egroj world: Junior Mance • Sweet and Lovely

Friday, December 17, 2021

Junior Mance • Sweet and Lovely

by Alex Henderson
In the ‘60s, the terms "soul-jazz" and "organ combo" went hand-in-hand -- frequently, but not always. Although organ combos dominated soul-jazz in the ‘60s, there is another valuable part of ‘60s soul-jazz that isn't discussed quite as much: piano trios led by funky, soulful players like Ray Bryant, Bobby Timmons, Ramsey Lewis, and Gene Harris. All of those artists demonstrated that earthy down-home soul-jazz didn't have to have an organ, and Junior Mance was also well aware of the piano's possibilities as a soul-jazz instrument. The Chicago native has often made it clear that piano jazz (to borrow Marian McPartland's term) can also be soul-jazz -- a fact that is quite evident on Sweet and Lovely. This 2004 release unites two of Mance's early-‘60s sessions on a single 77-minute CD: The Soulful Piano of Junior Mance and Big Chief (minus the Big Chief track "The Seasons," which Fantasy omitted due to space limitations). Both albums were produced by Orrin Keepnews for Jazzland/Riverside, and both of them find Mance leading cohesive piano trios. Whether Mance is joined by bassist Ben Tucker and drummer Bobby Thomas on Soulful Piano, or bassist Jimmy Rowser and drummer Paul Gusman on Big Chief, the pianist is in fine form throughout Sweet and Lovely. Mance excels on 12-bar blues themes, and he is equally convincing on standards that range from George Gershwin's "Summertime" and Cole Porter's "Love for Sale" to Thelonious Monk's "Ruby, My Dear". Occasionally, Mance ventures into cerebral territory; "Love for Sale" and the original "Swish," for example, underscore the Chicagoan's ability to play tough, complex, demanding bop changes at a fast tempo. But most of these trio performances thrive on groove-oriented accessibility and will easily appeal to those who prefer their jazz on the melodic side.


Traducción Automáticva:
por Alex Henderson
En los años 60, los términos "soul-jazz" y "combo de órgano" iban de la mano, con frecuencia, pero no siempre. Aunque los combos de órgano dominaron el soul-jazz en los años 60, hay otra parte valiosa del soul-jazz de los 60 que no se discute tanto: los tríos de piano liderados por funky, músicos conmovedores como Ray Bryant, Bobby Timmons, Ramsey Lewis, y Gene Harris. Todos esos artistas demostraron que el soul-jazz terrenal no tenía que tener un órgano, y Junior Mance también era muy consciente de las posibilidades del piano como instrumento de soul-jazz. El nativo de Chicago a menudo ha dejado en claro que el piano jazz (para tomar prestado el término de Marian McPartland) también puede ser soul-jazz, un hecho que es bastante evidente en Sweet and Lovely. Este lanzamiento de 2004 une dos de las sesiones de principios de los años 60 de Mance en un solo CD de 77 minutos: The Soulful Piano de Junior Mance y Big Chief (menos la pista de Big Chief "The Seasons", que Fantasy omitió debido a limitaciones de espacio). Ambos álbumes fueron producidos por Orrin Keepnews para Jazzland / Riverside, y ambos encuentran a Mance en los tríos de piano cohesivos. Si a Mance se le une el bajista Ben Tucker y el baterista Bobby Thomas en Soulful Piano, o el bajista Jimmy Rowser y el baterista Paul Gusman en Big Chief, el pianista se encuentra en plena forma en todo lo que respecta a Sweet and Lovely. Mance sobresale en temas de blues de 12 compases, y es igualmente convincente en los estándares que van desde "Summertime" de George Gershwin y "Love for Sale" de Cole Porter hasta "Ruby, My Dear" de Thelonious Monk. De vez en cuando, Mance se aventura en territorio cerebral; "Love for Sale" y el "Swish" original, por ejemplo, subrayan la capacidad del jugador de Chicago para jugar cambios de bop difíciles, complejos y exigentes a un ritmo rápido. Pero la mayoría de estas actuaciones de trío prosperan en la accesibilidad orientada al ritmo y atraerán fácilmente a aquellos que prefieren su jazz en el lado melódico.

01. The Uptown (4:04)
02. Ralph's New Blues (4:24)
03. Main Stem (4:24)
04. Darling, Je vous aime beaucoup (3:38)
05. Playhouse (4:16)
06. Sweet and Lovely (3:38)
07. In the Land of Oo-Bla-Dee (4:39)
08. I Don't Care (4:29)
09. Swingmatism (5:17)
10. Big Chief! (4:18)
11. Love for Sale (4:58)
12. Fillet of Soul (4:32)
13. Swish (3:45)
14. Summertime (4:15)
15. Ruby, My Dear (6:03)
16. Little Miss Gail (4:51)
17. Atlanta Blues (5:52)

Personnel: Junior Mance- piano; Ben Tucker- bass; Jimmy Rowser- bass; Bobby Thomas- drums; Paul Gusman- drums.

Recorded: October 25, 1960 and August 1, 1961, Plaza Studios.
Release: 2004 Label: Milestone Total Time: 1:17:24

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  1. Hi :) what would you say about uploading this?

    Coleman Hawkins - Body and Soul first edition,remastered and those two

    Body and Soul & Soul are two different albums???

    Mickey Tucker - The Crawl,Gettin' There Solo Piano,Doublet,SoJourn.
    Bill Evans Trio - How My Heart Sings!

    1. Coleman Hawkins CD release omits 5 tracks: "Say It Isn't So" [B2 on 2LP release],"Spotlite" [B3 on 2LP release], "I Never Knew" from January 17, 1956 session [C6 on 2LP release],"I'm Shooting High" from January 18, 1956 session [D3 on 2LP release],"The Day You Came Along" from January 20, 1956 session [D5 on 2LP release]

      I am confused

    2. Well, I think the wiki can clarify those doubts.

      and this article in Spanish


  2. Ok ok but the question is: could You upload something from this? :D

    Or Fats Waller - Striding in Dixieland annd other with "Honeysuckle Rose" song like
    Earl Hines (1937),Mildred Bailey And Her Alley Cats?



  3. I can't wait :D by the way,I have been convinced for several weeks that I have Eddie Jefferson - Main Man,now I wanted to listen it and I discovered that it is not true haha
    I'm in shock and I'm still looking for mp3 :)
