egroj world: Emily Remler • Firefly

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Emily Remler • Firefly

Review by Alex Henderson
It sounds very clichéd to say that many of music's best and brightest have lived fast and died young, but it is so true. From Jimi Hendrix to Charlie Parker to Patsy Cline, the 20th century was full of talented artists whose lives were cut short by their self-destructive ways. In an ideal world, Emily Remler would have had a very long career and made it to seventy or eighty; instead, the guitarist used heroin and died of a heart attack at 32. Firefly was Remler's first album as a leader, and it is a promising debut. Joined by pianist Hank Jones, bassist Bob Maize, and drummer Jake Hanna, a 24-year-old Remler delivers an enjoyable hard bop date. The album isn't groundbreaking by early-'80s standards -- although Firefly was recorded in 1981, it sounds like it could have been recorded in 1961. But there is no law stating that every young jazz musician who comes along has to reinvent the wheel, and Remler (whose influences include Wes Montgomery and Herb Ellis) brings a lot of potential to lively, swinging performances of Horace Silver's "Strollin'," McCoy Tyner's "Inception," and Montgomery's "Movin' Along." The New Jersey native also provides two original tunes ("Perk's Blues" and "The Firefly") and pleasantly surprises listeners by unearthing a pretty but lesser-known Antonio Carlos Jobim song titled "Look to the Sky." Unlike "The Girl From Ipanema," "Corcovado," or "One Note Samba," "Look to the Sky" is far from a standard; however, Remler's heartfelt interpretation demonstrates that the Jobim melody deserves to be much better known. With Firefly, Remler's recording career was off to an appealing start -- a career that should have been much, much longer.


Reseña por Alex HendersonSuena muy cliché decir que muchos de los mejores y más brillantes de la música han vivido rápido y muerto jóvenes, pero es muy cierto. Desde Jimi Hendrix hasta Charlie Parker y Patsy Cline, el siglo XX estuvo lleno de talentosos artistas cuyas vidas se vieron truncadas por sus formas autodestructivas. En un mundo ideal, Emily Remler habría tenido una carrera muy larga y llegó a los setenta u ochenta años; en cambio, el guitarrista usó heroína y murió de un ataque al corazón a los 32. Firefly fue el primer álbum de Remler como líder, y es un debut prometedor. Junto con el pianista Hank Jones, el bajista Bob Maize y el baterista Jake Hanna, Remler, de 24 años, ofrece una agradable fecha de bop dura. El álbum no es innovador para principios de los 80 - aunque Firefly se grabó en 1981, parece que podría haber sido grabado en 1961. Pero no hay ninguna ley que establezca que cada joven músico de jazz que venga tenga que reinventar el wheel, y Remler (cuyas influencias incluyen a Wes Montgomery y Herb Ellis) aporta un gran potencial a las animadas actuaciones de "Strollin" de Horace Silver, "Inception" de McCoy Tyner y "Movin 'Along" de Montgomery. El nativo de Nueva Jersey también ofrece dos canciones originales ("Perk's Blues" y "The Firefly") y sorprende gratamente a los oyentes al desenterrar una bonita pero menos conocida canción de Antonio Carlos Jobim titulada "Look to the Sky". A diferencia de "The Girl From Ipanema", "Corcovado" o "One Note Samba", "Look to the Sky" está lejos de ser un estándar; sin embargo, la interpretación sincera de Remler demuestra que la melodía de Jobim merece ser mucho más conocida. Con Firefly, la carrera de grabación de Remler tuvo un comienzo atractivo, una carrera que debería haber sido mucho, mucho más larga.


MORE Emily Remler ...


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