debuted at Highland Park, Illinois 'Ravina Music Festival, donde Lewis es director artístico del festival de las series de jazz, su Jazz Mentor Program.
Lewis también ha escrito varias piezas para la cadena de conjuntos y orquestaciones que han premiered at Ravina; , que se estrenará en el 2009 álbum de canciones del Heart: Ramsey Plays Ramsey, su primera versión de Concord Records. En el año 2007, el Premio de la Academia de los Premios Musicales en el 2007, es uno de los músicos de jazz, el Olympic Torch, que tiene briefly escorted la llama que pasa a través de Chicago en la ruta a los Juegos de invierno de invierno. En el 2011, he emprendido otra cara, la reworking de su clásico 1974 jazz jazz-funk álbum Sun Goddess. El álbum fue reestablecido en el paquete de lujo con las canciones de las primas en el 2015. Dos años, Lewis fue un famoso huésped en el pianist Alan Storeygard's trío álbum New Directions.  

African Roots of the Jazz Evolution



African Roots of the Jazz Evolution discusses how jazz style evolved from its original source – traditional African music. Reflecting the continental interaction and cultural development that took place over centuries, the book explores how melodic, structural, rhythmic, and other musical elements from Africa are manifested in African-American spirituals, the blues, and various jazz forms. 

The book moves chronologically from the roots of blues music through the advent of recording technology and into the incorporation of new musical styles and electronic media. Beginning with traditional African music, the text examines the sociocultural context in which African-American music emerged and the ways it was traditionally expressed. It also discusses the jazz innovators who emerged in each decade of the 20th Century and their contributions to jazz genres. 

Featuring reserve and in-class recording, discussion questions, and listening examsAfrican Roots of the Jazz Evolution is an informed exploration of the African-America jazz evolution within a broad sociopolitical context. It can be used in a variety of courses in music, humanities, and ethnic studies.

Karlton E. Hester began his career as a composer, recording artist, and music educator. He holds a Ph.D. in composition from the City University of New York, and is currently the director of jazz studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Hester is also the founding director of the Fillmore Jazz Preservation Big Band in San Francisco. He has received fellowships and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Mellon Foundation, among other. An acclaimed performer, Dr. Hester has played throughout the United States and internationally. ...


Saturday, February 20, 2021

VA • Soul Organs Vol 3

Charles Kynard, Jimmy Caravan, Billy Preston, Wild Bill Davis, Freddie Roach, Hank Marr ...

Selection by / Compilado por:

Avant-Garde Jazz Musicians: Performing "Out There"


Focuses on performers whose own styles, by definition, transcend traditional boundaries of jazz and most Western forms of music. The performers discussed include John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman, Cecil Taylor, Daniel Carter, Billy Bang, and Jemeel Moondoc. ...


Friday, February 19, 2021

VA • Soul Organs Vol 2

Selection by / Compilado por:

Charles Earland, Hank Marr, Merl Saunders, Jesse Butler, Truman Thomas, Georgie Fame, Bill Doggett  ...

Johnny Cash - Life Unseen


LIFE partners with Sony Music Entertainment and its vast archive of photography to launch a new series of special books: LIFE Unseen, surprising looks at some of our most legendary stars. We kick off the series with Johnny Cash, who passed away 10 years ago, but it seems like he has never left us.

There have been iconic American performers whose lives seemed even larger than their stage personas. Then there was Johnny Cash, unique and-yes-transcendent. He is seen as a country singer, but he is also in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Gospel Hall of Fame. Coming out of Arkansas, rebellious and an early adherent of rockabilly (he was part of Sun Studios' Million Dollar Quartet, along with Elvis, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis), he found his audience. Cash was also a TV star and he formed supergroups with other top recording artists. Movies were made about the Man in Black, and he would have been calcified as a "legend" had he not been so genuine.

LIFE was at its apex when Cash "arrived," and this special volume includes that great photography, interviews with Cash and his family-as well as his soul mate, June Carter Cash, in a special section-and, of course, the never-before-seen imagery.

Johnny Cash lives on through his eternal music and personal story-and through this tribute that presents, perhaps even reveals, the Man in Black, Johnny Cash, as you've never seen him. ...


Thursday, February 18, 2021

VA • Soul Organs Vol 1

Selection by / Compilado por:

La Estética Musical desde la Antiguedad hasta el Siglo XX



En esta obra, considerada desde hace años un clásico de la disciplina, Enrico Fubini arroja luz sobre los temas fundamentales, las corrientes más importantes y los problemas clave de la estética musical. Proporciona así una síntesis cronológica del pensamiento musical en Occidente, desde los poemas homéricos hasta las últimas tendencias contemporáneas, que comprende las reflexiones sobre la música no sólo de los propios músicos y estudiosos de la estética, sino también de filósofos, matemáticos, físicos y pedagogos. ...


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Peter Nero • Piano Forte

Peter Nero was trained as a classical musician, and became interested in jazz at the age of 19 after hearing the legendary Art Tatum. In the late 50s, he spent four years playing jazz clubs such as the Village Gate, Village Vanguard, the Blue Angel, and the Tropicana lounge in Las Vegas, before being discovered by RCA Records in 1960. They were looking for a ‘pop’ pianist, and auditioned more than 100 before choosing Nero. During the next eight years, he recorded some 24 albums, including the Grammy-winning “The Colorful Peter Nero,” in 1963. Two years previously, in 1961, Nero had won the Grammy for Best New Artist.

Peter Nero is unrivaled as a pianist and Pops conductor. His blending of classical, swing, Broadway, blues and jazz - all performed with vibrant virtuosity, amazing authenticity and an inviting sense of humor, have won him a loyal and enthusiastic audience. “The best aspect of Nero's art could well be his crazy creativity. He has the gift of seeing a song as no one has seen it before,” exclaimed Mary Kunz, music critic for The Buffalo News. The Washington Post has dubbed Peter “the epitome of the Pops Conductor/Performer.”

One of Peter's greatest achievements is being the founding Music Director of the world renowned Peter Nero and the Philly Pops. Extraordinary for any orchestra these days, Peter Nero and the Philly Pops also recently signed a three-record deal with DRG Records.

The Maestro's recent guest performances include return engagements with the National Symphony Orchestra at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Buffalo and Dayton Philharmonics, the Florida Philharmonic, and the Pacific, St. Louis, Ottawa, Detroit and Virginia Symphony Orchestras. Peter also continues to tour throughout the year in solo recitals. As a Steinway artist for close to 50 years, Peter returned to New York's Carnegie Hall in the spring of 2003 to perform at the 150th Anniversary of Steinway Gala with many noted pianists, including Dr. Billy Taylor, Herbie Hancock and Michel Legrand.

The Brooklyn-born musician started his formal music training at the age of 7. By the time he was 14, he was accepted to New York City's prestigious High School of Music and Art and won a scholarship to the Juilliard School of Music. Constance Keene, his teacher and mentor, once wrote in an issue of Keyboard Classics, “Vladimir Horowitz was Peter's greatest fan!”

Peter recorded his first album in 1961 and won a Grammy that year for “Best New Artist.” Since then, he has received another Grammy Award, garnered 10 additional nominations and released 67 albums. Peter's early association with RCA Records produced 23 albums in eight years. His subsequent move to Columbia Records resulted in a million-selling single and album.


Peter Nero se formó como músico clásico, y se interesó por el jazz a la edad de 19 años después de escuchar al legendario Art Tatum. A finales de los 50, pasó cuatro años tocando en clubes de jazz como el Village Gate, Village Vanguard, el Blue Angel y el Tropicana lounge de Las Vegas, antes de ser descubierto por RCA Records en 1960. Buscaban un pianista 'pop', y audicionaron más de 100 antes de elegir a Nero. Durante los siguientes ocho años, grabó unos 24 álbumes, incluyendo el ganador del Grammy "El colorido Peter Nero", en 1963. Dos años antes, en 1961, Nero había ganado el Grammy al Mejor Artista Nuevo.

Peter Nero no tiene rival como pianista y director de Pops. Su mezcla de música clásica, swing, Broadway, blues y jazz -todos ellos interpretados con un virtuosismo vibrante, una autenticidad asombrosa y un atractivo sentido del humor- le han hecho ganar un público leal y entusiasta. "El mejor aspecto del arte de Nerón bien podría ser su loca creatividad. Tiene el don de ver una canción como nadie la ha visto antes", exclamó Mary Kunz, crítica musical de The Buffalo News. El Washington Post ha apodado a Peter "el epítome del director/intérprete de Pops".

Uno de los mayores logros de Peter es ser el Director Musical fundador del mundialmente conocido Peter Nero y los Philly Pops. Extraordinario para cualquier orquesta en estos días, Peter Nero y los Philly Pops también firmaron recientemente un acuerdo de tres discos con DRG Records.

Las recientes actuaciones como invitado del Maestro incluyen compromisos de regreso con la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional en el Centro John F. Kennedy para las Artes Escénicas, las Filarmónicas de Buffalo y Dayton, la Filarmónica de Florida y las Orquestas Sinfónicas del Pacífico, St. Louis, Ottawa, Detroit y Virginia. Peter también continúa haciendo giras a lo largo del año en recitales como solista. Como artista de Steinway durante casi 50 años, Peter regresó al Carnegie Hall de Nueva York en la primavera de 2003 para actuar en la Gala del 150º Aniversario de Steinway con muchos pianistas de renombre, entre ellos el Dr. Billy Taylor, Herbie Hancock y Michel Legrand.

El músico nacido en Brooklyn comenzó su formación musical formal a la edad de 7 años. A los 14 años fue aceptado en la prestigiosa Escuela Superior de Música y Arte de la ciudad de Nueva York y ganó una beca para la Escuela de Música Juilliard. Constance Keene, su profesora y mentora, escribió una vez en un número de Keyboard Classics, "¡Vladimir Horowitz era el mayor fan de Peter!"

Peter grabó su primer álbum en 1961 y ganó un Grammy ese año por "Mejor Nuevo Artista". Desde entonces, ha recibido otro premio Grammy, ha conseguido 10 nominaciones adicionales y ha lanzado 67 álbumes. La temprana asociación de Peter con RCA Records produjo 23 álbumes en ocho años. Su posterior traslado a Columbia Records dio como resultado un single y un álbum de ventas de un millón.

Blues la música del delta del Mississippi


Si alguien puede hablar de música con la documentación de un investigador, la pasión de un novelista y el amor por la anécdota de un fan, ése es Ted Gioia. Tras su monumental Historia del Jazz (1977), ahora invita al lector a un viaje desde las plantaciones del Mississippi, donde nació el blues, para irse “a husmear un tiempo por Memphis y establecerse al fin en Chicago” (Peter Guralnick). Veremos cómo el blues “tuvo un hijo al que le llamaron rock and roll” (Muddy Waters), y cómo dejó sentir su influencia sobre varias generaciones de músicos, empezando por Elvis Presley. El meticuloso trabajo de campo del autor (“para entender no sólo a los músicos, sino a su música”, Boston Globe) le permite además trazar con pulso firme el entorno económico, social y racial de unos músicos que conquistaron el mundo desde el peldaño más bajo. ...


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A passion for Tango a Thoughtful


This book really helps you understand what it is about tango that makes it so appealing to dancers and so addictive. Not only does David Turner tell you about the history of it but also the background of logic that allows you to understand why certain movements work. He has lots of great exercises for improving connection between partners and helpful tips about ochos, giros, ganchos etc.
This book is quite different from so many other books about tango. It's the perfect companion book for anyone who wants to follow up a class. You can dip into it as you want, but because of the light and amusing way it is writen, you might want to read it all the way through. David writes, not from the perspective of a teacher, although he is one, but from the viewpoint of a learner so, every now and then, you get a sort of "Aaaah!" moment when something you felt yourself comes up. ...

Monday, February 15, 2021

Junior Mance • Junior

American Popular Music The Rock Years


Rock, country, pop, soul, funk, punk, folk, hip-hop, techno, grunge--it's all here. In American Popular Music: The Rock Years, Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman take readers on a fascinating journey through the rich historical and stylistic landscape of American rock. An abridged version of the authors' acclaimed American Popular Music: From Minstrelsy to MTV, this volume includes chapters 8-14 of the longer book along with new introductory and concluding chapters.
American Popular Music: The Rock Years traces the development of rock from its roots in the mid-1940s to its current state in the twenty-first century, integrating in-depth discussions of the music itself with solid coverage of the attendant historical, social, and cultural circumstances. It strikes a balance between musical analysis and social context, showing how rock and American culture have continuously influenced each other over time. Using well-chosen examples, insightful commentaries, and an engaging writing style, the authors highlight the contributions of diverse groups to the development of rock music, explain the effects of advancements in recording technology, and chronicle the growth of rock music as an industry. The book is enhanced by a rich illustration program; boxed inserts on significant individuals, recordings, and intriguing topics; and well-organized listening charts for recordings that are discussed in detail in the text. Remarkably accessible, American Popular Music: The Rock Years is ideal for introductory courses in the history of rock and roll and will encourage readers to become more critically aware listeners of rock music. ...

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Grant Green • Mellow Madness (The Original Jam Master, Volume Three)

Review by Thom Jurek
Mellow Madness is the leadoff volume in Blue Note's Original Jam Masters Series compilation series that thematically focuses on guitarist Grant Green's late period with the label, from 1969 to 1972. Unlike the proceeding two discs, Mellow Madness is a more textured soul-jazz record. Its tunes comes from the same discs as on the latter volumes, but as "Cease the Bombing" by Neal Creque suggests, the spacious side of groove is what's highlighted here. Drummer Idris Muhammad, bassist Jimmy Lewis, and vibist Willie Bivins all shine on this laid-back shimmering beauty. And Green, in uncharacteristically laid-back fashion, makes every note count. Likewise, an 11-minute version of Herbie Hancock's "Maiden Voyage," from Grant's Alive! album, takes its time gathering steam and enlists tenorman Claude Bartee, Jr., organist Ronnie Foster and conguero Joseph Armstrong. But it is the set's closer, a stunning take on Donald Byrd's "Fancy Free" with bassist Wilton Felder, percussion master Hall Bobby Porter, and vibist Gary Coleman that sends it off with authority. Green's loping lead solo takes its time unfurling its knotty labyrinth while never leaving the groove. As other layers enter and leave, he caps, tags, underscores and extends every other solo in the mix. For the money, this is a great way to re-evaluate the guitarist's mature years.
Reseña de Thom Jurek
Mellow Madness es el primer volumen de la serie de recopilaciones Original Jam Masters Series de Blue Note, que se centra temáticamente en el último período del guitarrista Grant Green con el sello, de 1969 a 1972. A diferencia de los dos discos anteriores, Mellow Madness es un disco de soul-jazz con más textura. Sus melodías provienen de los mismos discos que en los últimos volúmenes, pero como sugiere "Cease the Bombing" de Neal Creque, el lado espacioso del groove es lo que se destaca aquí. El baterista Idris Muhammad, el bajista Jimmy Lewis y el vibrador Willie Bivins brillan en esta belleza relajada. Y Green, de forma inusualmente relajada, hace que cada nota cuente. Asimismo, una versión de 11 minutos de "Maiden Voyage" de Herbie Hancock, del álbum Alive! de Grant, se toma su tiempo para coger fuerza y cuenta con el tenor Claude Bartee, Jr. el organista Ronnie Foster y el conguero Joseph Armstrong. Pero es el cierre del conjunto, una impresionante versión de "Fancy Free" de Donald Byrd con el bajista Wilton Felder, el maestro de la percusión Hall Bobby Porter y el vibrante Gary Coleman, el que lo despide con autoridad. El solo principal de Green se toma su tiempo para desplegar su laberinto de nudos sin abandonar nunca el ritmo. A medida que otras capas entran y salen, él tapa, etiqueta, subraya y extiende cada uno de los otros solos en la mezcla. Para el dinero, esta es una gran manera de reevaluar los años de madurez del guitarrista.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor 

Mel Brown B-3 Organ Group • 16th Anniversary Show, Vol 2 More Today Than Yesterday


Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.
“If this band played in New York City, they’d be a sensation!” These are words from legendary jazz guitarist George Benson, describing Portland’s long running soul-jazz outfit, the Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.

In 1997, the group began their long-running weekly perfor- mance at Jimmy Mak’s, Portland’s premier jazz club. When Jimmy Mak’s moved locations in 2006, the band followed and have now been performing as the house band for more than 16 years.

The band plays fiery soul-jazz, but the fire lies less in the style of music they choose to play, and more in the hearts of the talent who play it. Drummer Mel Brown heard Louis Pain’s scorching Hammond B3, and during a meeting with Jimmy Mak, they hand-picked the rest of the original members: long-time trumpeter and educator, Thara Memory; guitarist Dan Faehlne; and the saxophonist Renato Caranto.

Since the early days, Curtis Craft has come on board as percussionist and Dan Balmer replaced Faehnle on guitar. This torching new jazz band took the up-and-coming Pearl district by storm, and they became a sensation!

The double-disc anniversary collection presents Thara Mem- ory as a special guest on these live Jimmy Mak’s performances. On “Ticket to Ride,” Memory gives a hilarious vocal performance, capturing his sass on “Five Dollah Blues,” a song about his trouble with women. Poor Thara, it’s a little over ten full minutes of trouble.

The rest of the album is mostly fiery soul-jazz covers of rock songs from the ‘60s through the ‘80s. They nail Van Morrison’s “Moondance,” (Google the original if you don’t remember, you definitely know it). They also cover Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean,” and two John Lennon/Paul McCartney songs, “Let it Be,” and a fiery version of “Ticket to Ride,” which opens the record. It’s fun and lighthearted, with tight playing.

The second volume focuses less on rock songs, and, al- though it still burns, it’s a little more like a constant simmer than a raging fire. The track that you’ll probably put on repeat is “Spooky,” a funky tune with Craft adding another layer on his percussion and Caranto’s saxophone up front and center. “Blues for J” is so straight-ahead it sounds like it’s on an out-of-print Prestige vinyl from the 60s.

These two records were both recorded during two Jimmy Mak’s performances at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. Both records burn, but “Ticket to Ride” is more focused on remakes of pop songs. Clearly in these last 16 years, these guys have mastered their crafts and hopefully will continue to be the house band at Jimmy Mak’s for another sixteen.


Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.
"Si esta banda tocara en Nueva York, sería una sensación". Estas son las palabras del legendario guitarrista de jazz George Benson para describir al grupo de soul-jazz de Portland, el Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.

En 1997, el grupo comenzó su larga actuación semanal en Jimmy Mak's, el principal club de jazz de Portland. Cuando Jimmy Mak's se trasladó a otro local en 2006, el grupo le siguió y lleva más de 16 años actuando como banda de la casa.

La banda toca un ardiente soul-jazz, pero el fuego reside menos en el estilo de música que eligen para tocar, y más en los corazones de los talentos que lo tocan. El baterista Mel Brown escuchó el abrasador Hammond B3 de Louis Pain, y durante una reunión con Jimmy Mak, eligieron a dedo al resto de los miembros originales: el trompetista y educador de larga data, Thara Memory; el guitarrista Dan Faehlne; y el saxofonista Renato Caranto.

Desde los primeros días, Curtis Craft se incorporó como percusionista y Dan Balmer sustituyó a Faehnle en la guitarra. Esta nueva y ardiente banda de jazz tomó por asalto el prometedor distrito de Pearl y se convirtió en una sensación.

La colección de doble disco del aniversario presenta a Thara Mem- ory como invitada especial en estas actuaciones en directo de Jimmy Mak. En "Ticket to Ride", Memory ofrece una interpretación vocal divertidísima, plasmando su descaro en "Five Dollah Blues", una canción sobre sus problemas con las mujeres. Pobre Thara, son algo más de diez minutos completos de problemas.

El resto del álbum son, en su mayor parte, ardientes versiones de soul-jazz de canciones de rock de los años 60 a los 80. Clavan "Moondance" de Van Morrison (busca la original en Google si no la recuerdas, seguro que la conoces). También versionan "Billy Jean" de Michael Jackson, y dos canciones de John Lennon/Paul McCartney, "Let it Be", y una ardiente versión de "Ticket to Ride", que abre el disco. Es divertido y desenfadado, con una interpretación ajustada.

El segundo volumen se centra menos en las canciones de rock y, aunque sigue ardiendo, es un poco más un fuego lento constante que un fuego furioso. El tema que probablemente pondrás en repetición es "Spooky", una melodía funky con Craft añadiendo otra capa en su percusión y el saxofón de Caranto al frente y al centro. "Blues for J" es tan directo que parece estar en un vinilo Prestige descatalogado de los años 60.

Estos dos discos fueron grabados durante dos actuaciones de Jimmy Mak a finales de 2013 y principios de 2014. Ambos discos arden, pero "Ticket to Ride" se centra más en los remakes de canciones pop. Está claro que en estos últimos 16 años, estos chicos han dominado su oficio y esperemos que sigan siendo la banda de la casa en el Jimmy Mak's durante otros dieciséis. ...

Grant Green • For The Funk Of It (The Original Jam Master, Volume Two)

Joe Sample • Old Places Old Faces


Colaborador / Contribuitor:  Pere

Ascension John Coltrane And His Quest


"This remarkable book traces the development of Coltrane's music as it moved from hard bop to the freest jazz. . . . Informed and convincing, Ascension belongs on the short list of essential music books . . ."--Lang Thompson,Option

"Nisenson . . . presents us with a sensitive and vivid portrait of Coltrane as he progressed from a 'journeyman bopper' addicted to alcohol and heroin to a profoundly spiritual 'warrior' seeking knowledge of God through the making of music."--Booklist

"Equal parts biography, jazz history, social history, and listener's guide, Ascension manages to be both entertaining and enlightening. Though Eric Nisenson is an avowed fan of Coltrane, he maintains clearheadedness where others often succumb to gibberish. As a listener's guide to Coltrane recordings, the book is perceptive and thorough."--New York Times Book Review ...


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Grant Green • Ain't It Funky Now! (The Original Jam Master, Volume One)

Mel Brown B-3 Organ Group • 16th Anniversary Show, Vol. 1 Ticket to Ride


Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.
“If this band played in New York City, they’d be a sensation!” These are words from legendary jazz guitarist George Benson, describing Portland’s long running soul-jazz outfit, the Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.

In 1997, the group began their long-running weekly perfor- mance at Jimmy Mak’s, Portland’s premier jazz club. When Jimmy Mak’s moved locations in 2006, the band followed and have now been performing as the house band for more than 16 years.

The band plays fiery soul-jazz, but the fire lies less in the style of music they choose to play, and more in the hearts of the talent who play it. Drummer Mel Brown heard Louis Pain’s scorching Hammond B3, and during a meeting with Jimmy Mak, they hand-picked the rest of the original members: long-time trumpeter and educator, Thara Memory; guitarist Dan Faehlne; and the saxophonist Renato Caranto.

Since the early days, Curtis Craft has come on board as percussionist and Dan Balmer replaced Faehnle on guitar. This torching new jazz band took the up-and-coming Pearl district by storm, and they became a sensation!

The double-disc anniversary collection presents Thara Mem- ory as a special guest on these live Jimmy Mak’s performances. On “Ticket to Ride,” Memory gives a hilarious vocal performance, capturing his sass on “Five Dollah Blues,” a song about his trouble with women. Poor Thara, it’s a little over ten full minutes of trouble.

The rest of the album is mostly fiery soul-jazz covers of rock songs from the ‘60s through the ‘80s. They nail Van Morrison’s “Moondance,” (Google the original if you don’t remember, you definitely know it). They also cover Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean,” and two John Lennon/Paul McCartney songs, “Let it Be,” and a fiery version of “Ticket to Ride,” which opens the record. It’s fun and lighthearted, with tight playing.

The second volume focuses less on rock songs, and, al- though it still burns, it’s a little more like a constant simmer than a raging fire. The track that you’ll probably put on repeat is “Spooky,” a funky tune with Craft adding another layer on his percussion and Caranto’s saxophone up front and center. “Blues for J” is so straight-ahead it sounds like it’s on an out-of-print Prestige vinyl from the 60s.

These two records were both recorded during two Jimmy Mak’s performances at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. Both records burn, but “Ticket to Ride” is more focused on remakes of pop songs. Clearly in these last 16 years, these guys have mastered their crafts and hopefully will continue to be the house band at Jimmy Mak’s for another sixteen.


Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.
"Si esta banda tocara en Nueva York, sería una sensación". Estas son las palabras del legendario guitarrista de jazz George Benson para describir al grupo de soul-jazz de Portland, el Mel Brown B3 Organ Group.

En 1997, el grupo comenzó su larga actuación semanal en Jimmy Mak's, el principal club de jazz de Portland. Cuando Jimmy Mak's se trasladó a otro local en 2006, el grupo le siguió y lleva más de 16 años actuando como banda de la casa.

La banda toca un ardiente soul-jazz, pero el fuego reside menos en el estilo de música que eligen para tocar, y más en los corazones de los talentos que lo tocan. El baterista Mel Brown escuchó el abrasador Hammond B3 de Louis Pain, y durante una reunión con Jimmy Mak, eligieron a dedo al resto de los miembros originales: el trompetista y educador de larga data, Thara Memory; el guitarrista Dan Faehlne; y el saxofonista Renato Caranto.

Desde los primeros días, Curtis Craft se incorporó como percusionista y Dan Balmer sustituyó a Faehnle en la guitarra. Esta nueva y ardiente banda de jazz tomó por asalto el prometedor distrito de Pearl y se convirtió en una sensación.

La colección de doble disco del aniversario presenta a Thara Mem- ory como invitada especial en estas actuaciones en directo de Jimmy Mak. En "Ticket to Ride", Memory ofrece una interpretación vocal divertidísima, plasmando su descaro en "Five Dollah Blues", una canción sobre sus problemas con las mujeres. Pobre Thara, son algo más de diez minutos completos de problemas.

El resto del álbum son, en su mayor parte, ardientes versiones de soul-jazz de canciones de rock de los años 60 a los 80. Clavan "Moondance" de Van Morrison (busca la original en Google si no la recuerdas, seguro que la conoces). También versionan "Billy Jean" de Michael Jackson, y dos canciones de John Lennon/Paul McCartney, "Let it Be", y una ardiente versión de "Ticket to Ride", que abre el disco. Es divertido y desenfadado, con una interpretación ajustada.

El segundo volumen se centra menos en las canciones de rock y, aunque sigue ardiendo, es un poco más un fuego lento constante que un fuego furioso. El tema que probablemente pondrás en repetición es "Spooky", una melodía funky con Craft añadiendo otra capa en su percusión y el saxofón de Caranto al frente y al centro. "Blues for J" es tan directo que parece estar en un vinilo Prestige descatalogado de los años 60.

Estos dos discos fueron grabados durante dos actuaciones de Jimmy Mak a finales de 2013 y principios de 2014. Ambos discos arden, pero "Ticket to Ride" se centra más en los remakes de canciones pop. Está claro que en estos últimos 16 años, estos chicos han dominado su oficio y esperemos que sigan siendo la banda de la casa en el Jimmy Mak's durante otros dieciséis. ...

Humberto & Noro Morales • Mambo By Morales


Killer album of early Latin rhythms and superb mambos by both Morales men. Infectious, superbly played and timeless.

Noro Morales, Noro Osvaldo Morales Sanabria was a pianist, composer, and dance orchestra director, born in the town of Puerta de Tierra, in San Juan de Puerto Rico on January 4, 1911, and died in San Juan de Puerto Rico on January 15, 1964.

At an early age Noro Morales manifested his vocation for music, at the beginning he studied trombone and double bass; however, his ability on the piano stood out, together with his brothers, who also showed a precocious musical inclination.

His father, Luis Morales, was a violinist. As a thirteen year old teenager, and member of the group founded by his father, at the end of the 1920's, Venezuelan President Juan Vicente Gómez hired them to be the orchestra of the presidential entourage. In 1930 the Noro Morales family returned to Puerto Rico, although, years later, with his own orchestra, Noro Morales would return to Venezuela.

When it was founded again, the group settled in New York in 1935, performing at the "El Morocco" club, together with his brothers José, Humberto and Ismael. In 1938 he began to gain popularity and popularity, and years later, he was consecrated with the song "Serenata rítmica", and the following year Noro Morales played with Bobby Byrne's orchestra at the "Glen Island Casino".

From 1940 to 1950, his activity developed almost entirely in New York, on the stages of the clubs "La Conga", "Stork Club" and "China Doll", among others; at the same time he played with other orchestras, such as Tito Puente, Bobby Byrne, José Fajardo, and others.

Noro Morales gained fame in the colorful town of Harlem, where other popular music figures such as Count Basie, Duke Ellington, and others, like Noro Morales, performed in nightclubs in that town, such as the famous "Toreador", very frequented by Latin musicians. The vocalists were Frank "Machito" Grillo, Tito Rodríguez, Vicentico Valdés and others.


Un álbum de ritmos latinos tempranos y magníficos mambos de los dos Morales. Infeccioso, magníficamente tocado y atemporal.

Noro Morales, Noro Osvaldo Morales Sanabria fue un pianista, compositor, y director de orquesta de bailes, nacido en la localidad de Puerta de Tierra, en San Juan de Puerto Rico el 04 de enero de 1911,y fallecido en San Juan de Puerto Rico el 15 de enero de 1964.

A temprana edad Noro Morales manifestó su vocación por la música, al comienzo estudió trombón y contrabajo; sin embargo resaltaba su habilidad en el piano, conjuntamente con sus hermanos, quiénes también mostraron una precoz inclinación musical.

Su padre, Luis Morales era violinista. Adolescente de trece años,e integrante del grupo fundado por su padre, al final de la década de los 20, el presidente venezolano Juan Vicente Gómez les contrató, para que la agrupación fuese la orquesta del entorno presidencial. En 1930 la familia Noro Morales regresó a Puerto Rico, aunque, años mas tarde, con su propia orquesta, NoroMorales volvería a Venezuela.

Cuando fue fundada nuevamente, la agrupación se estableció en Nueva York en 1935, presentándose en el club “El Morocco”; junto a sus hermanos José, Humberto e Ismael. Ya en 1938 comenzó a adquirir auge y popularidad, y, años después, se consagró con el tema “Serenata rítmica”.Al año siguiente Noro Morales alternaba con la orquesta de Bobby Byrne en el “Glen Island Casino”.

Desde 1940 a 1950, su actividad se desenvolvió casi totalmente en Nueva York, en los escenarios de los clubes “La Conga”, “Stork Club” y “China Doll”, entre otros; a tiempo que alternaba con otras orquestas, como Tito Puente, Bobby Byrne, José Fajardo, y otros.

Noro Morales ganó así fama en la colorida localidad de Harlem, donde surgieron otras figuras de la música popular com Count Basie, Duke Ellington, y otros, que, así como Noro Morales se desenvolvían en clubes nocturnos de esa localidad, tal como el famoso “Toreador”,muy frecuentado por músicos latinos. En la vocalización se escuchaban los cantantes Frank “Machito” Grillo,Tito Rodríguez, Vicentico Valdés y otros.

Yank Rachell • Blues Mandolin Man


Biography by Uncle Dave Lewis
James "Yank" Rachell was the primary exponent of blues mandolin, although he also played guitar, violin, harp and sang expertly well. Born on a farm outside Brownsville, Tennessee, Yank Rachell picked up the mandolin at the age of eight, mainly teaching himself; an early encounter with "Hambone" Willie Newbern early on helped him as well. Rachell began to work dances with singer and guitarist Sleepy John Estes in the early '20s. In early 1929, he co-formed the Three J's Jug Band with Estes and pianist Jab Jones. The Three J's Jug Band were an instant hit and managed to work the dances during the lucrative jug-band craze in Memphis and traveled often to Paducah, Kentucky. The group recorded 14 sides credited jointly to Estes and Rachell for Victor for 1929 and 1930.

After the record business was flattened by the depression, the Three J's broke up. Estes and harmonica player Hammie Nixon went on to Chicago to seek their fortune in the nightclubs, but Yank Rachell decided to try his hand at farming and also worked for the L&N Railroad. Ironically, it was Rachell who was next to record -- during a stopover in New York Rachell teamed up with guitarist Dan Smith and laid down 25 titles for ARC in just three days, though only six of them were issued.

Shortly before the ARC date, Yank Rachell had discovered a kid harmonica player that he believed had real talent, John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson. They worked together at the Blue Flame Club in Jackson, Tennessee starting in 1933. In 1934 Williamson went north to Chicago. With the success of Williamson's first Bluebird dates of 1937, Rachell decided to join Sonny Boy in Chicago for sessions in March and June of 1938. Yank Rachell also contributed four sides of his own to each session, and then 16 more in 1941 with Sonny Boy backing him up. Some of the 1941 tracks are among his best: "It Seem Like a Dream," "Biscuit Baking Woman," and "Peach Tree Blues" were all successes for both Rachell and Bluebird.

But in 1938, while working in St. Louis with Peetie Wheatstraw, Yank Rachell had married and started to raise a family. During the peak of his musical career, Rachell kept his day job and did not lead "the life," at least not the same one that claimed his friend Sonny Boy Williamson on June 1, 1948. After Williamson's murder, Rachell drifted away from music and relied solely on straight jobs to make his living, settling permanently in Indianapolis in 1958. His wife passed away in 1961, and afterward he began to resume performing. In 1962, Rachell was re-united with Nixon and Estes, and the three of them began tearing up the college and coffeehouse circuit, recording for Delmark as Yank Rachell's Tennessee Jug Busters. Estes died in 1977, and from that time Rachell worked mainly as a solo act. Yank Rachell was a long-time regular at the Slippery Noodle in Indianapolis, and recorded only sporadically in his last years. Nonetheless, he was working on a new album when he died at age 87.


Biografía de Uncle Dave Lewis
James "Yank" Rachell fue el principal exponente de la mandolina de blues, aunque también tocaba la guitarra, el violín, el arpa y cantaba con maestría. Nacido en una granja a las afueras de Brownsville, Tennessee, Yank Rachell cogió la mandolina a la edad de ocho años, principalmente enseñándose a sí mismo; también le ayudó un temprano encuentro con "Hambone" Willie Newbern. Rachell comenzó a trabajar en bailes con el cantante y guitarrista Sleepy John Estes a principios de los años 20. A principios de 1929, formó la Three J's Jug Band con Estes y el pianista Jab Jones. La Three J's Jug Band tuvo un éxito inmediato y consiguió trabajar en los bailes durante la lucrativa moda de las jug-bandas en Memphis y viajó a menudo a Paducah, Kentucky. El grupo grabó 14 lados acreditados conjuntamente a Estes y Rachell para Victor para 1929 y 1930.

Después de que el negocio de las grabaciones se viera afectado por la depresión, los Three J's se separaron. Estes y el armonicista Hammie Nixon se fueron a Chicago a buscar fortuna en los clubes nocturnos, pero Yank Rachell decidió probar suerte en la agricultura y también trabajó para el ferrocarril L&N. Irónicamente, fue Rachell el siguiente en grabar: durante una escala en Nueva York, Rachell se asoció con el guitarrista Dan Smith y grabó 25 títulos para ARC en sólo tres días, aunque sólo se publicaron seis de ellos.

Poco antes de la fecha de ARC, Yank Rachell había descubierto a un chico que tocaba la armónica y que creía que tenía verdadero talento, John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson. Trabajaron juntos en el Blue Flame Club de Jackson, Tennessee, a partir de 1933. En 1934 Williamson se fue al norte, a Chicago. Con el éxito de las primeras fechas de Williamson en el Bluebird de 1937, Rachell decidió unirse a Sonny Boy en Chicago para las sesiones de marzo y junio de 1938. Yank Rachell también contribuyó con cuatro lados propios en cada sesión, y luego 16 más en 1941 con Sonny Boy respaldándolo. Algunos de los temas de 1941 están entre los mejores: "It Seem Like a Dream", "Biscuit Baking Woman" y "Peach Tree Blues" fueron éxitos tanto para Rachell como para Bluebird.

Pero en 1938, mientras trabajaba en St. Louis con Peetie Wheatstraw, Yank Rachell se había casado y había empezado a formar una familia. Durante el apogeo de su carrera musical, Rachell mantuvo su trabajo diurno y no llevó "la vida", al menos no la misma que se cobró su amigo Sonny Boy Williamson el 1 de junio de 1948. Tras el asesinato de Williamson, Rachell se alejó de la música y se dedicó exclusivamente a los trabajos directos para ganarse la vida, estableciéndose definitivamente en Indianápolis en 1958. Su mujer falleció en 1961, y después comenzó a reanudar sus actuaciones. En 1962, Rachell se reencontró con Nixon y Estes, y los tres empezaron a arrasar en el circuito universitario y de cafés, grabando para Delmark como Yank Rachell's Tennessee Jug Busters. Estes murió en 1977, y desde entonces Rachell trabajó principalmente en solitario. Yank Rachell fue durante mucho tiempo un habitual del Slippery Noodle de Indianápolis, y sólo grabó esporádicamente en sus últimos años. Sin embargo, estaba trabajando en un nuevo álbum cuando murió a los 87 años.