egroj world: Roscoe Mitchell • The Flow Of Things

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Roscoe Mitchell • The Flow Of Things


Review by Stephen Cook
Sounding like a sour piece of gauzy metal set aflame, Roscoe Mitchell's soprano saxophone endlessly snakes its way through the three sections of "The Flow of Things" on this 1987 album of the same name. The piece forms the meat of this solo effort by the Art Ensemble of Chicago soloist, demonstrating Mitchell's knack for circular breathing as well as a longstanding love of full-throttle, free-wheeling group improvisation. It's not about swinging, but if you fancy being pinned to the wall by a barrage of high-end repartee by some of the best in the avant-garde jazz business, then this one's for you. Joining the fray are fellow AACM members pianist Jodie Christian and drummer Steve McCall, as well as Art Ensemble bassist Malachi Favors. Providing a break from the intensity, Mitchell offers up one of his engaging, mystically minimal sound sculptures, "Card for Quartet." The piece definitely gives one an idea of how the music of avant-garde classical composers like Varese, Cage, and Stockhausen can fit into a jazz context. The Flow of Things is probably not the best entrée into Mitchell's work, but after a few Art Ensemble of Chicago records and one of his earlier efforts, make sure to come back for a listen.


Reseña de Stephen Cook
Sonando como una pieza amarga de metal vaporoso en llamas, el saxofón soprano de Roscoe Mitchell serpentea sin cesar a través de las tres secciones de "The Flow of Things" en este álbum de 1987 del mismo nombre. La pieza forma la carne de este esfuerzo solista del Art Ensemble of Chicago soloist, demostrando la habilidad de Mitchell para la respiración circular, así como un amor de larga data por la improvisación grupal a toda velocidad y sin obstáculos. No se trata de balancearse, pero si te apetece quedar atrapado en la pared por un aluvión de réplicas de alta gama de algunos de los mejores en el negocio del jazz de vanguardia, entonces este es para ti. Se unen a la refriega la pianista Jodie Christian y el baterista Steve McCall, miembros de la AACM, así como el bajista de Art Ensemble, Malachi Favors. Proporcionando un descanso de la intensidad, Mitchell ofrece una de sus atractivas esculturas sonoras místicamente mínimas, " Tarjeta para Cuarteto."La pieza definitivamente le da a uno una idea de cómo la música de compositores clásicos de vanguardia como Varese, Cage y Stockhausen puede encajar en un contexto de jazz. The Flow of Things probablemente no sea la mejor entrada al trabajo de Mitchell, pero después de algunos discos de Art Ensemble of Chicago y uno de sus esfuerzos anteriores, asegúrese de volver a escucharlo.

1 - The Flow Of Things - No. 1 - 10:29
2 - The Flow Of Things - No. 2 - 10:11
3 - Cards For Quartet - 9:14
4 - The Flow Of Things - No. 3 (Live) - 13:18

    Artwork [Cover] – Giuliano Crivelli
    Bass – Malachi Favors
    Drums – Steve McCall
    Engineer – Dan Richardson (3)
    Engineer [Mastering] – Gennaro Carone
    Liner Notes – Leo Krumpholz
    Photography By – Lauren Deutsch
    Piano – Jodie Christian
    Producer – Giovanni Bonandrini
    Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone, Written-By – Roscoe Mitchell

Tracks 1 & 2 recorded on 7 September 1986 at Raccoon Club. Tracks 3 & 4 recorded on 29 June 1986 at Goetz Theater, Chicago, IL.

Label:    Black Saint – BSR 0090 CD
Country:    Italy
Released:    1987
Genre:    Jazz
Style:    Free Jazz

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