On For Now, his tenth album as leader, multi-reed specialist Brian Landrus gives voice to the many faces of romance, using as his means of expression a talented core quintet, amplified on several themes by a four-member string section, with arrangements by the notable opera composer Robert Aldridge. While Landrus plays four instruments including flute and alto flute, he sticks for the most part to baritone sax and bass clarinet, soloing on one or the other on almost every one of the session's thirteen well-drawn numbers (an exception is his seductive alto flute solo on "The Night of Change").
By Jack Bowers
May 20, 2020
En For Now, su décimo álbum como líder, el especialista en múltiples cañas Brian Landrus da voz a las múltiples caras del romance, utilizando como medio de expresión un quinteto central de gran talento, amplificado en varios temas por una sección de cuerda de cuatro miembros, con arreglos del notable compositor de ópera Robert Aldridge. Aunque Landrus toca cuatro instrumentos, entre ellos la flauta y la flauta contralto, se ciñe en su mayor parte al saxo barítono y al clarinete bajo, haciendo solos con uno u otro en casi todos los trece bien dibujados números de la sesión (una excepción es su seductor solo de flauta contralto en «The Night of Change»).
Por Jack Bowers
20 de mayo de 2020
brianlandrus.com ...
1 - The Signs 06:00
2 - Clarity In Time 05:34
3 - The Miss 04:15
4 - J.J. 06:02
5 - For Now 02:44
6 - 'Round Midnight 02:45
7 - Invitation 06:20
8 - For Whom I Imagined 03:07
9 - The Night Of Change 04:16
10 - The Second Time 03:13
11 - Her Smile 05:16
12 - The Wait 06:11
Brian Landrus - baritone saxophone, bass clarinet, alto flute and c flute
Fred Hersch - piano
Drew Gress - bass
Billy Hart - drums
Michael Rodriguez - trumpet
Sara Caswell - violin
Joyce Hammann - violin
Lois Martin - viola
Jody Redhage-Ferber - cello
Herschel Garfein - producer
Robert Livingston Aldridge - producer
Recorded at Sear Sound in New York City by Chris Allen on August 7th and 8th, 2019, “’Round Midnight” recorded by John Kilgore at Kilgore Sound Recording August 28, 2019
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