egroj world: Otis Spann • Walking The Blues




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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Otis Spann • Walking The Blues

Review by Thom Owens
Walking the Blues is arguably the finest record Otis Spann ever cut, boasting 11 cuts of astounding blues piano. On several numbers, Spann is supported by guitarist Robert Jr. Lockwood and their interaction is sympathetic, warm, and utterly inviting. Spann relies on originals here, from "Half Ain't Been Told" to "Walking the Blues," but he also throws in a few standards ("Goin' Down Slow," "My Home Is in the Delta") that help draw a fuller portrait of his musicianship. Most importantly, however, is the fact that Walking the Blues simply sounds great -- it's some of the finest blues piano you'll ever hear.
Reseña de Thom Owens
Walking the Blues es posiblemente el mejor disco que Otis Spann haya grabado, con 11 cortes de asombroso piano de blues. En varios números, Spann es apoyado por el guitarrista Robert Jr. Lockwood y su interacción es simpática, cálida y totalmente invitante. Spann se basa en los originales, desde "Half Ain't Been Told" hasta "Walking the Blues", pero también añade algunos estándares ("Goin' Down Slow", "My Home Is in the Delta") que ayudan a dibujar un retrato más completo de su musicalidad. Lo más importante, sin embargo, es el hecho de que "Walking the Blues" simplemente suena genial... es uno de los mejores pianos de blues que jamás hayas escuchado. 



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