egroj world: Pat Metheny • Speaking Of Now




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Friday, June 21, 2024

Pat Metheny • Speaking Of Now


Review by Lucy Tauss
Speaking of Now finds guitarist Metheny leading a retooled Pat Metheny Group; in addition to longtime core members, keyboardist Lyle Mays and bassist Steve Rodby, the Group now includes drummer Antonio Sanchez, trumpeter/vocalist Cuong Vu, and Richard Bona, who's best known as a bassist, but who functions primarily as the Group's percussionist/vocalist. The result is an exquisite album that features fresh new musical perspectives while losing none of the Group's familiar wide-ranging, melodic, always accessible sound. Most of the tracks on Speaking of Now were composed by Metheny and his longtime collaborator Mays, although three tracks were composed solely by Metheny. There's a buoyant feel to this album that is not to be confused with lightness. This is complex, intricately detailed music that reveals additional layers with each listening. Metheny seems to delight in discovering the myriad means by which his prodigiously accomplished bandmembers can provide coloration to the compositions, both within the larger group and in solo spotlights. Sanchez's rhythmic agility and sensitivity is featured throughout, particularly on "The Gathering Sky," which begins as a sparkling, piano-led number and then transforms into a grooving band jam. One of the album's many solo highlights comes during "Proof," where Vu turns in a poignantly lyrical trumpet solo that is followed by an electrifying, steadily intensifying solo by Mays. Vocals have long been part of the Metheny Group sound, but now he is utilizing them in new ways; "Another Life" opens with Bona and Vu harmonizing on a chorale that leads into the artist's delicate acoustic guitar work, while Bona provides sweet vocalizing over Metheny's guitar on the beautiful, soaring "You." Every track on Speaking of Now possesses a distinct beauty and eloquence. This is a superb offering that is not to be missed.


Reseña de Lucy Tauss
Speaking of Now encuentra al guitarrista Metheny liderando un Pat Metheny Group renovado; además de los miembros principales de siempre, el teclista Lyle Mays y el bajista Steve Rodby, el grupo incluye ahora al batería Antonio Sánchez, al trompetista/vocalista Cuong Vu, y a Richard Bona, más conocido como bajista, pero que funciona principalmente como percusionista/vocalista del grupo. El resultado es un álbum exquisito que presenta nuevas perspectivas musicales sin perder ni un ápice del sonido amplio, melódico y siempre accesible del grupo. La mayoría de los temas de Speaking of Now fueron compuestos por Metheny y su viejo colaborador Mays, aunque tres temas fueron compuestos únicamente por Metheny. Este álbum transmite una sensación de optimismo que no debe confundirse con ligereza. Se trata de música compleja y minuciosamente detallada que revela capas adicionales con cada escucha. Metheny parece deleitarse descubriendo la miríada de medios a través de los cuales los miembros de su banda, prodigiosamente consumados, pueden aportar colorido a las composiciones, tanto dentro del grupo como en los solos. La agilidad rítmica y la sensibilidad de Sánchez están presentes en todo el disco, especialmente en "The Gathering Sky", que comienza como un número chispeante, dirigido por el piano, y luego se transforma en una groovy jam de la banda. Uno de los solos más destacados del álbum es el de "Proof", en el que Vu hace un conmovedor y lírico solo de trompeta al que sigue un electrizante y cada vez más intenso solo de Mays. Las voces han sido durante mucho tiempo parte del sonido del grupo Metheny, pero ahora las está utilizando de nuevas maneras; "Another Life" se abre con Bona y Vu armonizando en un coral que conduce al delicado trabajo de guitarra acústica del artista, mientras que Bona vocaliza dulcemente sobre la guitarra de Metheny en la hermosa y elevada "You". Todos los temas de Speaking of Now poseen una belleza y una elocuencia inconfundibles. Es un disco soberbio que no hay que perderse. ...



01 - As it is
02 - Proof
03 - Another Life
04 - The Gathering Sky
05 - You
06 - On her way
07 - A place in the world
08 - Afternoon
09 - Wherever you go

Pat Metheny (Acoustic & Electric Guitars);
Lyle Mays (Piano, Keyboards);
Steve Rodby (Bass, Cello);
Antonio Sanchéz (Drums);
Richard Bona (Fretless Bass,
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Vocals);
David Samuels (Percussion, Marimba);
Cuong Vu (Trumpet, Vocals).


MORE Pat Metheny ...

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