Review by Stephen Cook
The by turns grizzled and vaporous-toned Webster really hit his stride on the Verve label. During a stretch from roughly 1953-1959, the Ellington alumnus showcased his supreme playing with both combos and string sections, swingers and ballads -- and lurking beneath his blustery and hulking sound were solo lines brimming with sophistication and wit. This 1957 date with the Oscar Peterson Trio is one of the highlights of that golden '50s run. After starting off with two bluesy originals -- the slow burning title track and gutsy "Late Date" -- Webster gets to the heart of things on five wistful ballads: Here, his exquisitely sly "Makin' Whoopee" is only outdone by an incredibly nuanced "Where Are You." Providing sympathetic counterpoint, Peterson forgoes his usual pyrotechnics for some leisurely compact solos; his cohorts -- guitarist Herb Ellis, bassist Ray Brown, and drummer Stan Levey -- are equally assured and splendid. And ending the set with flair, Webster takes over the piano for three somewhat middling yet still impressive stride and boogie-woogie-styled numbers (these are his only piano recordings). Newcomers shouldn't hesitate to start here.
Reseña de Stephen Cook
El por turnos canoso y de tonos vaporosos Webster realmente dio un gran paso en la etiqueta Verve. Durante un período comprendido aproximadamente entre 1953 y 1959, el alumno de Ellington mostró su interpretación suprema con combos y secciones de cuerdas, swingers y baladas, y acechando debajo de su sonido ventoso y corpulento había líneas en solitario llenas de sofisticación e ingenio. Esta cita de 1957 con el Trío Oscar Peterson es uno de los aspectos más destacados de esa carrera dorada de los 50. Después de comenzar con dos originales de blues, la canción principal de combustión lenta y la valiente "Late Date", Webster llega al meollo de las cosas en cinco baladas melancólicas: Aquí, su exquisitamente astuta "Makin' Whoopee "solo es superada por una increíblemente matizada" Where Are You."Proporcionando un contrapunto comprensivo, Peterson renuncia a su pirotecnia habitual por algunos solos compactos y tranquilos; sus cohortes, el guitarrista Herb Ellis, el bajista Ray Brown y el baterista Stan Levey, están igualmente seguros y espléndidos. Y terminando el set con estilo, Webster se hace cargo del piano durante tres números algo mediocres pero aún impresionantes de zancada y estilo boogie-woogie (estas son sus únicas grabaciones para piano). Los recién llegados no deberían dudar en comenzar aquí.
1 - Soulville
2 - Late Date
3 - Time On My Hands
4 - Lover Come Back To Me
5 - Where Are You
6 - Makin' Whoopee
7 - Ill Wind
Bass – Ray Brown
Design [Reissue CD] – Tom & Ellie Hughes, HughesGroup*
Drums – Stan Levey
Guitar – Herb Ellis
Liner Notes – Nat Hentoff
Liner Notes [Reissue], Research [Tape Vault] – Phil Schaap
Photography By [Cover] – Phil Stern
Piano – Ben Webster (pistas: 8 to 10), Oscar Peterson (pistas: 1 to 7)
Producer – Norman Granz
Reissue Producer [Prepared For CD] – Richard Seidel, Seth Rothstein
Remastered By – Tom "Curly" Ruff*
Tenor Saxophone – Ben Webster
Label: Verve Records – MG V-8274, Verve Records – MGV 8274
Series: Clef Series
Country: US
Released: Aug 1958
Genre: Jazz
Hola, podrías compartir algún disco de Ben, donde interprete Misty.