egroj world: Jeremy Monteiro • Homecoming

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Jeremy Monteiro • Homecoming


Jeremy Monteiro (born 20 June 1960, Singapore) is a jazz pianist, singer, composer and music educator. He has performed and won critical acclaim in many parts of the world; in Singapore, he has been dubbed "Singapore's King of Swing" by the local press. He was awarded the Cultural Medallion in 2002.

Review by All about
Jeremy Monteiro has recorded around twenty albums in two decades, yet surprisingly this is the pianist’s first offering of entirely original compositions in fourteen years. They confirm, however, what anyone who has seen him in concert already knows: firstly, that he writes sensitive, well-crafted tunes, and secondly, that as a pianist he is at the top of the tree.

Ably supported by his regular trio members, Syracuse, New York drummer Shawn Kelley and Melbourne bassist Belinda Moody, and augmented by the muscular tones of sax legend Ernie Watts, Monteiro leads the way through a wonderfully rich and varied set. The first two tracks feature Greg Fishman, who plays a jaunty tenor on the striding “Jazzybelle’s Shuffle and flute on the Latin “Samba Apassionata. The latter track is dedicated to the late Edmond Branson, Jr., a leading drummer on the Singapore scene.

The tempo remains upbeat on “The Bubala Dance, where Watts adds his fireworks to the proceedings. This is the first of two songs co-written by Monteiro and Watts, who first collaborated almost twenty years ago, and the affinity between them is apparent. The other Monteiro/Watts number, “Remember, is a soulful, meditative piece reminiscent of Wayne Shorter’s “Infant Eyes. Belinda Moody, an original voice, shines through on a short yet tasteful bass solo.

One of the highlights is “Inner Voice, in which both Monteiro and Ernie Watts solo elegantly and powerfully. It is a fine study in the art of tension and release. The title track, “Homecoming, highlights the talents of drummer Shawn Kelley and soprano player Ernie Watts. This jubilant calypso is very much in the mould of Sonny Rollins’ “St. Thomas and no less enjoyable.

Monteiro succeeds in mixing up the pace and mood of the songs, and one of his strengths as a leader lies in the space he allows his partners. On “Lorna’s Kitchen,” co-written by bassist Eldee Young, each member of the trio takes his turn in the spotlight, racing along together at a rattling pace. The album closes with Monteiro and Moody’s glorious, understated “Blues For Ray, dedicated to the late Ray Charles. The playing on this blues piece is almost respectful, with Monteiro and Moody soloing in beautifully restrained manner over Ron Feuer’s Hammond C3 Organ. A burst of gospel-style piano at the end concludes a fine tribute to the great man.

Some may have thought that when Claude Nobbs invited Jeremy Monteiro to play Montreux in 1988, the Singaporean pianist had had his day in the sun. On the evidence of this delightful album, maybe his day in the sun is yet to come.


Jeremy Monteiro (Singapur, 20 de junio de 1960) es pianista de jazz, cantante, compositor y educador musical. Ha actuado y ganado elogios de la crítica en muchas partes del mundo; en Singapur, la prensa local lo ha apodado "El Rey del Swing de Singapur". Fue galardonado con el Medallón Cultural en 2002.

Reseña de All about
Jeremy Monteiro ha grabado alrededor de veinte álbumes en dos décadas, pero sorprendentemente esta es la primera oferta del pianista de composiciones completamente originales en catorce años. Confirman, sin embargo, lo que ya sabe cualquiera que lo haya visto en concierto: en primer lugar, que escribe melodías sensibles y bien elaboradas, y en segundo lugar, que como pianista está en la cima del árbol.

Hábilmente apoyado por sus miembros habituales del trío, Syracuse, el baterista de Nueva York Shawn Kelley y la bajista de Melbourne Belinda Moody, y aumentado por los tonos musculosos de la leyenda del saxo Ernie Watts, Monteiro lidera el camino a través de un set maravillosamente rico y variado. Las dos primeras pistas presentan a Greg Fishman, quien toca un tenor alegre en la zancada "Jazzybelle's Shuffle and flute on the Latin" Samba Apassionata. La última pista está dedicada al difunto Edmond Branson, Jr., un baterista líder en la escena de Singapur.

El ritmo sigue siendo optimista en " The Bubala Dance, donde Watts agrega sus fuegos artificiales a los procedimientos. Esta es la primera de dos canciones coescritas por Monteiro y Watts, quienes colaboraron por primera vez hace casi veinte años, y la afinidad entre ellos es evidente. El otro número de Monteiro / Watts, " Remember, es una pieza conmovedora y meditativa que recuerda a "Infant Eyes" de Wayne Shorter. Belinda Moody, una voz original, brilla en un solo de bajo corto pero de buen gusto.

Uno de los aspectos más destacados es "Inner Voice", en la que tanto Monteiro como Ernie Watts hacen solos de manera elegante y poderosa. Es un buen estudio en el arte de la tensión y la liberación. La canción principal, " Homecoming, destaca el talento del baterista Shawn Kelley y del soprano Ernie Watts. Este jubiloso calipso está muy en el molde de "Santo Tomás" de Sonny Rollins y no es menos agradable.

Monteiro logra mezclar el ritmo y el estado de ánimo de las canciones, y uno de sus puntos fuertes como líder radica en el espacio que permite a sus socios. En "Lorna's Kitchen", coescrita por el bajista Eldee Young, cada miembro del trío toma su turno en el centro de atención, corriendo juntos a un ritmo trepidante. El álbum cierra con Monteiro y Moody's glorious, understated "Blues For Ray, dedicado al difunto Ray Charles. La interpretación de esta pieza de blues es casi respetuosa, con Monteiro y Moody solos de una manera bellamente contenida sobre el órgano Hammond C3 de Ron Feuer. Una ráfaga de piano de estilo gospel al final concluye un excelente homenaje al gran hombre.

Algunos pueden haber pensado que cuando Claude Nobbs invitó a Jeremy Monteiro a tocar Montreux en 1988, el pianista singapurense había tenido su día al sol. Según la evidencia de este delicioso álbum, tal vez su día al sol aún esté por llegar. ... ... ...

1 - Jazzybelle's Shuffle
2 - Samba Appasionata
3 - The Bubala Dance
4 - Life Goes On
5 - Inner Voice
6 - Homecoming
7 - Remember (Another Time)
8 - Lorna's Kitchen
9 - Blues For Ray

    Bass – Belinda Moody
    Drums – Shawn T. Kelley
    Flute – Greg Fishman (tracks: 2)
    Organ – Ron Feuer (tracks: 9)
    Percussion – Mohamed Noor (tracks: 2, 6)
    Piano – Jeremy Monteiro
    Soprano Saxophone – Ernie Watts (tracks: 6)
    Tenor Saxophone – Ernie Watts (tracks: 3, 5, 7), Greg Fishman (tracks: 1)

Label:    Jazznote (2) – S/N 170702-04-2
Country:    Singapore
Released:    2006
Genre:    Jazz

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