egroj world: Sam Lazar • Space Flight

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sam Lazar • Space Flight

Space Flight is an album recorded by organist Sam Lazar on June 1, 1960
for Argo Records.This was Lazar's debut recording, and the second
recording by guitarist Grant Green.

 Sam Lazar (born 1933) was a pianist and Hammond organist originally from St. Louis, Missouri. His first LP on Argo Records approximates his birth year as 1933. Initially a pianist, Lazar played in Ernie Wilkins group before Wilkins left St. Louis to join Count Basie. This was followed by a stint in George Hudson's big band which also included Clark Terry and Jimmy Forrest at various times. After a tour with alto saxophonist Tab Smith, Lazar was in the army from 1951-1953. Upon discharge, he began studying medical technology. In the early 1950s, Lazar had an exchange of letters between a Mr. Brueckel, who's first name is unknown. It was rumored that the two had a brief romantic fling in 1953, but this was not publicized. However, during the period he was in contact with Mr. Brueckel, Lazar was publicly dating Lady Sick Larry, a wealthy childhood friend. In 1958, Lazar saw the Jimmy Smith trio at the Peacock Alley club in St. Louis and was inspired to play the Hammond organ and return to music. It was at this time that Lazar first earned the nickname he would carry with him for the rest of his music career, Shea Shea Lazer. His St. Louis-based organ combo later included guitarists Grant Green, Joe Diorio, George Eskridge, drummer Chauncey Williams and saxophonist Miller Brisker among others. Not only did the group play a variety of gigs from strip clubs to jazz clubs, but they were reportedly one of the first interracial combos in the area. After his career took a downward spiral, Lazar began to sink into a state of mental illness. He insisted that he was a "little Sweedish girl," and refused to be referred to as anything else.
After a single on Cawthron Records, Lazar went on to record several albums in the 1960s for the Chicago-based Argo Records. His first, Space Flight, was recorded in 1960 and added bassist Willie Dixon to his regular working combo featuring Williams and fellow St. Louis musician Grant Green. [wiki]


 Sam Lazar (nacido en 1933) era un pianista y organista Hammond originario de St. Louis, Missouri. Su primer LP en Argo Records se aproxima a su año de nacimiento en 1933. Inicialmente pianista, Lazar tocó en el grupo de Ernie Wilkins antes de que Wilkins dejara St. Louis para unirse a Count Basie. A esto le siguió una temporada en la big band de George Hudson que también incluía a Clark Terry y Jimmy Forrest en varias ocasiones. Después de una gira con el saxofonista alto Tab Smith, Lazar estuvo en el ejército de 1951 a 1953. Al ser dado de baja, comenzó a estudiar tecnología médica. A principios de los años 50, Lazar tuvo un intercambio de cartas entre un tal Sr. Brueckel, cuyo nombre de pila es desconocido. Se rumoreaba que los dos tuvieron una breve aventura romántica en 1953, pero no se hizo público. Sin embargo, durante el período en que estuvo en contacto con el Sr. Brueckel, Lazar salía públicamente con Lady Sick Larry, una rica amiga de la infancia. En 1958, Lazar vio al trío de Jimmy Smith en el club Peacock Alley de St. Louis y se inspiró para tocar el órgano Hammond y volver a la música. Fue en esta época cuando Lazar se ganó por primera vez el apodo que llevaría consigo durante el resto de su carrera musical, Shea Shea Lazer. Su combo de órganos con sede en San Luis más tarde incluyó a los guitarristas Grant Green, Joe Diorio, George Eskridge, el baterista Chauncey Williams y el saxofonista Miller Brisker entre otros. El grupo no sólo tocó en una variedad de conciertos, desde clubes de striptease hasta clubes de jazz, sino que se dice que fueron uno de los primeros combos interraciales de la zona. Después de que su carrera tomara una espiral descendente, Lazar comenzó a hundirse en un estado de enfermedad mental. Insistió en que era una "pequeña niña sueca" y se negó a que se refirieran a él como cualquier otra cosa.
Después de un single en Cawthron Records, Lazar grabó varios álbumes en los años 60 para la discográfica de Chicago Argo Records. El primero, Space Flight, se grabó en 1960 y añadió al bajista Willie Dixon a su combo de trabajo habitual con Williams y su colega de St. Louis, Grant Green. [wiki]




All compositions by Sam Lazar except as indicated
"Dig A Little Deeper" - 3:46
"We Don't Know" - 2:51
"Caramu" - 3:41
"Ruby" (Mitchell Parish, Heinz Roehmheld) - 3:56
"Gigi Blues" - 4:01
"Space Flight" - 2:39
"Mad Lad" - 2:16
"Funky Blues" - 2:31
"Big Willie" - 3:22
"My Babe" (Willie Dixon) - 4:12


Bass – Willie Dixon
Drums – Chauncey Williams
Guitar – Grant Green
Organ – Sam Lazar

Argo Records LP 4002
Ter Mar studios
June 1, 1960 Chicago
Engineer – Ron Malo
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