egroj world: Rale Micic Quintet • Bridges




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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Rale Micic Quintet • Bridges


' With Bridges Rale Micic has delivered a memorable and assured debut album that leaves me looking forward to his next.' J. Weiner, All About Jazz '... a completely new sound and approach to harmonic concepts...' Boston Phoenix The much-anticipated release of Rale Micic Quintet debut album has arrived! Bringing focus on the original compositions, album 'Bridges' is a mix of modern jazz and beautiful melodies influenced by the sounds of Balkans. It features some of the top players from New York City: Bob Reynolds on tenor (young rising star and 1999/2000 Billboard Award winner), Sean Conly (bassist who has performed and toured with Nicolas Payton Quintet, Freddie Hubbard, Ray Barretto, etc.), pianist Milan Milanovic and drummer Alvin Atkinson Jr. (Bob Mintzer, Wycliff Gordon, Eric Reed). Born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, guitarist and composer Rale Micic skillfully fuses culture with timeless jazz. He has come a long way - from a young boy struggling to have his music heard on the European jazz scene to being one of the most in-demand guitarists in New York City today. In 1995, Rale migrated to the United States upon receiving a scholarship from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. He has studied with renowned professors such as George Garzone, Hal Crook, John Thomas and Bob Brookmeyer. Under the mentorship of legendary guitarist Mick Goodrick (Instructor to guitarists Pat Metheny and John Scofield), Rale's playing and composition skills flourished. Upon graduating in 2000, Rale moved to New York City and formed the Rale Micic Quintet with some of jazz' most promising young artists. Rale Micic is a recipient of numerous awards in field of performance and composition: Harris Stanton Award for Outstanding Guitarist (March 1999), three times B.A.S. Award (April 1999, 1998, 1997), and was featured in many publications including Pulitzer Price Winner Riverdale Press (NY), Bronx Times (NY), Washington City Paper (DC), Boston Phoenix and many others.

“Micic is bringing an intriguing new perspective to the jazz guitar.”   LA TIMES

Rale Micic is one of the most successful and critically acclaimed jazz musicians to emerge from Serbia. Audiences throughout the world have been captivated by Micic’s mesmerizing music, exploring interaction between his Serbian musical roots and his extensive knowledge of jazz.

With three albums‘released on CTA Records, Rale Micic created cult-like following among music fans with his mix of jazz and haunting melodies from the Balkans. On his second release entitled Serbia, Micic establishes himself as one of the most inventive voices on the music scene today, featuring renowned Grammy-nominated trumpet player Tom Harrell, and was called “mellow, tight and tasteful” by Downbeat. His trio album, symbolically titled “3”, is an entrancing trio record described as “ a groove heavy record… pure listening pleasure”.

On his new album entitled Night Music (Whaling City Sound) , Rale looks closer to home for his inspiration. It features all new music, a modern day re-imaging of Bela Bartok’s idea of night music and what it would sound like in the city today.

Rale Micic has been featured in numerous publications including Downbeat, JazzTimes, LA Times, San Diego Tribune, Boston Globe, etc. He has performed at prominent jazz clubs and music festivals in US and Europe including Village Vanguard, Catalina Jazz Club, Blues Alley,, Scullers Jazz Club, Dizzy’s, Smalls, San Jose Jazz Festival, Hartford International Jazz Festival, etc.

As a sideman, Micic has worked with the jazz artists such as Tom Harrell, Don Friedman, Eric Alexander, Jason and Delfayo Marsalis, etc. He is a member of Tom Harrell Chamber Ensemble and is featured on critically acclaimed release First Impression (2015 High Note). Rale Micic plays Sadowsky guitars and D’Addario strings.


' Con Bridges Rale Micic ha entregado un memorable y seguro álbum de debut que me deja con ganas de su próximo.' J. Weiner, All About Jazz '... un sonido y un enfoque completamente nuevos de los conceptos armónicos...' Boston Phoenix ¡Llegó la tan esperada publicación del álbum de debut de Rale Micic Quintet! Centrándose en las composiciones originales, el álbum 'Bridges' es una mezcla de jazz moderno y bellas melodías influenciadas por los sonidos de los Balcanes. Cuenta con algunos de los mejores músicos de la ciudad de Nueva York: Bob Reynolds al tenor (joven estrella emergente y ganador del premio Billboard 1999/2000), Sean Conly (bajista que ha actuado y girado con Nicolas Payton Quintet, Freddie Hubbard, Ray Barretto, etc.), el pianista Milan Milanovic y el batería Alvin Atkinson Jr. (Bob Mintzer, Wycliff Gordon, Eric Reed). Nacido y criado en Belgrado (Serbia), el guitarrista y compositor Rale Micic fusiona hábilmente la cultura con el jazz atemporal. Ha recorrido un largo camino: de ser un joven que luchaba por hacer oír su música en la escena europea del jazz a ser uno de los guitarristas más solicitados de la ciudad de Nueva York en la actualidad. En 1995, Rale emigró a Estados Unidos al recibir una beca del prestigioso Berklee College of Music de Boston, MA. Ha estudiado con profesores de renombre como George Garzone, Hal Crook, John Thomas y Bob Brookmeyer. Bajo la tutela del legendario guitarrista Mick Goodrick (instructor de los guitarristas Pat Metheny y John Scofield), las habilidades de Rale para tocar y componer florecieron. Tras graduarse en el año 2000, Rale se trasladó a la ciudad de Nueva York y formó el Rale Micic Quintet con algunos de los artistas jóvenes más prometedores del jazz. Rale Micic ha recibido numerosos premios en el campo de la interpretación y la composición: Premio Harris Stanton al guitarrista más destacado (marzo de 1999), tres veces el premio B.A.S. (abril de 1999, 1998, 1997), y ha aparecido en muchas publicaciones, como el ganador del premio Pulitzer Riverdale Press (NY), Bronx Times (NY), Washington City Paper (DC), Boston Phoenix y muchas otras.

Acerca de
"Micic aporta una nueva e intrigante perspectiva a la guitarra de jazz".   LA TIMES

Rale Micic es uno de los músicos de jazz más exitosos y aclamados por la crítica que ha surgido de Serbia. El público de todo el mundo ha quedado cautivado por la hipnotizante música de Micic, que explora la interacción entre sus raíces musicales serbias y sus amplios conocimientos de jazz.

Con tres álbumes publicados en CTA Records, Rale Micic creó un culto entre los aficionados a la música con su mezcla de jazz y melodías inquietantes de los Balcanes. En su segundo disco, titulado Serbia, Micic se consolida como una de las voces más inventivas del panorama musical actual, con la colaboración del renombrado trompetista nominado al Grammy Tom Harrell, y fue calificado de "suave, ajustado y de buen gusto" por Downbeat. Su álbum de trío, titulado simbólicamente "3", es un disco de trío fascinante, descrito como "un disco lleno de groove... puro placer de escuchar".

En su nuevo álbum, titulado Night Music (Whaling City Sound), Rale se inspira en su país. El álbum contiene música nueva, una reimaginación moderna de la idea de Bela Bartok sobre la música nocturna y cómo sonaría en la ciudad hoy en día.

Rale Micic ha aparecido en numerosas publicaciones como Downbeat, JazzTimes, LA Times, San Diego Tribune, Boston Globe, etc. Ha actuado en destacados clubes de jazz y festivales de música de Estados Unidos y Europa, como el Village Vanguard, el Catalina Jazz Club, el Blues Alley, el Scullers Jazz Club, el Dizzy's, el Smalls, el San Jose Jazz Festival, el Hartford International Jazz Festival, etc.

Como sideman, Micic ha trabajado con artistas de jazz como Tom Harrell, Don Friedman, Eric Alexander, Jason y Delfayo Marsalis, etc. Es miembro del Tom Harrell Chamber Ensemble y aparece en el aclamado lanzamiento First Impression (2015 High Note). Rale Micic toca guitarras Sadowsky y cuerdas D'Addario.

1 - Bridges
2 - Alarm
3 - Winter Clouds
4 - Quiet Wave
5 - Industrial Girl
6 - Wherever You Go
7 - Look, And See...

Sean Conly - Bass
Rale Micic - Composer, Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar (Electric), Producer
Milan Milanovic - Piano
Bob Reynolds - Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor)
Alvin Atkinson Jr. - Drums


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