egroj world: Lynn Hope • Blow Lynn Blow




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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Lynn Hope • Blow Lynn Blow


by Ron Wynn
Tenor saxophonist Lynn Hope was noted for his apparel and instrumental remakes of established pre-rock pop anthems. Hope joined King Kolax's band when he graduated from high school in Birmingham during the '40s. He later converted to Islam, and became noted for wearing a turban, though few ever called him Al Hajji Abdullah Rascheed Ahmed. Hope signed with Miracle in 1950, but the contract proved invalid. He moved to Premium, where he cut "Tenderly," a song that was later picked up by Chess. Hope recorded often for Aladdin between 1951 and 1957, doing such reworked standards as "September Song" and "Summertime." While these numbers were often performed with little or no melodic embellishment or improvisation, the flip sides were often fierce uptempo blues or jump tunes. "Tenderly" earned Hope his only hit in 1950, reaching number eight R&B and #19 pop. He made his last sessions for King in 1960, then dropped out of sight.




por Ron Wynn
El saxofonista tenor Lynn Hope destacó por su indumentaria y por sus versiones instrumentales de himnos pop establecidos antes del rock. Hope se unió a la banda de King Kolax cuando se graduó en el instituto de Birmingham durante los años 40. Más tarde se convirtió al Islam y se hizo notar por llevar turbante, aunque pocos le llamaron Al Hajji Abdullah Rascheed Ahmed. Hope firmó con Miracle en 1950, pero el contrato resultó inválido. Se trasladó a Premium, donde grabó "Tenderly", una canción que posteriormente fue recogida por Chess. Hope grabó a menudo para Aladdin entre 1951 y 1957, haciendo estándares reelaborados como "September Song" y "Summertime". Mientras que estos números se interpretaban a menudo con poco o ningún adorno melódico o improvisación, las caras laterales eran a menudo feroces blues uptempo o melodías de salto. "Tenderly" le valió a Hope su único éxito en 1950, alcanzando el número ocho de R&B y el 19 de pop. Hizo sus últimas sesiones para King en 1960, y luego desapareció.

Colaborador / Contributor:  Bob [boppinbob /]

1 Free And Easy
2 The Way You Look Tonight/Jet
3 Blow Lynn Blow
4 Blue Moon
5 Blues For Anna Bacoa
6 Eleven Till Two
7 She's Funny That Way
8 Too Young
9 Hop, Skip and Jump
10 Driftin' (Goin' Home)
11 Don't Worry 'Bout Me
12 Move It
13 Tenderly
14 Morocco
15 Swing Train
16 Broken-Hearted
17 Rose Room
18 Brazil
19 Girl Of My Dreams
20 C Jam Blues
21 South Of The Border
22 Shanty Town
23 Blues In F
24 One More Time Pts. 1 & 2
25 Miserlou



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