egroj world: Jack Sheldon Quartet & Quintet • Jack Sheldon Quartet & Quintet

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Jack Sheldon Quartet & Quintet • Jack Sheldon Quartet & Quintet


Trumpeter Jack Sheldon’s debut on record was undeniable proof that he had established himself among the most promising young talents of his era. He had an exciting conception, warm tone, and an earthier sound than his peer, Chet Baker. On the quartet session here, Sheldon is backed by the trio of the articulate, fleet, swinging pianist Walter Norris, who composed three of the originals included. Norris is also the pianist on the first quintet sides, with Sheldon’s fine horn and Zoot Sims’ hard-swinging tenor. In the final quintet here, the main assets include the fire and drive of pianist Kenny Drew and the Bird-influenced saxophonist Joe Maini.

Today, over fifty years after these first recordings by Jack Sheldon for producers Herbert Kimmel and Dick Bock, his well-earned reputation as one of the best trumpeters ever to grace the West Coast scene remains unchallenged.


El debut discográfico del trompetista Jack Sheldon fue una prueba innegable de que se había establecido entre los jóvenes talentos más prometedores de su época. Tenía una concepción excitante, un tono cálido y un sonido más terrenal que su par, Chet Baker. En la sesión de cuarteto que aquí se presenta, Sheldon está respaldado por el trío del pianista Walter Norris, articulado, ágil y oscilante, que compuso tres de los originales incluidos. Norris es también el pianista en las primeras caras del quinteto, con la fina trompa de Sheldon y el tenor de Zoot Sims. En el quinteto final, las principales bazas son el fuego y el empuje del pianista Kenny Drew y el saxofonista Joe Maini, con influencia de Bird.

Hoy en día, más de cincuenta años después de estas primeras grabaciones de Jack Sheldon para los productores Herbert Kimmel y Dick Bock, su bien ganada reputación como uno de los mejores trompetistas que jamás haya adornado la escena de la Costa Oeste sigue siendo indiscutible.

01. Get Out of Town (2:32)
02. Ah, Moore (3:11)
03. Dozo (2:40)
04. Cheek to Cheek (3:20)
05. Mad about the Boy (2:52)
06. Streets of Madashi (3:06)
07. Toot Sweet (2:50)
08. Jack’s Depart (3:04)
09. What Is There to Say (3:36)
10. Groovus Mentus (3:56)
11. Beach-Wise (3:10)
12. Palermo Walk (3:15)
13. Blues (4:44)
14. Irresistible You (3:57)
15. Guatemala (3:22)
16. I’m Getting Sentimental Over You (3:44)
17. It’s Only a Paper Moon (7:19)
18. Contour (5:55)
19. Leroy’s Blues (6:56)

Tracks #1-8: Jack Sheldon (tp), Walter Norris (p), Ralph Peña (b) and Gene Gammage (d).
Recorded in Hollywood, at Western Studios, August 22 & September 4, 1954.
Tracks #9-16: Jack Sheldon (tp), Zoot Sims (ts), Walter Norris (p), Bob Whitlock (b) and Lawrence Marable (d).
Recorded in Hollywood, at Capitol Recording Studios, on April 4, 1955.
Tracks #17-19: Jack Sheldon (tp), Joe Maini (as), Kenny Drew (p), Leroy Vinnegar (b) and Lawrence Marable (d).
Recorded in Los Angeles, at the Forum Theatre, on November 18, 1955.

Tracks #1-8 from the 10" LP
"Get Out Of Town" (Jazz:West JWLP-1)
Tracks #9-16 from the 10" LP
"Jack Sheldon Quintet with Zoot Sims" (Jazz:West JWLP-2)
All the above tracks also issued on the 12" LP "Jack Sheldon: The Quartet & The Quintet" (Jazz:West JWLP-6)
Track #17 from the 12" LP "The Hard Swing" (World Pacific JWC-508)
Track #18 from the 12" LP "Jazz West Coast - Vol.2" (World Pacific JWC-501)
Track #19 from the 12" LP "The Blues - Vol.1" (World Pacific JWC-502)

Total time: 74:00 min.
Fresh Sound Records



MORE Jack Sheldon ...


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