egroj world: Champion Jack Dupree • The Blues Of Champion Jack Dupree

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Champion Jack Dupree • The Blues Of Champion Jack Dupree


These sessions were all recorded in the period 1961-64 in Copenhagen, Denmark, where Jack Dupree performed often and felt at home." Although there is humor in his music, the tunes featured here are mostly about life's hardships - especially with women, poverty, prison and alcohol. Here is the genuine and deeply-felt blues of a man who has truly known the ups and downs of life - an authentic blues veteran. The CD consists of material Dupree has written himself. These songs, Dupree says, "tell about my experience of life, or what! have seen in the lives of people around me. So I can honestly say they are REAL songs and mean something to me.'' Another great feature of these sessions is Dupree's piano playing - he was one of the last true "Barrel house" pianists.


Todas estas sesiones se grabaron en el periodo 1961-64 en Copenhague, Dinamarca, donde Jack Dupree actuaba a menudo y se sentía como en casa". Aunque hay humor en su música, las melodías que se presentan aquí tratan sobre todo de las dificultades de la vida, especialmente con las mujeres, la pobreza, la cárcel y el alcohol. Aquí está el blues genuino y profundamente sentido de un hombre que realmente ha conocido los altibajos de la vida - un auténtico veterano del blues. El CD está compuesto por material escrito por el propio Dupree. Estas canciones, dice Dupree, "hablan de mi experiencia de la vida, o de lo que he visto en las vidas de la gente que me rodea. Así que puedo decir honestamente que son canciones REALES y que significan algo para mí". Otra gran característica de estas sesiones es la forma de tocar el piano de Dupree, uno de los últimos pianistas de "Barrel house".

1 - Ain't That A Hard Pill To Swallow 04:38
2 - Things I Used To Do 04:44
3 - Self Pity 04:44
4 - Suicide Blues 04:53
5 - Have You Ever Been Alone 03:32
6 - Poor House Blues 02:47
7 - I Want To Settle Down 02:41
8 - When I'm Drinking 03:52
9 - In Prison Too Long 06:29
10 - My Mother Is Gone 03:51
11 - That's All Right Baby 05:11
12 - I'm Crazy About You 03:02
13 - It's Too Late 02:54
14 - My Baby's Coming Home 02:25
15 - One By One Blues 02:45
16 - President Kennedy Blues 04:10
17 - You're So Fine 02:27


MORE Champion Jack Dupree ...

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