egroj world: Maureen Choi • Quartet

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Maureen Choi • Quartet

El grupo nace en Septiembre de 2012 con la llegada de Maureen Choi a España. “Es la nueva gran voz del violín jazz” ha escrito Rodney Whitaker (contrabajista de jazz de prestigio internacional, Mack Avenue Records) de esta violinista norteamericana de origen coreano.
Con una formación clásica y de jazz que le permite dominar con maestría el violín, Maureen propone con sus composiciones un mestizaje fundamentado en el jazz americano, la música latinoamericana y la música clásica europea al que ella denomina Latin jazz de cámara.
En este proyecto musical, tiene como compañeros habituales a:
Daniel García Diego – pianista de jazz y director musical del exitoso “Hoy no me puedo levantar”.
Mario Carrillo – contrabajista y arreglista madrileño formado en Estados Unidos.
Michael Olivera – batería cubano, de los más solicitados en la escena jazzística de Madrid a quien en esta ocasión sustituye Guillermo McGill
Desde su creación, este cuarteto ha tocado en festivales como el XXIX Festival de Jazz de Madrid, Festival de Jazz de Talavera 2014, Festival “Ellas Crean” 2013, el CLAZZ Berlanga Continental Latin Jazz y en los clubes de jazz más importantes de la capital como el Café Central, Bogui Jazz, Café Populart, Sala BarCo o Sala Clamores.
En Julio de 2013, obtiene el 1er Premio en el I Certamen Internacional de Jóvenes Músicos de Jazz “Ciudad de Talavera”.
Acaba de grabar su nuevo disco “Ida y Vuelta”, en el que colaboran grandes figuras como Pepe Rivero o Javier Colina.

Album Notes
Called the “next great voice on the jazz violin” by legendary jazz bassist Rodney Whitaker, violinist Maureen Choi has an eclectic interest in music, ranging from Bach to jazz to Michael Jackson.
A graduate of Michigan State University, Ms. Choi has won numerous competitions and has performed extensively in classical and jazz genres throughout the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. In addition to working with Whitaker, Maureen has performed with hip-hop artist Kanye West, and also plays Latin music with various bands. While living in Minneapolis, she performed frequently with Salsabrosa and Charanga Tropical. She is currently based in Boston, soon to graduate from the Berklee College of Music, and is currently working on a Latin project with Leo Tatis, Victor Mendoza and a classical album with her pianist Michele Cooker.
Ms.Choi's idea for the album is not at all "traditional" for jazz. Her idea for her solo in "Caravan" was to compose a solo like a Sarasate violin concerto. Her solo in "Donna Lee" was played spiccato (off the string) and while she can demonstrate virtuosic violin technique, she can also make you want to slow dance to a waltz (traditionally played in 4/4 time) in "in a Sentimental Mood". "At Last" and " Feelin' Good" are tunes that illustrates how she can "sing" through her instrument. Her voice on the violin displays her great solid violin training and her lyrical and melodic ways to improvise.
Ms. Choi maintains close ties to her home in Michigan where she works with classical and jazz artists in the Detroit Metropolitan area.


1. Caravan (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
2. No More Blues (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
3. At Last (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
4. Sunny (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
5. In a Sentimental Mood (Feat. Sean Dobbins, Rick Roe & Rodney Whitaker)
6. Alegria (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
7. Feelin' Good (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
8. 'Round Midnight (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
9. On Green Dolphin Street (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)
10. Donna Lee (feat. Rick Roe, Rodney Whitaker & Sean Dobbins)


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