egroj world: Danny Moss Quartet • Weaver Of Dreams




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Monday, September 2, 2024

Danny Moss Quartet • Weaver Of Dreams


Review by Scott Yanow
An excellent English tenor saxophonist, Danny Moss had a rare opportunity to record as a leader for the Nagel-Heyer label during late 1994, in what was his 50th year as a professional musician. Accompanied by pianist Brian Lemon, bassist Len Skeat, and drummer Butch Miles, Moss digs into 14 standards, alternating stomps with ballads. He is a fine player who, due to being based in Europe, tends to get overlooked in the U.S. when one discusses top swing stylists of the 1990s. Moss' quartet outing is easily recommended to fans of straight-ahead mainstream jazz.

Biography by Scott Yanow
A talented veteran swing-oriented tenor, Danny Moss has been an important part of the British jazz scene since the early '50s. He started playing professionally when he was 16 and through the years has worked with a who's who of England's jazz community, including Vic Lewis, Ted Heath (1953-1955), Johnny Dankworth (1957-1961), Alex Welsh, and Humphrey Lyttelton (1962-1964). A fine thick-toned tenor stylist in the tradition of Coleman Hawkins, Moss has often been called upon to perform with traveling American jazzmen, most notably Buck Clayton in the mid-'60s. He has led his own groups on and off since the 1960s, in addition to extensive freelancing (including working with the Pizza Express All-Stars in the 1980s and with his wife, singer Jeannie Lamb). Danny Moss, who moved to Australia in 1989 but still plays often in Europe, has recorded as a leader for Columbia (1966), 77, Flyright, and the Nagel-Heyer label, following 1996's A Swingin' Affair with Steamers three years later. Moss' fifth studio effort Keeper of the Flame appeared in fall 2000.


Reseña de Scott Yanow
Excelente saxofonista tenor inglés, Danny Moss tuvo la rara oportunidad de grabar como líder para el sello Nagel-Heyer a finales de 1994, en lo que fue su 50º año como músico profesional. Acompañado por el pianista Brian Lemon, el bajista Len Skeat y el baterista Butch Miles, Moss se adentra en 14 estándares, alternando stomps con baladas. Se trata de un buen intérprete que, por estar afincado en Europa, tiende a pasar desapercibido en Estados Unidos cuando se habla de los mejores estilistas de swing de la década de 1990. El cuarteto de Moss es fácilmente recomendable para los fans del jazz mainstream directo.

Biografía de Scott Yanow
Danny Moss, un veterano y talentoso tenor orientado al swing, ha sido una parte importante de la escena del jazz británico desde principios de los años 50. Empezó a tocar profesionalmente cuando tenía 16 años y a lo largo de los años ha trabajado con un quién es quién de la comunidad de jazz de Inglaterra, como Vic Lewis, Ted Heath (1953-1955), Johnny Dankworth (1957-1961), Alex Welsh y Humphrey Lyttelton (1962-1964). Moss, un fino tenor de tono grueso en la tradición de Coleman Hawkins, ha sido llamado a menudo para actuar con jazzistas americanos itinerantes, sobre todo con Buck Clayton a mediados de los años 60. Ha liderado sus propios grupos de forma intermitente desde los años 60, además de trabajar por cuenta propia (incluso con las Pizza Express All-Stars en los años 80 y con su mujer, la cantante Jeannie Lamb). Danny Moss, que se trasladó a Australia en 1989 pero sigue tocando a menudo en Europa, ha grabado como líder para Columbia (1966), 77, Flyright y el sello Nagel-Heyer, después de A Swingin' Affair with Steamers, de 1996, tres años después. El quinto trabajo de estudio de Moss, Keeper of the Flame, apareció en otoño de 2000.

1 - 9:20 Special - 5:17
2 - This Heart Of Mine - 5:20
3 - Then I'll Be Tired Of You - 4:58
4 - Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me - 4:36
5 - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 4:23
6 - A Gal In Calico - 5:30
7 - In A Mellow Tone - 5:00
8 - My Romance - 5:57
9 - Fine And Dandy - 4:06
10 - Weaver Of Dreams - 4:38
11 - I'm Glad There Is You - 6:01
12 - Poor Butterfly - 3:26
13 - There's No You - 6:07
14 - Blue Lou - 5:14

    Bass – Len Skeat
    Drums – Butch Miles
    Piano – Brian Lemon
    Recorded By – Axel Fidelak
    Recorded By, Mixed By – Ben Ahrens
    Tenor Saxophone, Liner Notes – Danny Moss 



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