egroj world: Illinois Jacquet, Leo Parker • Toronto 1947




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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Illinois Jacquet, Leo Parker • Toronto 1947


The great Illinois Jacquet is back on the news and in his prime time thanks to a vital and never before released live set recorded on April 27, 1947 at the Mutual Street Avenue, in Toronto, Canada, and now issued by the Uptown label. Well known for its carefully presented historical jazz issues, this new Uptown CD, Illinois Jacquet - Toronto 1947, finds the immortal saxophonist in the company of such stars as baritone saxophonist Leo Parker, trumpeters Russell Jacquet and Joe Newman, pianist Sir Charles Thompson, bassist Al Lucas, and drummer Shadow Wilson, in over 70 minutes of splendid new music.


El gran Illinois Jacquet vuelve a estar de actualidad y en su mejor momento gracias a un vital e inédito directo grabado el 27 de abril de 1947 en el Mutual Street Avenue, en Toronto, Canadá, y que ahora publica el sello Uptown. Conocido por sus temas históricos de jazz cuidadosamente presentados, este nuevo CD de Uptown, Illinois Jacquet - Toronto 1947, encuentra al inmortal saxofonista en compañía de estrellas como el saxofonista barítono Leo Parker, los trompetistas Russell Jacquet y Joe Newman, el pianista Sir Charles Thompson, el bajista Al Lucas y el baterista Shadow Wilson, en más de 70 minutos de espléndida música nueva.

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  1. Hi!

    Thanx for this one. A "new" addition to his collection. One historical Toronto note of interest. It was the Mutual Street Arena for this one & although this concert is not mentioned (but some BIG names are noted), fun history here:

    Ciao! For now.

    1. Thanks for the information, a great stadium for that time.
