egroj world: Jack McDuff • The Re-Entry




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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Jack McDuff • The Re-Entry


Originally recorded and released on Muse Records in 1988, was Brother Jack McDuff's first recording after a four-year absence from the studios. This, the first of the two Muse dates McDuff recorded with producer/tenor man Houston Person, also features Ron Bridgewater on tenor, Cecil Bridgewater on trumpet, John Hart on guitar and Grady Tate on drums.
It's a fairly typical Muse program of blues and ballads with the expectedly clean production perfected by Person and engineer Rudy Van Gelder. Predictably, it's McDuff's blues themes that have the most flavor and excitement: witness "Walking The Dog" and "Cap'n Jack" (as he's chosen to be called recently). The R&B swing of McDuff favorite "Electric Surfboard" has its moments; but it's been heard to better effect before. A cover of Quincy Jones' ultra-poppish "One Hundred Ways" (listed as "One Hundred Years" on the cover) is a throwaway and a fireside reading of David Raskin's "Laura" is a pretty feature for the horn players.


Grabado originalmente y publicado en Muse Records en 1988, fue la primera grabación de Brother Jack McDuff tras una ausencia de cuatro años de los estudios. Esta, la primera de las dos fechas de Muse que McDuff grabó con el productor/tenorista Houston Person, también cuenta con Ron Bridgewater en el tenor, Cecil Bridgewater en la trompeta, John Hart en la guitarra y Grady Tate en la batería.
Es un programa bastante típico de Muse de blues y baladas con la esperada producción limpia perfeccionada por Person y el ingeniero Rudy Van Gelder. Como era de esperar, son los temas de blues de McDuff los que tienen más sabor y emoción: sean testigos "Walking The Dog" y "Cap'n Jack" (como ha elegido que le llamen últimamente). El swing R&B de la favorita de McDuff, "Electric Surfboard", tiene sus momentos; pero ya se ha escuchado antes con mejor efecto. Una versión de "One Hundred Ways" de Quincy Jones (que aparece como "One Hundred Years" en la portada) es un desperdicio y una lectura de "Laura" de David Raskin es un bonito detalle para los trompetistas.

Colaborador / Contributor:  peer57

01. Cap'n Jack    [0:06:10.15]
02. One Hundred Years    [0:05:54.45]
03. Electric Surfboard    [0:06:57.10]
04. Walking the Dog    [0:08:12.35]
05. Blues for 'Paign    [0:03:37.70]
06. Laura    [0:04:42.42]

Drums – Grady Tate
Guitar – John Hart
Organ – Jack McDuff
Tenor Saxophone – Houston Person, Ron Bridgewater
Trumpet – Cecil Bridgewater

Recorded at Van Gelder Studios, Englewood Cliffs, NJ March 25, 1988
Duration 36:06
Label: 32 Records

MORE Jack McDuff ...

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