egroj world: Pat Martino • The Return

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Pat Martino • The Return

Return album for sale by Pat Martino was released Sep 15, 1989 on the Muse label. Pat Martino suffered a brain aneurysm in 1980, and after successful surgery, he was left with musical amnesia. Return buy CD music He had to completely relearn how to play guitar, and the process of recovery took a long time. Return songs Finally, in 1987, he was ready to play in public and record. Return album for sale Showcased in a trio with bassist Steve LaSpina and drummer Joey Baron, Martino performs lengthy versions of four new originals during a live set from Fat Tuesdays, showing no mercy either for his sidemen or toward himself. Return CD music Eighty percent back at the time (he would continue to get stronger record by record during the next few years), the guitarist's musical courage is admirable, and the music (which can only be classified as "modern jazz") is frequently exciting. Return buy CD music ~ Scott Yanow
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El álbum Return for sale de Pat Martino se publicó el 15 de septiembre de 1989 en el sello Muse. Pat Martino sufrió un aneurisma cerebral en 1980 y, tras una exitosa operación, quedó con amnesia musical. Volver comprar CD música Tuvo que volver a aprender completamente a tocar la guitarra, y el proceso de recuperación le llevó mucho tiempo. Volver canciones Finalmente, en 1987, estuvo listo para tocar en público y grabar. Volver álbum en venta En un trío con el bajista Steve LaSpina y el baterista Joey Baron, Martino interpreta largas versiones de cuatro nuevos originales durante un set en vivo de Fat Tuesdays, sin mostrar piedad ni con sus compañeros ni consigo mismo. Volver CD music Ochenta por ciento de vuelta en su momento (seguiría fortaleciéndose disco a disco durante los siguientes años), el coraje musical del guitarrista es admirable, y la música (que sólo puede clasificarse como "jazz moderno") es frecuentemente emocionante. Volver a comprar la música del CD ~ Scott Yanow
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1 Do You Have A Name? 12:33
2 Slipback 8:50
3 All That You Have 11:09
4 Turnpike 11:24

Personnel: Pat Martino (electric guitar), Steve LaSpina (acoustic bass), Joey Barron (drums).
Recorded live in February 1987 at Fat Tuesdays N.Y.C. (N.Y.)

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