egroj world: Booker T. & The MG's • Soul Dressing

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Booker T. & The MG's • Soul Dressing

Assembled mostly from (non-hit) 1963-65 singles, this is solid stuff, but a notch below their peak collections. The best tracks ("Soul Dressing," "Tic-Tac-Toe," "Can't Be Still") are usually included on their best-of anthologies, but "Plum Nellie," featuring some ferocious, cutting-edge solos by Cropper and Jones, is an overlooked highlight.
by Richie Unterberger


Ensamblados en su mayoría de (no golpeados) 1963-65 individuales, esto es material sólido, pero una muesca por debajo de sus colecciones de pico. Los mejores temas ("Soul Dressing", "Tic-Tac-Toe", "Can't Be Still") suelen incluirse en sus mejores antologías, pero "Plum Nellie", con algunos feroces y vanguardistas solos de Cropper y Jones, es un punto destacado que se pasa por alto.
por Richie Unterberger

Soul Dressing 2:24
Tic-Tac-Toe 2:30
Big Train 2:30
Jellybread 2:27
Aw' Mercy 2:34
Outrage 2:31
Night Owl Walk 3:12
Chinese Checkers 2:25
Home Grown 2:39
Mercy Mercy 2:32
Plum Nellie 2:03
Can't Be Still 1:57


Booker T. Jones - organ, bass guitar, electric piano
Steve Cropper - guitar
Lewis Steinberg - bass guitar
Al Jackson, Jr. - drums
Donald "Duck" Dunn - bass guitar
MORE Booker T. & The MG's ...

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