egroj world: Thelonious Monk • 5 By Monk By 5

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Thelonious Monk • 5 By Monk By 5


Review by Lindsay Planer
As the '50s drew to a close, so did Thelonious Monk's illustrious tenure on Riverside Records. In fact, the three dates needed for this title would be his penultimate for the label. The concept of the album consists of five Monk originals performed in a quintet setting. Ironically, this was the first time that Monk had recorded with a lineup that so prominently featured the "standard" bop rhythm section incorporating both a trumpet (or, in this case, cornet) and sax player. The quintet featured on 5 by Monk by 5 includes Monk (piano), Thad Jones (cornet), Charlie Rouse (tenor sax), Sam Jones (bass), and Art Taylor (drums). Rouse would become Monk's permanent tenor saxophonist for the majority of the 1960s. In what had become somewhat of a tradition, the disc's program consists of several of Monk's more established works as well as a few new compositions. One of the new works, "Jackie-ing" (incidentally, named after one of Monk's nieces), leads off the disc. It exemplifies the loose, disjointed, and exceedingly difficult arrangements that would define Monk as a premier composer/arranger/bandleader. This is in contrast to Monk the keyboard player and band member, which he skilfully demonstrates throughout the track as well as the rest of the album. The song's opening jam features a tasty tug of war between Rouse's animated lead and Monk's interjections and piano antics. Jones' cornet is incorporated tastefully throughout Monk's tricky arrangements. The stark contrast in performance timbre between the comparatively subdued Rouse or Monk and the frenetic bleating of Jones is notably disconcerting. [Some reissues includes two alternate takes of "Played Twice," the other Monk composition to be debuted on 5 by Monk by 5.]


Reseña de Lindsay Planer
A medida que los años 50 llegaban a su fin, también lo hacía el ilustre mandato de Thelonious Monk en Riverside Records. De hecho, las tres fechas necesarias para este título serían las penúltimas para el sello. El concepto del álbum consta de cinco Monk originals interpretados en un quinteto. Irónicamente, esta era la primera vez que Monk grababa con una formación que presentaba de manera tan destacada la sección rítmica bop "estándar" que incorporaba tanto una trompeta (o, en este caso, una corneta) como un saxofonista. El quinteto presentado en 5 by Monk by 5 incluye a Monk (piano), Thad Jones (corneta), Charlie Rouse (saxo tenor), Sam Jones (bajo) y Art Taylor (batería). Rouse se convertiría en el saxofonista tenor permanente de Monk durante la mayor parte de la década de 1960. En lo que se había convertido en una especie de tradición, el programa del disco consta de varias de las obras más establecidas de Monk, así como algunas composiciones nuevas. Una de las nuevas obras, "Jackie-ing" (por cierto, llamada así por una de las sobrinas de Monk), encabeza el disco. Ejemplifica los arreglos sueltos, inconexos y extremadamente difíciles que definirían a Monk como un compositor/arreglista/líder de banda de primer nivel. Esto contrasta con Monk, el tecladista y miembro de la banda, que demuestra hábilmente a lo largo de la pista, así como en el resto del álbum. La jam de apertura de la canción presenta un sabroso tira y afloja entre el protagonista animado de Rouse y las interjecciones y payasadas de piano de Monk. La corneta de Jones se incorpora con buen gusto en los complicados arreglos de Monk. El marcado contraste en el timbre de interpretación entre Rouse o Monk, comparativamente tenue, y el frenético balido de Jones es notablemente desconcertante. [Algunas reediciones incluyen dos tomas alternativas de "Played Twice", la otra composición de Monk que debutará en 5 by Monk by 5.] ...

1 - Jackie-ing - 6:07
2 - Straight, No Chaser - 9:21
3 - Played Twice (Take 3) - 8:00
4 - Played Twice (Take 1) - 6:56
5 - Played Twice (Take 2) - 7:53
6 - I Mean You - 9:48
7 - Ask Me Now - 10:46

Bass – Sam Jones
Cornet – Thad Jones
Drums – Art Taylor
Piano, Composed By – Thelonious Monk
Tenor Saxophone – Charlie Rouse

Label:    Original Jazz Classics – OJCCD-362-2, Riverside Records – RLP-1150
CD, Album, Reissue
Country:    US
Released:    1989
Original Released:    1959
Genre:    Jazz
Style:    Hard Bop

MORE Thelonious Monk ...

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