egroj world: Thelonious Monk • Thelonious Himself

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Thelonious Monk • Thelonious Himself


Review  by Rovi Staff
On each of his first three recordings for Riverside, Thelonious Monk included a solo piano presentation, and for many listeners, these were the highlights of each recital. And so it was decided that Monk's fourth Riverside recording, Thelonious Himself, would be composed entirely of solo interpretations; well, almost. Like a great actor finding heretofore obscure layers of meaning in a familiar soliloquy, Monk takes familiar themes such as "April in Paris," "I Should Care," and "Almost Alone" and distills them down to a single essence. Where most pianists would simply expand upon the tune (or employ the chord changes as a showcase for their own variations), Monk keeps everything focused on thematic materials. For his final selection, "Monk's Mood," the pianist insisted on adding bassist Wilbur Ware and an up-and-coming tenor saxophonist named John Coltrane. By allowing them to italicize and expand upon his basslines and lead melody, Monk enabled listeners to zero in on the essence of his solo and ensemble styles.


Revisar  por el personal de Rovi
En cada una de sus tres primeras grabaciones para Riverside, Thelonious Monk incluyó una presentación de piano solo, y para muchos oyentes, éstas fueron lo más destacado de cada recital. Así que se decidió que la cuarta grabación de Monk para Riverside, Thelonious Himself, estaría compuesta enteramente por interpretaciones en solitario; bueno, casi. Como un gran actor que encuentra capas de significado hasta ahora oscuras en un soliloquio familiar, Monk toma temas familiares como "April in Paris", "I Should Care" y "Almost Alone" y los destila hasta una única esencia. Donde la mayoría de los pianistas se limitarían a ampliar la melodía (o emplearían los cambios de acordes como escaparate para sus propias variaciones), Monk mantiene todo centrado en los materiales temáticos. Para su selección final, "Monk's Mood", el pianista insistió en añadir al bajista Wilbur Ware y a un prometedor saxofonista tenor llamado John Coltrane. Al permitirles poner en cursiva y ampliar sus líneas de bajo y la melodía principal, Monk permitió a los oyentes concentrarse en la esencia de sus estilos de solo y conjunto.

1 - April In Paris
2 - (I Don't Stand) A Ghost Of A Chance
3 - Functional
4 - I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
5 - I Should Care
6 - 'Round Midnight (In Progress)
7 - 'Round Midnight
8 - All Alone
9 - Monk's Mood

    Bass – Wilbur Ware (tracks: 8)
    Coordinator [Production Co-ordination] – Takashi Misu
    Engineer – Jack Higgins
    Mastered By [Digitally Transferred By] – Dan Hersch, Joe Gastwirt
    Piano – Thelonious Monk
    Producer – Orrin Keepnews
    Tenor Saxophone – John Coltrane (tracks: 8)

Recorded April 5, 12 and 16, 1957, New York City

Genre: Jazz
Style: Bop, Post Bop
Year: 1957

MORE Thelonious Monk ...

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  1. Hi - Monk's Mood track is missing. 'Round Midnight-In Progress added (from the remastered CD).

    1. Hello.
      You are quite right Jim, this version I have of the album does not correspond to the LP nor does it correspond to the CD. I will fix it shortly.
      Thanks for the heads up.

    2. Solved, thank you very much for the warning.
