egroj world: The Bruce Katz Band • A Deeper Blue

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Bruce Katz Band • A Deeper Blue

Keyboardist Bruce Katz showcases his jazz-meets-blues chops on Deeper Blue. Featuring Katz on both the Hammond B-3 organ and piano, the results sound something like a progressive, post-bop jazz group heavily into early-period Ray Charles. Although Katz is the featured player here, the album plays more like a group effort with guitarists Ronnie Earl and Michael Williams coming front and center much of the time. To these ends, "(Why Don't You Just) Go Home!" is a quick and funky Medeski, Martin & Wood-style burner, "Greasy Sticks" is a suitably greasified shuffle, and "Slinky" is a menacing and atmospheric mid-tempo modern blues. Longtime Katz fans and listeners searching for some rootsy and intelligent improvisational music should find much to enjoy here.
by Matt Collar


El teclista Bruce Katz muestra sus chuletas de jazz-meets-blues en Deeper Blue. Con Katz en el órgano B-3 de Hammond y en el piano, los resultados suenan como un grupo de jazz progresivo, post-bop, muy metido en el período temprano de Ray Charles. Aunque Katz es el protagonista aquí, el álbum es más bien un esfuerzo de grupo con los guitarristas Ronnie Earl y Michael Williams al frente y en el centro la mayor parte del tiempo. Para estos fines, "(Why Don't You Just) Go Home!" es un rápido y funky Medeski, Martin & Wood-style burner, "Greasy Sticks" es un shuffle adecuadamente engrasado, y "Slinky" es un amenazante y atmosférico blues moderno de medio tiempo. Los fanáticos y oyentes de Katz que han buscado música de improvisación inteligente y de raíz, encontrarán aquí mucho que disfrutar.
por Matt Collar
1. Know it? I Wrote It! (Mp3)
2. Greasy Sticks (Mp3)
3. The Dark Room (Mp3)
4. Yeah, Maybe
5. Poptop
6. The Stroll
7. (Why Don't You Just) Go Home!
8. Call it Gone
9. Slinky
10. Stovepipe Boogie
11. Blues In D Natural
12. For Cliff
13. Jump'd

Bruce Katz – Hammond B-3 Organ and Piano
Michael Williams – guitar
Rod Carey – bass
Ralph Rosen – drums
Ronnie Earl – guitar (on #4 and #11)

MORE Bruce Katz ...

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