egroj world: Sarah Vaughan • Sarah Sings Soulfully

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Sarah Vaughan • Sarah Sings Soulfully


Review by Scott Yanow
Sarah Vaughan's final Roulette session before going back to Mercury was one of her best. Some of the tunes (such as "A Taste of Honey," "What Kind of Fool Am I" and "The Good Life") do not look all that promising, but Vaughan was near the peak of her powers during this era. Plus her renditions of "I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out to Dry," "Sermonette," "Gravy Waltz," "Moanin'," "'Round Midnight" and "Midnight Sun" are classics. Assisted by a sextet arranged by Gerald Wilson and including organist Ernie Freeman, trumpeter Carmell Jones, and the tenor of Teddy Edwards, Vaughan is brilliant throughout this highly enjoyable LP.


Reseña de Scott Yanow
La última sesión de la Ruleta de Sarah Vaughan antes de volver a Mercurio fue una de las mejores. Algunas de las melodías (como "A Taste of Honey", "What Kind of Fool Am I" y "The Good Life") no parecen muy prometedoras, pero Vaughan estaba cerca de la cima de sus poderes durante esta época. Además sus interpretaciones de "Supongo que colgaré mis lágrimas para secarlas", "Sermoneta", "Vals de la salsa", "Gemidos", "Medianoche redonda" y "Sol de medianoche" son clásicos. Asistido por un sexteto arreglado por Gerald Wilson y que incluye al organista Ernie Freeman, al trompetista Carmell Jones y al tenor de Teddy Edwards, Vaughan es brillante a lo largo de este altamente disfrutable LP.

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