egroj world: C. J. Chenier • Can't Sit Down

Friday, March 28, 2025

C. J. Chenier • Can't Sit Down

It's not easy to be the son of a famous musician, especially when that musician was the pinnacle of a genre. But C.J. Chenier, son of the great Clifton Chenier (the King of Zydeco), does a great job of following in his father's footsteps. He rocks up the zydeco a little more, and spreads the field a little wider, covering Tom Waits and Curtis Mayfield, as well connecting the short space between zydeco and blues with versions of "Baby Please Don't Go" and John Lee Hooker's "Dusty Road." There's a nod to history in a Boozoo Chavis classic, "Paper in My Shoe," and fiery versions of two songs by Clifton Chenier, where he exorcizes his ghost even as he pays homage. There are three of his own compositions, where he shows himself very much in the zydeco historical line, but on this album, at least, it's about the songs as much as the dance music, laying out his territory and establishing himself in his own right, away from the famous shadow. He's an excellent instrumentalist, one who knows how to use the accordion to the best effect in the music, and he has a crack band (including a guitar player who takes some sizzling, concise solos). Even on disc he works up a sweat -- live he must be quite something. This is an album that fully establishes him as a mature artist, with plenty to say, and the expression to say it. ~Chris Nickson


No es fácil ser el hijo de un músico famoso, especialmente cuando ese músico era el pináculo de un género. Pero C.J. Chenier, hijo del gran Clifton Chenier (el Rey de Zydeco), hace un gran trabajo siguiendo los pasos de su padre. Sube un poco más el zydeco, y extiende el campo un poco más, cubriendo a Tom Waits y Curtis Mayfield, así como conectando el corto espacio entre el zydeco y el blues con versiones de "Baby Please Don't Go" y "Dusty Road" de John Lee Hooker. Hay un guiño a la historia en un clásico de Boozoo Chavis, "Paper in My Shoe", y versiones ardientes de dos canciones de Clifton Chenier, donde exorciza a su fantasma mientras rinde homenaje. Hay tres de sus propias composiciones, en las que se muestra mucho en la línea histórica del zydeco, pero en este disco, al menos, se trata tanto de las canciones como de la música bailable, trazando su territorio y estableciéndose por derecho propio, lejos de la famosa sombra. Es un excelente instrumentista, uno que sabe cómo usar el acordeón con el mejor efecto en la música, y tiene una banda de crack (incluyendo un guitarrista que toma algunos solos chispeantes y concisos). Incluso en el disco trabaja duro, en directo debe ser algo especial. Este es un disco que lo establece plenamente como un artista maduro, con mucho que decir, y la expresión para decirlo. ~Chris Nickson


01- Can't Sit Down (3:02)
02- Baby Please Don't Go (3:56)
03- Clap Hands (3:48)
04- Ridin' With Uncle Cleveland (4:33)
05- Red Shack Zydeco (3:50)
06- Trouble In Mind (4:13)
07- Hot Tamale Baby (4:20)
08- Dusty Road (3:44)
09- Paper In My Shoe (3:17)
10- Zydeco Boogie (5:04)
11- We Gotta Have Peace (5:24)

Released: 2011
Label: World Village
Time: 45:18
Styles: Zydeco

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