egroj world: The Dutch Swing College Band & Bud Freeman • Bud And His Buddies




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Friday, June 21, 2024

The Dutch Swing College Band & Bud Freeman • Bud And His Buddies


The Dutch Swing College Band "DSCB" is a traditional dixieland band founded on May 5, 1945 by bandleader and clarinettist/saxophonist Peter Schilperoort.
Highly successful in their native home of The Netherlands, the band quickly found an international following. It has featured such musicians as Huub Janssen (drums), Henk Bosch van Drakestein (double bass), Kees van Dorser (trumpet), Dim Kesber (saxes), Jan Morks (clarinet), Wout Steenhuis (guitar), Arie Ligthart (banjo/guitar), Jaap van Kempen (banjo/guitar), Oscar Klein (trumpet), Dick Kaart (trombone), Ray Kaart (trumpet), Bert de Kort (cornet), Bert Boeren (trombone), Rod Mason, Rob Agerbeek (piano) - among many others.
The band continues to tour extensively, mainly in Europe & Scandinavia, and record directed by Bob Kaper, himself a member since 1967, following the former leader, Peter Schilperoort's death on November 17, 1990. Schilperoort had led the band for more than 45 years, albeit with a five year sabbatical from September 13, 1955, when he left to pursue an engineering career before returning to lead the band again officially on January 1, 1960.


En mayo de 1945, cuando Europa estrenaba la paz, en medio de los tiros que aún sonaban, un grupo de estudiantes de música en Holanda no tuvo mejor idea para festejar la liberación que fundar una banda que con los años se convirtió en una de las mejores bandas europeas de jazz. Como nombre lleva el de Dutch Swing College Band o como se la conoce "Los Estudiantes Holandeses"

MORE Dutch Swing College Band ...

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